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1、Characters: Bill: husband Jane:Bills wife Jenny:Bills daughter Robert:Doctor & The car driver Act1(The scene is set in the emergency room in a local hospital in town. Jane was just sent to this hospital because of a heart disease. She needs badly an emergency treatment. It is a Sunday midnight. The

2、major doctors are not in the hospital then. Bill has been informed that the treatment fro his wife will be charged as much as 2000 dollars. He felt very helpless because his family can not afford the treatment expenses. He loved his wife very much and Jenny is still young and need a healthy mother.

3、He owes all these troubles to the poverty of the family and the large income gap between the poor and the rich. A intense resentment derives from his deep inside. He has to do something to get some money.)Bill: Jane, how are you feeling now? Jane: (weakly) I am okay. I just feel an kind of emptiness

4、 in my heart. Bill: You will get better soon. The doctor is coming to the hospital from his home. They just call for a deposit before the treatment. (Sigh) Jane: (weakly and quietly) How much will the treatment cost? We dont have much money.Bill: We have. I have ways to get enough money. We have som

5、e friendly neighbors anyway. (Bill turns to Jenny)Bill: Jenny, take good care of your mom. Just if anything happens, you should keep calm and cool and do what you think is right. Jane: Okay ,Dad. Will we stay in the hospital all the night?Bill: I am afraid so. Your mom needs treatment as soon as pos

6、sible. And the hospital is the only place where she had better stay. Jenny: I will accompany mom all the time. Do we have enough money for the treatment, Dad?Bill:Yes, we have. I am going home to get money. I have to go now.Jenny: Bye, Dad. Come back soon.Jane: Take care of yourself, Bill. I love yo

7、u.Bill: I love you too. (Bill gives a deep kiss on Janes forehead and a hug to Jenny. Then he went away.)Act2(The scene is set at a snowy road on the night. There is not much traffic in the road. Bill sees a dim yellow light of a car is coming to him. He waved his hand to stop the car. The driverMr.

8、 Robert saw him and stopped his car .)Robert : Im sorry I am afraid that I cannot take you a lift. I have something urgent to do now.Bill: (Pleadingly) Please let me in. I have been waiting in the snowy weather for long. It is very hard to see some taxies at the moment.(Robert opened the car door im

9、patiently and let Bill get in the car.)Robert: where will I drop you off?(Bill gives no reply. There is a strange silence for a while. Robert gets a little angry and he turns to look back. Bill is pointing a gun in his direction from the backseat.)Bill: Do as I tell you! Take out all your money and

10、valuable things!Robert: Be calm. I can give you money. But you should let me go soon. There is something urgent awaiting me. Bill: (Bill becomes angry. He presses the gunpoint on Roberts face.) What urgent things? Report to the police what has happened ? (Bills voice becomes louder and colder.) Yes,

11、 the police will protect you. The government will protect yourich people. You rich people do a lot of goodness to society. We poor people should do all the devil things!Robert: Calm down. Calm down, okay? I promise I will never report to the police. Please you just calm down. (Robert takes out all h

12、is money and valuables.) You can take away all these. Do they enough for you? Dont fire. I will do whatever you tell me to . Act3(The scene is set in the emergency room in the same hospital. Bill just rushed to Janes emergency room with the money he has robbed. Jane, his wife, is at the last gasp. J

13、enny is still beside the sickbed accompanying Jane.)Jane: (Breathe hard.) Is the doctor coming here?Jenny: Dad says the doctor will come here. Mom, how do you feel now? (Jenny holds Janes hand tightly and kisses them gently.)Jane: I am feeling bad. ( she pauses for a little while then continues ) It

14、 will not long before I go.Jenny: No, mom. You will be okay. Dad and the doctor will come soon. You will be okay. (Jenny holds Janes hand more tightly and tried to pull her away from the death gate.)(Then the telephone in the emergency room rings. Jenny stands up to answer the phone. It is Mr. Rober

15、t, the major doctor. )Jenny: Hello.(pause )oh Mr. Robert.(Pause)Oh, I cant believe it. You have just been robbed on the way. (pause) I am sorry to hear it. Are you ok? (pause) Thank you very much. Mr. Robert. Hope you will come as soon as possible. My mom needs you badly right now.(Jane is breathing

16、 harder and harder. Jenny comes beside her quickly.)Jenny: Mom, hold me. Look at me. we have to wait for the doctor. He is coming now. Jane: (weakly) Jenny, I dont want to go. I love you , and your Dad.(Bill rushes to the room and directly towards Janes sickbed.)Bill: Jane!No!I am here.!Look at me!(-music begins to play.)End玺噱锥汰葡柔促汞瓯芭踵篪猾饷铪窗盗忮郯敞镆唯范湖袤撮难



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