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1、韦博国际英语 学习热线:400-888-9090 hienglish 第六期爱美潮人冬季必备护肤单品Listen听力地址:http:/ Hi Graham, I see youre having a lunch. 你好,格雷厄姆,我看到你在吃午餐。Graham: Yes, I stopped at McDonalds and picked up a Big Mac. 是的,我停在麦当劳门口,买了个大汉堡。Dan: Is it delicious?那味道好吗?Graham: Not really, but I was hungry and it was close to my work.不是很好

2、,但我当时很饿,那儿离我工作的地方很近。韦博国际英语 学习热线:400-888-9090 Dan: I think you need to eat more healthy, Graham, youre looking a little pale these days.我想你需要吃更多健康的东西,格雷厄姆,你这几天看上去有点苍白。Graham: Its really none of your business what I eat for lunch. In fact youre a fat old man who causes trouble for everyone. 我吃什么不关你的事。

3、事实上,你不过是一个胖胖的老男人,给每个人都制造麻烦。Dan: Gee, Graham I was just concerned about your health. 哎,格雷厄姆,我只是关心你的健康。Graham: Im sorry Dan, I should eat better, but time is so short here in Shanghai, I have to eat fast food.很抱歉,丹。我应该吃的好些,但是在上海时间总是很短。我只能吃快餐。Dan: Its OK Graham I understand, but try eating fruits and n

4、uts for lunch.还好格雷厄姆,我能理解,但是午餐还是尽量吃点水果和坚果吧。Graham: Thanks Dan, you may be old but youre a pretty wise guy. 谢谢,丹。可能你很老,但是你很明智。韦博国际英语 学习热线:400-888-9090 Dan: The reason I put on weight was because of poor eating habits. I am trying to eat better and exercise more. Thats my goal. 我增肥的原因就是糟糕的饮食习惯。我现在正尝试着

5、吃好些,加强锻炼。这是我的目标。learn【Hi-English 原创课堂】冬季必备护肤单品爱美女生看过来!下面这些 must-have skin-care items for winter(冬季必备护肤单品)英文名可不得不知哦,要不然若有机会去国外低价购买国际知名品牌产品却不知该如何用英语表达岂不是太亏太囧了!洗面奶 facial cleanser 爽肤水 toner 紧肤水 firming toner 柔肤水 smoothing toner 保湿霜 moisturizer 隔离 /防晒霜 sunscreen 日霜 day cream 晚霜 night cream 眼霜 eye gel 润肤

6、露 body lotion面膜 facial mask 眼膜 eye mask 润唇膏 lip balm 护手霜 hand cream韦博国际英语 学习热线:400-888-9090 去黑头乳 pore cleanser 去角质膏 exfoliating scrub 小编在这里温馨提醒大家,最后的两个单品 pore cleanser, exfoliating scrub 可要慎用哦,你懂的,这两个都会深度清洁,冬天皮肤本来就脆弱,再拼命揉搓不就活受罪了嘛Look【Hi-English 特别关注】爱美潮人冬季护肤小贴士天寒地冻的冬季对皮肤可真是考验:两颊变得粗糙干燥,嘴唇开始皲裂好在咱们还是可以

7、应对的,下面就跟大家分享几个简单易行的方法。Change Your Moisturizer 更换保湿霜The lightweight moisturizer you use in summertime isnt going to cut it during the winter. To fend off (fend off, 避开;挡开)cold damage to your skin in winter, opt for creams that have heavier oil content, as the oils will create a protective layer on th

8、e skins surface. Creams rich in avocado or sweet almond oil are ideal for your face, but try to avoid using cocoa or shea butter on facial skin, as it can clog (v.阻塞) pores. 夏季用的保湿霜质地轻柔,无法应对冬天。冬季,想要避免严寒带给皮肤的伤害,就得用含油量更高的乳液,因为油分能在皮肤表层形成保护膜。面部皮肤,最好采用鳄梨或甜杏仁含量高的乳液;同时,可可油或乳木果油容易堵塞毛孔,所以选择面部护肤品时,尽量避免这两种成分。韦

9、博国际英语 学习热线:400-888-9090 And, dont forget that the skin on your entire body needs special care at this time of year. A good body lotion will replenish (v. 补充;装满)the moisture in your limbs (n. 四肢) as well as your cheeks, leaving you soft and supple all over.另外,别忘了这样的季节里,全身皮肤都需要特别呵护。好的润肤霜能给四肢补充水分,让皮肤变得

10、柔软细腻。Sunscreen 防晒If you spend a lot of time outside, dont forget to wear sunscreen! Your skin can be subjected to just as much UV damage in wintertime as in summer, so dont hesitate to put on a layer of SPF 15 before putting on your makeup.如果长时间待在室外,别忘了搽防晒霜!冬季紫外线的威力不亚于夏天,所以化妆前,一定得搽上一层 SPF15 的防晒霜。Exf

11、oliate 去角质Gentle exfoliation once a week will help to remove dry, dead skin from your cheeks and forehead, but dont go overboard (go overboard 过火;鲁莽从事) with it! Your skin takes a lot of damage from the weather outside, and scouring (v. 洗擦) it too much will actually increase wear and tear (wear and t

12、ear 磨损), and will do more harm than good. For the rest of your body, a homemade exfoliant (n. 剥离素)such as a salt or sugar scrub (n. 洗擦)can do wonders to slough off (slough off 丢弃;抛弃)dead skin cells and leave you soft and smooth all over.每个星期做一次温和的去角质,有助于去除面颊和额头上的干燥死皮,但别做过头了!室外的糟糕天韦博国际英语 学习热线:400-888

13、-9090 气,已经给皮肤造成很大伤害了,再要死命揉搓的话,损伤可就大了,只会是弊大于利。身体的其它部分,可以用盐或糖自制去角质霜,很容易就去除死皮,让全身皮肤变得柔滑。Wear Lip Balm 涂上润唇膏The skin on your lips is the thinnest and most sensitive on your entire body, so be sure to take proper care of them by protecting them from cold damagethat means you too, guys. Its not a lot of f

14、un to kiss someone whose lips are flaking (v. 剥落;片落) apart like a dry old phone book. Aim for unflavoured lip balms with a carnauba or beeswax base (stick to the former if youre vegan), and apply it regularly. Its best to avoid using petroleum jelly as a lip balm, though. Petroleum jelly isnt absorb

15、ed by the skin: it just sits on top of it, and can clog up pores rather thoroughly. Skin cant absorb any moisture if its congested with oil slurry gel.人体最薄最敏感的皮肤就数嘴唇了,所以一定要保证它们不受寒冷的侵害兄弟们,这话也是说给你们听的哦。如果对方的嘴唇皲裂得像被翻烂的电话本,那么亲嘴可就没啥意思了。可以使用不含香料的唇膏,其基本原料是巴西棕榈蜡或蜜蜡(如果你是严格的素食主义者,就得挑前一种了),然后定时使用。但是,最好不要用凡士林当唇膏。皮肤无法吸收凡士林:它只是浮在表皮上,而且会完全堵塞毛孔。如果皮肤被油腻腻的东西堵住了,那么任何保湿品都无法吸收了。Shorten Your Bath Time 缩短泡澡时间Have you ever gotten out of a hot bath after soaking for a while and realized that you were


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