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1、1.0 Purpose:1.1 控制采购物料的收货,检查已收物料状态,将收货信息记入库存,在必要情况下取样送质检部测试。To control the entry of procured materials at Receiving, inspect received materials, record receipts into inventory, and to provide samples to Quality Assurance for testing under necessary situation.1.2 定义生成质检放行标签的方法并确保所有原材料的标签都能正确的张贴。To de

2、fine a method for generating Quality Assurance Acceptance Labels and ensuring proper labeling for all incoming raw materials.1.3 定义易燃品的收货程序。To define the procedure for incoming flammable material handling.1.4 定义仓库使用的物料退货流程。To define the process utilized by the Warehouse to Return materials to the or

3、iginating Supplier.2.0 Scope:2.1 本程序适用于控制所有采购物料的仓库收货。This process applies to control all procured materials received at the warehouse.2.2 本程序使用于控制所有客户退货的仓库收货。This process applies to control all finished goods materials returned from customers received at the warehouse.2.3 本程序适用于控制所有生产使用的易燃品的仓库收货。Thi

4、s procedure applies to control all incoming flammable material for use in Production.2.4 本程序适用于物料退货并返还供应商,以下是几种退货的来源:This procedure applies to the return of materials and supplies to the Supplier. There are three different sources of returned materials: 物料在收货检查时发现损坏。Material Found Damaged Upon Recei

5、pt Inspection 物料在进货检验时质检未能通过。Material Fails Incoming Quality Inspection 物料在生产过程中发现不适用。Material Fails in Production3.0 Responsibilities:3.1 仓库人员负责对本程序进行维护并培训仓库操作员。The Warehouse personnel shall have overall responsibility to maintain this procedure and to provide training to the warehouse operator.3.2

6、 仓库操作员负责按本程序进行操作。Warehouse operators are responsible for following this procedure.3.3 客户服务负责在客户退货前向客户提供退货单号并在SAP 系统中生成一份客户投诉给相应部门。Customer Service is responsible for the creation of an RCA in SAP to related Department and providing a RMA number to the customer prior to material returns.3.4 采购部负责在物料退

7、货前从供应商处获取退货单号并随完整的发货申请单一同提供给仓库人员。Purchasing Department is responsible for obtaining a return material authorization from the Supplier and provide this number to the Warehouse personnel along with a completed Shipping Request form prior to the material return.4.0 Equipment:4.1 SAP质量控制模块 SAP QM Module

8、.4.2 手推车 Carts and hand trucks4.3 平板液压车Pallet Jack4.4 条形码扫描枪Barcoding scanning gun5.0 Safety Precautions:5.1 仓库人员须遵守Ablestik SHE 部门制定的安全规定。Warehouse personnel must adhere to the safety guidelines set forth by the Ablestik SHE department.5.2 在指定区域须佩带个人防护用具。PPE must be worn if required in the area5.3

9、发运化学品时须佩带安全眼镜和防酸碱手套。(在操作化学品前佩带手套,不要在开门时仍旧带手套)When delivering chemicals, safety glasses and chemical resistant gloves must be worn. (Do not wear gloves when opening doors. Put them on before handling chemicals).5.4 搬运时始终使用正确的提升方法。Use proper lifting technique at all times.5.5 当搬运玻璃容器时需使用搬运工具。Use bottl

10、e carriers when transporting glass bottles.5.6 易燃物料需存放在易燃品柜中。Flammable materials are stored in a flammable storage cabinet.5.7 腐蚀性物料需存放在腐蚀品柜中。Corrodible materials are stored in a corrosive storage cabinet.6.0 Definitions:6.1 危险物料信息表HMIS: Hazardous Material Information Sheet6.2 进货质量检验IQA: Incoming Qu

11、ality Assurance6.3 不合格品报告NCMR: Nonconforming Material Report6.4 采购定单P.O.: Purchase Order6.5 质量放行QA: Quality Assurance6.6 客户投诉RCA: Request for Corrective Action6.7 客户服务代表CSR: Customer Service Representative6.8 物料评审委员会MRB: Material Review Board6.9 发货申请表SRF: The Shipping Request Form.6.10 分析报告C of A: C

12、ertificate of Analysis。 6.11 符合性报告C of C: Certificate of Conformance。6.12 闪点,可燃性液体或固体所挥发的气体同空气相混合形成可燃混合物时的最低温度。闪点越低,物料的可燃性越高。Flash Point: Lowest temperature at which a liquid or solid gives off vapour in such a concentration that, when the vapour combines with air near the surface of the liquid or s

13、olid, a flammable mixture if formed. Hence, the lower the flash point, the more flammable the material.6.13 可燃性级数达到3级的物料闪点在37.8摄氏度以下。Materials with a Flammability rating of 3 (Serious) has a flash point of below 100 degrees F.6.14 可燃性级数达到5级的物料闪点在22.8摄氏度以下。Materials with a Flammability rating of 4 (S

14、evere) has a flash point of below 73 degrees F.7.0 Instructions:7.1.1 卸货安全准备Unloading Security preparation. 送货车辆到达仓库卸货前必须关闭引擎并将车辆钥匙交由仓库人员保管。The delivery truck must switch off the engine and make the truck key under warehouse personnel s control. 车辆停稳后须用枕木固定。The delivery truck always ch

15、ocked or secured with a dock lock after parking. 卸货前如卸货操作高度超过1.8米则装卸人员需佩带安全带或采取其他防护措施。Its need to put on the safety belt or adopt other preservation method If operator stand higher than 1.8m for cargo unloading. 仓库对紧急事件,泄露,燃烧和污染有足够的防护措施。Warehouse should preserve adequate measures to de

16、al with emergencies, leaks and emissions and effective spill containment7.1.2 物料送到仓库后收货人员须在待收货区检查破损情况并根据送货单或装箱单清点货物数量。All procured materials arriving at the receiving department are inspected for damage and counted for conformance to the deliverers manifest/packing list in Staging area. 如果货物有明显破损, 货物种类有误,送货数量有差异则联系采购部门以确定是否收货。If the material delivered is visibly damaged or the wrong material, IF the local vendors Delivery


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