
上传人:琴**** 文档编号:2122865 上传时间:2017-07-20 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:30KB
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1、1 / 2乡镇党委开展组织整顿工作总结内容预览:乡镇党委开展组织整顿工作总结 为深入贯彻落实从严管党治党责任,扎实推进组织晋位升级,根据万委办发201523 号、万组通201520号文件精神,我乡把整顿软弱涣散基层党组织与“万名干部直接联系服务群众”和精准扶贫工作结合起来,进一步明确责任,细 to form a vigorous personnel mechanism under which we can gather large numbers of talented people, put them to the best use and get them prepared for bot

2、h promotion and demotion, calling them to the service of the Party and state. In reforming and perfecting the cadre and personnel system and improving the system of public servants, we should focus on establishing a sound mechanism of selection, appointment, management and supervision, with a view t

3、o making it scientific, democratic and institutionalized. In the matter of cadre selection and appointment, Party members and ordinary people should have more right to know, to participate, to choose and to supervise. With regard 2 / 2to leading cadres of the Party and government, it is necessary to

4、 implement the system of fixed tenures, the system of resignation and the system of accountability for neglect of supervisory duty or the use of the wrong person. It is necessary to improve the system of giving cadres both positions and ranks and establish an incentive and guarantee mechanism for them. We should explore and improve the system of classified management of cadres and personnel in Party and government organs, institutions and enterprises. We should reform and improve the system of dual control over cadres. We should break with the notions and practices of overstressing seni


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