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1、1在职联考英语口语交际常见习惯短语all at sea 茫然、迷惑、不知所措; all thumbs 笨手笨脚; at ones disposal 听从吩咐; beat around the bush 拐弯抹角 a backseat driver 指手画脚的人; Im beat 累得筋疲力尽; behind bars 坐牢; a bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳; hes broke 破产; brush up 擦亮,刷新,温习功课; burn up at 发怒; burn the night oil 熬夜; bury(hide)ones head in the sand 逃避现实

2、; back sb. up 支持; ones cup of tea 喜爱的事情; dark horse 黑马; face the music 承担后果,受到惩罚,面对危险;go Dutch 各自付费; (the)eleventh hour 最后时刻; be fed up with 感到厌烦; few and far between 稀少,罕见; get the picture 了解概略情况; 2get stuck 困住,难住; offhand 立即,马上,事先无准备地; go down the drain,枉费心机,白白浪费掉; have ones hands full 手头工作很忙; hav

3、e words with sb与 争吵; I give you my word 对某人许下诺言; a piece of cake 极容易的事; slip ones mind 忘记 pull ones weight 齐心合力 pull oneself together 振作起来,控制自己;a rainy day 急需的时候,困难的日子; red tape 繁杂的手续; get the sack 解雇; a hard nut to crack 难对付的人 turn ones back on sb. 不理睬(表示轻蔑、忿怒等)never say die 别气馁,不要轻言放弃 turngive the

4、 cold shoulder on 冷淡对待某人; ring a bell 听起来耳熟take French leave 不辞而别; make believe 装作 be lost to sth 专心做某事 right on the target 击中要害 next to nothing 几乎没有 3with a grain of salt 有所保留 a blessing in disguise 因祸得福 be green with envy 羡慕极了 a drop in the bucket 沧海一粟 be in hot water 陷入困境 a fair-weather friend 不能

5、共同患难的朋友 be in the same boat 处境相同 a flash in the pan 昙花一现 be neither fish nor fowl 不伦不类 a late bloomer 大器晚成 be no picnic 非轻松之事 a nobody 无名之辈 be of two minds 拿不定主意 a white lie 没有恶意的谎言 be on cloud nine 高兴得飘飘然 add fuel to the flame 火上浇油 be on pins and needles 坐立不安 as sly as a fox 非常狡猾 be on the rocks 陷入

6、困境,完蛋 ask for trouble 自找麻烦 be quick to take offence 特别爱生气 bark up the wrong tree 弄错目标 be sick at heart 心里非常难受 4be at loose end 心里没有着落 be stuck on someone 迷恋上某人 be at ones wits end 智穷力竭 be too good to be true 好得另人难以相信 be completely in the dark 蒙在鼓里 be behind someones back 在某人背后 be cut out for 天生适合于 b

7、low hot and cold 息怒无常 bite off more than one can chew 力不从心 blow ones own trumpet 自吹自擂 call a spade a spade 有什么说什么 come through with flying colors 大获成功 count chicken before they are hatched 高兴太早 give sb. the gate 让某人滚蛋 drive sb. to the wall 把某人逼得走投无路 give sb. the cold shoulder 冷待某人 easier said than d

8、one 说时容易做时难 have a bone to pick with sb.对某人有意见 (feel) under the weather 身体不适 have a card up ones sleeves 胸有成竹 fight the clock 争分夺秒 have a change of heart 改变心情 fish in troubled waters 浑水摸鱼 5have butterflies in ones stomach 忐忑不安 fly into a rage 大发雷霆 have sticky fingers 手不老实 have many irons in the fire

9、 同时有很多事要做 have words with sb 与某人吵架 foot the bill 付款 have money to burn 有花不完的钱 gain the upper hand 占上风 have ones heart set on 一心想要 get a kick out of doing sth. 从中得到极大乐趣 keep an eye open 密切注视 get ones bearings 知道自己的方位 keep sb. at arms length 与某人保持距离get wind of sth. 得到风声 know the ropes 精通业务 give sb. a

10、buzz 给某人挂电话 lead sb around by the nose 牵着鼻子走 let sb. down 使某人失望 not breathe a word 不吐露一个字 let the cat out of the bag 泄密 not have the heart to do sth. 不忍心去做 live from hand to mouth 勉强糊口 on the tip of sbs tongue 就在嘴边上 6look high and low 到处都找遍 ones brain child 某人的主意 lose ones temper 发脾气 parade ones kno

11、wledge 卖弄学问 make do with 凑合 pave the way for 为铺平道路 make neither head nor tail about 摸不着头脑 play fast and loose with敷衍了事 make someones blood boil 使某人大为恼火 play it cool 不露声色 mind ones own affairs 少管闲事 put in a good word for为说好话 poke ones nose into sth. 乱打听别人的私事 put ones foot in ones mouth 说话走嘴 safe and sound 安然无恙地 take sth to heart 往心里去 see eye to eye with与意见一致 thank ones lucky stars 感到万幸 sell like hot cakes 卖得很快 sing the blues 心情低落 the apple of someones eye 某人的掌上明


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