File significance interpretation Nanyang Han stone(南阳汉石文件的意义解释)

1File significance interpretation Nanyang Han stoneSummary: Han stone is the precious heritage of the Chinese national artistic treasures. Covers the Han Dynasty politics, economy, folklore, social production, ideology, culture and the arts, and many other the Han stone as a unique file carrier, both valuable historical relics, precious archival material, has a higher File significance. Keywords: Nanyang Han stone, file, Han stone rose in the middle Western, prevailed in the mid-term of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the end of the Eastern Han fading With the demise of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty Stone carving manufacturing gradually exit the stage of history but as historical records Han stone with a unique technique of expression and special art form, reflect the customs of the Han Dynasty funerary ritual, and reproduction of the content of the Han Dynasty political, economic, ideological, artistic, is part of the ancient civilization, has 2become a precious heritage of the Chinese national artistic treasures, with a high Historical Value and archival value. A point of view from the carrier, Nanyang Han stone is a unique file carrier Five thousand years of Chinese civilization, the file carrier forms With the continuous progress of human civilization and evolution. Tortoise shells, animal bones, the bronze stone tools, bamboo booklet, cotton silk paper and are within a certain historical period as the main file carrier full advantage of of which the rock carvings file widespread, retained since the Ming and Qing ancient Chinese historical archives, the rock carvings files occupy a certain proportion of the content related to various aspects of social life. mainly stone monument in the ancient rock carvings files epitaphs, Cliff, religious statues, inscriptions, stone by other types of stone relief stone carvings file artisans to stone base, is doing it with a knife, using a variety of sculptures carved out of the work of art, mainly used for gravestones underground tomb, cemetery ancestral halls, doors Que, Temple Que Building and Decoration Materials portrait stone as a 3stone - archives, mainly pictorial form (partial text engraved in stone carrier, it vividly preserved social activities Information. The Han Dynasty files writing material inherited the pre-Qin bamboo and bamboo slips, but termites burnt and difficult to preserve. Nanyang is located in the Central Plains, << Hanshu Geography >> records Nanyang west Wuguan East by JAC its east, west, north and is surrounded by mountains on three sides basin structure for the Han Dynasty carved natural materials, and stone materials durable corrosion-resistant, not easily damaged and migration. Hegel << aesthetics> > about to be carved in stone, wood, bronze, gold and other materials, particularly suitable The material is suitable to be carved stones. Objectivity itself strong durable stone. [1] and the large size of the Han Dynasty Nanyang smelting iron, the level of technology is very advanced, high quality iron tools, the Han Dynasty stone carving possible. [2] during the Qin Dynasty, the development of the art of painting, sculpture in the round and inscriptions, and the Han 4Dynasty murals, painting on silk, lacquer painting, pottery, paintings and portraits brick popular and create artistic sources, but also for the generation of the Han Dynasty stone. Immortal Thoughts flood vulgar by science, alchemy, witchcraft popular the original Taoism gradually rise, gave birth to a of Nanyang Han stone funeral customs prevalent. combined Nanyang fertile land, irrigation development, bountiful After successive rulers with the people rest, to resume production, according << Later Han LIU Long Chuan >> said Nanyang suppliers all over the world, “the rich crown at home”, “the Henan empire more than the Elegance, Nanyang Recounting close relatives.” (<< >> Nanyang Han Liu Long to become the largest distribution center for North-South trade and economic and Luoyang, Handan, Linzi, Chengdu, adding that “five” in the country, in the political, economic, and cultural prominence, the birth of the Han Dynasty stone laid a good foundation for society. Second, from a value point of view, Nanyang Han stone has a higher archival value Nanyang Han stone and more from more than 50 5tombs, tombs inside the building components. Nanyang Han numerous stone theme, save more complete contents cover Han Dynasty’s political, economic, cultural, artistic, religious beliefs, these precious historical materials has always been for archaeologists, historians and the arts of attention and research. their value is mainly manifested in: (A) Buque Culling In the form of the Han stone to picture for historical informative to document and reflect. Burial land can reflect the historical, geographic, economic, and other circumstances. Tomb of love, life, official post records to reflect the prevailing political system, while drawing scenes of life and recreational

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