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1、英语写作讲义与练习第 1 页英语句子结构知识讲义与练习一 词类英语的词有实词与虚词两种。实词都有实义,共有六类:1)名词(noun) ,如 book,water2)代词(pronoun),如 I ,you3)形容词(adjective) ,如 beautiful,happy4)数词(numeral),如 four,third5)动词(verb) ,如 come,take6)副词(adverb),如 there,today,carefully虚词没有实义,共有四类:1)冠词(article),如 a,an the 2)介词(preposition),如 in, at,on,of3)连词(conj

2、unction),如 and,or4)感叹词(interjection),如 oh二 句子成分一个句子一般皆由两部分组成,即主语部分和谓语部分。如:I get up early every day.主语:是一句的主体,是全句述说的对象,常用名词、代词或相当于名词的词或从句担任,一般位于句首。如:I respect his privacy.谓语:是说明主语的动作或状态的,常用动词担任,置于主语之后。如:The sun rises in the east.宾语:是表示及物动词的动作对象和介词所联系的对象的,常由名词或相当于名词的词担任,置于及物动词或介词之后。如:She gave a roar o

3、f pain.定语:是限定或修饰名词或相当于名词的词的,常由形容词或相当于形容词的短语或从句担任。形容词常置于名词之前, 相当于形容词的短语或从句常置于名词之后。如:John had a great desire to travel.状语:是修饰动词、形容词、副词以及全句的,常同副词或相当于副词的短语或从句担任。修饰动词时,可置于动词之前,亦可置于动词之后;修饰形容词或副词时, 常置于它们之前。如:She speaks English well.补语:是用来补充主语和宾语的意义的,一般都着重说明主语或宾语的特征,常由名词或形容词担任。如:I consider the book expensiv

4、e.表语:就是位于连系动词之后的主语补语。如:I am a teacher.三 句子英语写作讲义与练习第 2 页英语只有三种句子结构,即简单句、并列句和复合句1)简单句,一个含有主语(或并列主语)和谓语(或并列谓语)的句子。Caroline came into the classroom and sat down.2)并列句,由等立连词把两个或两个以上的简单句(叫做分句)合成的句子。I came home early, but she remained to the end of the concert.3)复合句,由关联词把主句和一个或一个以上从句合成的句子。He said that he

5、would come in the evening.根据句子的目的或用途,句子又可分为:1)陈述句用以陈述事实。The sun sets in the west.2)疑问句用以提出问题。Who is standing at the window?3)祈使句用以表示请求、命令等。Open the window, please.4)感叹句用以表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情。How handsome he is!在英语里,句子的基本结构有下列五种:一 主+谓I study in a middle school.He works.for ABC company.She will go there.1自从改革开

6、放以来我们家乡发生了翻天覆地的变化Great changes have taken place in our hometown since the reform and opening-up.2这场大火持续了约 2 小时。The fire last about two hours.3我在一家旅行社工作了两个月。I worked in a travel agent for two months.4我们约定在上午 6:30 校门口碰面。We are to meet at the gate at 6:30 a.m.5目前世界上只有几千只大熊猫。Currently only several thous

7、and of giant pandas exist in the world.6本课程开课时间 9 月 10 日。The course starts on September,10th.7我的家乡位于长江之滨。My hometown lies on the Changjiang River.8他工作努力。He studied hard.9我将在今年七月份毕业。I will graduate in July this year.二 主+谓+ 宾She can speak fluent English.My mother made a sweater specially for me.I disl

8、ike watching TV.I will consider the matter.英语写作讲义与练习第 3 页1为了提高英语口语我们将要举行高中英语演讲比赛To improve our oral English we will hold the English Speech Compitition for senior students.2一家美国公司想在我市建一个纸厂。An American company wants to build a paper factory.3我们可以在因特网上欣赏音乐、观看球类比赛、交友。We can enjoy music, watch ball game

9、s and make friends on the internet.4我每天用英语写日记。I keep a diary in English every day.5电视在日常生活中扮演着重要的作用。TV plays an important role in our daily life.6这可以提高工作效率、降低产品成本。It can raise the work efficiency and reduce the cost of the products.7节日期间,人们会拜访亲朋好友。During the festival, people will call on their relat

10、ives and friends.8我市有超过 100 万人口。My city has a population of more than 1 million.9如今人们过上了幸福的生活。Nowadays people live a happy life.10 大多数人都拥有了自己的房子。The majority of people have a house of their own.11 本公司已开发出了名为阳光牌的新型小轿车。The company have developed a new kind of car with Sunshine as its brand.12 放烟花能营造一种

11、幸福吉祥的氛围。Setting off fireworks can create an atmosphere of happiness and joy.13 我获得全国大学生英语演讲比赛一等奖。I won the the first prize in the national English Speech Compitition for college students. 14 我懂法语和日语。I know French and Japanese.15 我们可以通过手机发短信和上网。We can send short messages and surf the internet through

12、 mobile phones.16 他最近取得了很大的进步。He has made great progress recently.17 她在与他人沟通上方面感到有点困难。She has some difficulty communicating with others.18 我带领他们参观了一些名胜。I showed them around some places of interest.19 我们以米饭为主食。We live on rice.20 在他的帮助下,我的口语水平大提高了。With his help, my oral English has improved a lot.21 自

13、从改革开放以来,我的家乡呈现出一派新的景象。My hometown has taken on a new look since the reform and opening-up.英语写作讲义与练习第 4 页22三 主+谓+ 双宾My father gave me a bike as a gift.She bought me a book.Mr. Wu teaches us English.1. 他向我解释迟到的原因。2. 他经常发 EMAIL 给我。3. 他把书递给我。四 主+谓+ 宾+宾补What he said made us happy.I find the book very int

14、eresting.I find it hard to learn English well.I consider her my younger sister.1你能看到河上来来往往的船只,一片繁忙的景象。You can find ships and boats coming and going busily on the river.2他的医生建议他不要演出了。His doctor advises him not to perform.五 主+系+ 表I am a student.The apple tastes nice.The food goes bad easily in Summer.

15、My cousin becomes a teacher.1春节是中国最重要的传统节日之一。The Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China.2大熊猫濒临灭绝。Giant pandas are on the point of dying out.3街道宽敞、干净,两旁绿树成荫。The streets are wide and clean with green trees on both sides.4晚上,灯火通明,格外漂亮。At night, it looks even more beautiful with

16、 all the lights on.英语写作讲义与练习第 5 页5本产品很受顾客欢迎。The products are popular with customers.6欢迎所有高中学生参加本次比赛。All the senior students are welcome to take part in the contest.7并非所有人都赞成这个计划。Not all the people are in favor of the plan.8他成为第一个游过长江的中国人。He is the first to swim across the Changjiang River. 9人们不再为食物而担忧。People are no longer worried about food.10 中餐往往含有丰富的纤维和少量的脂肪和糖。The Chinese food is rich in fibre and low in fat and sugar


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