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1、2016 年新 SAT Essay 要点剖析在现行的 SAT 考试中,Essay 部分常受人诟病, “出题方早先评价,现行的 SAT 作文形式,过于主观,不能准确体现考生的逻辑思辨能力及语言表达能力。”此文意在剖析新 SAT Essay(文章写作)的要点,并为计划在 2016 年或之后参加新 SAT 考试的学生提供若干文章写作方面的准备建议。一. 新 SAT Essay 题目形式与时间安排现行 SAT Essay 的题目提示(Prompt)是由引言(Excerpt)及任务(Assignment)构成,考生需在 25 分钟内完成写作任务,即回答其所提出的问题,引言的主要目的是帮助考生理解写作任务

2、。在回答任务里提出的问题时,考生必须给出自己的观点,并运用逻辑说理和举例论证的方式来支持自己的观点。考生所举之例可以来源于自己的阅读、研究、经验、观察。以 2013 年 1 月某考区举行的 SAT 考试作文提示 (Prompt)为例:Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.Many people say that money is not the most important thing in life and that being overly co

3、ncerned about money leads only to unhappiness. Others point out, however, that money and wealth have always been of dramatic significance in society. They argue that there is really nothing more important to ones overall quality of life than money.Assignment: Is money the most significant factor in

4、determining a persons quality of life? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.新的 SAT Essay 题目形式与上述现行形式有非常明显的区别。它是由一个题目提示(Prompt)和一篇长度介于 650-750 英文单词

5、之间的议论文构成。这篇待分析的议论文难度为美国高中阅读材料难度。另外,值得注意的是,不同于现行的 25 分钟写作时间安排,在新 SAT Essay 考试中,考生将利用 50 分钟完成写作。最新官方样题如下(补充说明:为了让读者更易理解,我将题目提示部分加了虚线,官方样题中是没有虚线标记的;此外,出于篇幅考虑,议论文引用时我省略了 8 个段落,保留了首段和尾段):As you read the passage below, consider how Dana Gioia uses evidence, such as facts or examples, to support claims. re

6、asoning to develop ideas and to connect claims and evidence. stylistic or persuasive elements, such as word choice or appeals to emotion, to add power to the ideas expressed.Adapted from “Why Literature Matters” by Dana Gioia. 2005 by The New York Times Company. Originally published April 10, 2005.A

7、 strange thing has happened in the American arts during the past quarter century. While income rose to unforeseen levels, college attendance ballooned, and access to information increased enormously, the interest young Americans showed in the artsand especially literatureactually diminished.(出于篇幅考虑,

8、此处省略 8 个段落)Reading is not a timeless, universal capability. Advanced literacy is a specific intellectual skill and social habit that depends on a great many educational, cultural, and economic factors. As more Americans lose this capability, our nation becomes less informed, active, and independent-

9、minded. These are not the qualities that a free, innovative, or productive society can afford to lose.Write an essay in which you explain how Dana Gioia builds an argument to persuade his audience that the decline of reading in America will have a negative effect on society. In your essay, analyze h

10、ow Gioia uses one or more of the features listed in the box above (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of his argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage.Your essay should not explain whether you agree with Gioias c

11、laims, but rather explain how Gioia builds an argument to persuade his audience.从上述样题的粗体字部分可以看出,这篇需要分析的样文最初发表于2005 年 4 月,其标题为文学为何重要(“Why Literature Matters”)。虽然每次考试考生需要分析的议论文是不一样的,题目提示(画虚线部分)在新SAT Essay 考试中会相对比较固定(像俗话说的换汤不换药),都是要求考生针对指定的议论文章来分析其特点(特点包括但不限于以下方面:证据使用、逻辑推理、风格/体裁上及说服方法上的元素下文中有更详细的说明)。题目

12、最后一段明确说明,在新 SAT Essay 考试中,考生不应该阐述自己是否同意源文本作者的观点,只需要解释上述作者是如何展开自己的论述以说服读者的。二. 新 SAT Essay 考察重点正如之前提到过的,现行 SAT Essay 题目要求在回答写作任务里提出的问题时,考生必须呈现自己的观点,并运用逻辑说理和举例论证的方式来支持自己的观点。考生所举之例可以来源于自己的阅读、研究、经验、观察。与此迥异的是,新 SAT Essay 明确表示考生不应该表明自己对源文本(议论文)的观点赞同与否,也就是说,考生不再需要利用自己的知识、观察和经验等来证明自己对某个话题的看法。考生要做的,就是分析源文本这篇议

13、论文本身是如何采取写作技巧来呈现它的观点、去说服读者的。具体说来,考生可从以下一个或几个方面来分析源文本:第一,文章作者是如何运用证据(比如事实和例子)来支持他/她的观点的。第二,文章作者是如何运用逻辑推理来开展论述、连接观点和证据的。第三,文章作者是如何运用风格/体裁上及说服方法上的元素(比如选词、诉诸情感)来增强文章表现力的。当然,考生还可以从其它角度(可自选)来分析作者是如何加强其论述的逻辑和可信度的。在上面引用的样题部分,出于篇幅考虑,我保留了文学为何重要的第一段和最后一段,省略了两者之间的八个段落。官方给出了上述样题的注解版本(Annotated Version), 从这份注解版本可

14、以看出官方期待考生对作文题做出怎样的回应(即可以看出官方期待的解题方式)。比如,官方注解版本关于文学为何重要的第一段是这样分析的:To highlight the irony and gravity of a dwindling percentage of readers, the writer juxtaposes the rise in income, college attendance, and access to college education to the decline in young Americans interest in the arts and in litera

15、ture. (作者将收入的增长、大学入学率的上升与美国年轻人对艺术及文学兴趣的下降放在一起进行对比,目的在于凸显读者比例日益下降这个问题的讽刺性和严峻性。)再比如,官方注解版本对于上述文章的最后一段分析如下:The writer uses the final sentences of the passage as an appeal to fear and national pride by warning that unless more emphasis is placed on reading, the United States will become “less informed,

16、active, and independent-minded.”These lines serve as an emotional call to action and raise the stakes of the argument the writer is making.(在文章的最后几句,作者警告道,除非阅读能受到更多的重视,否则美国将变得“不那么容易吸收新信息,不那么积极,也不那么独立自主”;这么做,作者意在激发读者的恐惧和国家荣誉感。这些内容在情感上召唤读者的行动,并彰显了作者所提观点的重要性。)对于文学为何重要这篇文章,官方共提供了 9 个注解;上面摘录了头尾共 2 个注解,并配有相应的中文翻译。理想情况下,新 SAT Essay 考试中,考生对于一篇源文章的回应应该类似于上述注解部分,应主要着眼于对文章行文逻辑和写作方法的剖析(即,分析源文本的作者写了什么,意图是什么,达到了什么效果等)。值得一提的是,文学为何重要这篇文章长度为 650-750 之间,而其所有注解


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