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1、 Unit3Desire for a Child Was Nearly Tragic In the small seafaring town on Plymouth Bay there live an attractive young woman named Harriet Magnis. She had an obsession. She wanted a baby for her husband. Above all things on earth, she wanted a baby for Richard. But she couldnt have one. Obsessions dr

2、ive people to do all sorts of strange things. Harriet Magniss obsession drove her to commit one of the strangest crimes in history. Richard was a gunner in the Royal Navy. Even though he was at sea for two or three years at a stretch, and was home for only a few days at a time, Harriet loved him dee

3、ply and her tragic failure to provide him with a child haunted her. To make it worse, she feared that her husband would find some other woman on his travels, a woman who could give him what she could not, and that he would leave her forever. But this day, as she wrote to her husband, she said, “My d

4、arling, God has finally smiled on us! I am at last with child! By the time you get home again, our child will have been born and you will be the father you have always wante4d it to be.” Sealing the letter in an envelope, she addressed it to the next port that her husbands ship would touch, and she

5、took it to the post office. There was only one thing wrong. Harriet wasnt pregnant. She had lied to her husband for one reason. Her letter would reach him on Christmas. And she wanted to make him happy! Months passed. A letter came from her absentee husband. Had the baby come? Was it a boy or a girl

6、? It would have saved Harriet endless grief had she now told him the truth, but she couldnt do that. It would hurt him too much. So she said that the baby had come, and that it was a boy. What she would do when her husband came home and wanted to see his son. Harriet apparently had no idea. She worr

7、ied about it a great deal, then worried a great deal more when she learned that her husbands ship was coming home in a few days. When Richards ship came in, Harriet rushed across to Portsmouth to meet him. “Where is my son?” he shouted. Harriet thought fast. “Oh, my dear,” she said. “I didnt expect

8、you so soon. The doctor felt the sea air was bad for him, so I took him to stay with his grandparents in Sussex.” She knew perfectly well that Richard would be in port for only a few days, not long enough for him to go to Sussex. So she was safe for the time being. The next time he came home, she ha

9、d another excuse. Next time, still another. But he was growing suspicious. It didnt dawn on him that there wasnt any child at all. He only suspected that she was hiding the child because it was another mans. So he laid down the law to Harriet. Next time he came home, he would see his son-and no excu

10、se would be accepted. Poor Harriet! Her lies had gotten her into really deep water now. she had succe4eded in deceiving him for three years, but now she knew that she either had to produce a three-year-old boy who looked like Richard, or had to spill the一个孩子的愿望,在普利茅斯湾有一个迷人的年轻女人名叫哈丽特 magnis 航海的小镇几乎是悲

11、剧。她有一种痴迷。她想要个孩子,她的丈夫。在地球上所有的东西,她想要个孩子,李察。但她做不到。强迫观念驱使人去做各种奇怪的事情。哈丽特 magnis 的痴迷使她犯了一个在历史上最奇怪的犯罪。李察是英国皇家海军的一名炮手。尽管他在海上连续两年或三年,或是只有几天的时间里,哈丽特深深地爱着他,她悲惨的失败给他一个孩子总是缠着她。更糟糕的是,她担心她的丈夫会在旅途中找到一些其他的女人,一个女人能给他什么她不能,那他就会永远的离开她。但是这一天,她给她丈夫,她说, “亲爱的,上帝终于向我们微笑!我最后的孩子!你再回家的时间,我们的孩子已经出世,你将是爸爸你一直 wante4d 它。 ”在信封封口的信,

12、她写给丈夫的船会碰下一口,她把它带到邮局。只有一件事是错的。哈丽特没有怀孕。她欺骗了她的丈夫的原因之一。她的信会在圣诞节到他。她想让他快乐!几个月过去了。从她出走的丈夫寄来的一封信。有了宝宝来吗?是个男孩还是女孩?它将挽救哈丽特无尽的悲伤她现在告诉他真相,但她做不到的。这会伤害他太多。所以她说宝宝来了,说那是一个男孩。她会做什么,当她的丈夫回家,想看看他的儿子。哈丽特显然没有想到。她担心一个伟大的交易,然后很担心当她得知丈夫的船回家几天。当李察的船来了,哈丽特冲到朴茨茅斯去见他。 “我的儿子在哪儿?“ 他喊道。哈丽特认为快。 “哦,亲爱的, ”她说。 “我没想到你这么快。医生觉得海边的空气对他

13、不好,所以我把他留在他的祖父母在苏塞克斯。 ”她明知李察会在港口只有几天时间,没有足够长的时间让他去苏塞克斯。所以暂时她是安全的。下一次他回家,她有另一个借口。下一次,还有一个。但他越来越怀疑。这才明白过来,没有任何孩子都。他怀疑她是隐藏的孩子因为是另一个人的。所以他放下法哈丽特。下次他回家时,他会看到自己的儿子-没有理由会被接受。可怜的哈丽特!她的谎言让她陷入很深的水现在。她 succe4eded 欺骗了他三年,但现在她知道她必须产生一个三岁的男孩看起来像李察,或有溢Unit2别让它这样结束 医院里出奇的安静,一月的晚上,宁静的空气一样,在暴风雨来临之前。 我站在护士的房间在第七层,瞥了一眼

14、时钟。这是下午 9 点。我把听诊器(听诊器)在我的脖子上和为首的 712 房间,最后一个房间大厅。712 个新的病人的房间。威廉姆斯急切地抬头看了看,但垂下了眼睛当他看到是我,他的护士。我按了听诊器在他的胸口想听到。强大的,缓慢的,甚至殴打。这正是我想要听到的。似乎有点指示(迹象)他遭受了轻微的心脏病发作,几个小时前。 他抬起头,从他的床上的白色。 “护士,你会.”他犹豫了,泪水充满了他的眼睛。我摸着他的手,等待。他擦去眼泪。 “你给我女儿打电话了吗?告诉她我患了心脏病。微不足道的。你看,我一个人生活,她是我唯一的家人。 ” 他的呼吸(呼吸)突然加速。我把他鼻(鼻的)氧高达八公升(升)一分钟。

15、 “当然,我会打电话给她, ”我说,研究他的脸。他紧紧抓住(紧抓)被单使自己前进,他脸上的紧张性。“你马上给她打电话-尽快你可以吗?“他是呼吸快太快了。 “我会叫她非常的第一件事, ”我说,拍着他的肩膀。我把灯关了。他闭上了眼睛,这样年轻的蓝眼睛在他五十岁的脸。 712 房间黑暗除了微弱的夜灯下水槽。不愿意(不情愿的)离开,我穿过幽暗的(幽暗的)沉默的窗口窗格。 (玻璃窗)是冷的。在朦胧的雾(薄雾)卷(缭绕)在医院的停车场。 ”护士, ”他叫道, “你能给我一支铅笔和一张纸吗?“我把废料(小片)黄色的纸和笔从我的口袋里,放在床边的桌子上 我走回护士室,坐在电话旁。威廉姆斯先生的女儿被列在表格(

16、图表)作为近亲。我得到了她的电话号码,从信息的声音,拨。 她温柔的声音说。 “珍妮,这是苏基德,一个注册护士在医院(注册的) 。我打电话是因为你父亲。他承认,今晚和轻微的心脏病发作和” “!“她尖叫到手机,令人吃惊的我。“他没有死,是吗?“他的病情稳定的此刻, ”我说,努力的声音听起来有说服力。沉默。“你不能让他死!“她说。她的声音是如此的令人信服的(急迫的) ,我的手在颤抖,在电话里。 “他得到最好的照顾。 ”“但你不明白, ”她恳求道。 “我的爸爸和我没说自从我第二十一岁的生日。我们有一个战斗结束我的男朋友。我跑出了房子。我还没回来。这几个月我一直想回去请求他的原谅。最后我对他说, “我恨你” 。 “燃烧着我的眼睛。 她的声音嘶哑了(变哑) 。我坐着,听着,泪水燃烧着我的眼睛。一个父亲和女儿,就这样失去了彼此。然后我想我的家庭的父亲,千里之外。它已被这么长时间以来,我所说的,“我爱你” 。当珍妮终于控制住泪水,我无声的祈祷。 “求求上帝,让这个女儿得到宽恕。 ”“我来了!我会在 3



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