9Aunit1 第一课时课件

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1、普世教育个性化辅导教案教师 学生姓名 上课日期学科 英语 年级 9A 授课时段教学内容 Unit1 单词记忆教学目标个性化学习问题解决教学重点、难点一般现在时的被动语态 be ( am, is, are)+及物动词的过去分词考点分析tell, talk, say, speak 的区别,重点单词如 mistake,divide 等的用法考题1. Mr.Wu is going to_ at our class meeting.A. say B. tell C. speak D.talk2. A wallet _ in the car.A was found B found C find D wer

2、e found小结能够熟练的运用所学单词,运用到实际生活中。普世教育 中小学个性化课外辅导专家 普世教育- 1 -教学内容:重点单词解析:1.divide vi.& vt. Cut sth into parts 划分,分The train divides at Beijing. 这列火车在北京分途行驶。A week is divided into seven days. 一个星期有七天。固定搭配 divide sth in /into 将某物分成divide sth (between A and B) 将某物分割开2.Similar adj. Alike, almost, the same 相

3、似的,类似的Have you been to a similar place? 固定搭配 (1) be similar in 在。方面类似 (2) be similar to 和。类似汤姆和吉姆在性格方面差不多。他的问题跟你的差不多。3.energetic adj. Having lots of energy 精力充沛的Kitty is an energetic girl. 拓展, 名词形式 energy 能量Kitty needs a lot of energy to dance every day. 4.active adj. Always busy doing things, espec

4、ially physical activities 活跃的,积极的 反义词,inactiveShe is a girl with an active brain. 她是一个头脑灵活的女孩。拓展 activity n. 活动,活跃; actively adv. 活跃地5.leader 领导者Mao Zedong was our great leader. 毛泽东是我们伟大的领袖。6.patient adj. 耐心的 be patient with sb/sth 对某人/某事有耐心The teacher is very patient with the children. 拓展 patient 病

5、人The patient is getting better. 那位病人正逐渐康复。注意 patient 反义词为 impatient(不耐心的)7.save vt. Keep for future use 储蓄,积攒The students are saving money for the charities. 拓展 作为动词用 还可意为“挽救,拯救,节省,保存”学生笔记: Well do something to save the animals. 我们将采取措施拯救动物。用这种方式,我们可以节约更多水。8.fair adj. 公平的 公正的 反. UnfairTeachers shoul

6、d be fair to each student.拓展 Its not fair for you to treat the fair man with fair hair like that. 你那样对待那位金黄色头发的白皙男子是不公平的。9.peace n. 和平,和睦,安宁People all over the world love peace. 全世界的人们爱好和平。拓展 peaceful adj. 安宁的,安静的10.argue vi. 辩论,争论,争吵 常用于 argue with sb. 与某人争吵argue about/over sth. 争论某事Listen ! which

7、two people are arguing? 听!哪两个人在争吵?Dont _ me. They are _ the plan.拓展 argument n. 争论,争辩Its not the time for argument. 11. silly adj. foolish, stupid 傻的,愚蠢的Its silly of you to do that. 你那样做真傻。12. mistake n. 错误,失误I made a mistake yesterday.Mistake 的用法 (1)by mistake 由疏忽所致 Im sorry I took your book by mis

8、take.(2) make a mistake 犯错误 He was so careless that he made some mistakes.拓展 mistaken adj. 错误的Your answers are mistaken. 你的答案错了,13.dream vi & vt 做梦,梦见,梦想 dream about/of doing sth 梦想做某事 Dream that 梦想I often dreamt a lot sometime last year. 去年的某个时候我经常做梦。I dream that I can take part in the competition

9、.我梦想我能参加比赛。拓展 dream n. 梦想,梦Its my dream to have a laptop.14. awake adj. 醒着的,警惕的普世教育 中小学个性化课外辅导专家 普世教育- 3 -拓展: awake 和 wake 的区别wake 是动词, awake 是形容词,可做表语不能做定语。My mother _ me up everyday.The baby is _.新词强化训练用所给词的适当形式填空1.Tom is an (energy) boy. He likes playing football.2.The girl doesnt enjoy (argue) w

10、ith others.3.She is very careful. She seldom makes a few (mistake).4.A lot of people wish to have a (peace) life.5.Its (fair) of you to treat the boy. He is still a child.6.The boy is (patient). He cant wait for a long time.7.I (save) my money so I can buy a car,-So am I.单项填空8,-I think you can money

11、 by yourself to buy a birthday present for your mother.-Ok, Ill try. Ill not let a penny waste.A. spend B. save C. cost D. leave9. There was a big earthquake in Japan, but luckily many people .A. save B. saved C. are saved D. were saved10. Why are you staying up so late playing computer games again?

12、 Stop being so !A. funny B. silly C. serious D. happyComic strip名词短语 star signs 星座There are twelve star signs in a year.提问:1.What is your (星座)? Can you tell me?2.How many (星座)are there in a year? Do you know?课文重点:1. bring v.意为“带来”。 eg. Bring me some water.2.read v. 意为“读”。 eg. My father likes reading

13、 newspapers after supper.拓展:watch, see, read 和 lookWatch 看;观看,多用指观看电影,电视节目,比赛,演出等。 Watch tv See 通常指看电影,看病,看望某人等。 Read 指看书看报Look 看;注视,指有意识地将目光集中到某物上,目的是为了看见它,具体“看着”某物用 look at 或 have a look at。3. interesting adj. “有趣的”。 The film is interesting.拓展:Interest, interesting, interested ?Interest n.兴趣;v. 使感

14、兴趣Interesting adj. 有趣的,既可作定语,又可作表语,常修饰物Interested adj. 感兴趣的,常指人对物感兴趣,常用于短语 be interested in。4.当表示“在上面写着或显示着”时用 say。 以下这些词一般作为主语:letter, note, newspaper, notice(布告,通知),guidebook(指南书), instruction(说明)等。Eg. The notice on the board says “look out”. 木板上的告示写到“当心”。拓展:tell,talk,say,speak?Tell 表示“告诉”,常用结构:te

15、ll sb sth 告诉某人某事;tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事;tell sb (not) to do sth 告诉某人(不)做某事。Talk 表示“ 谈论,说还 ”,是不及物动词,常用结构:talk to/with sb 与某人交谈; talk about 谈论/讨论Say 表示“说话”,强调说话的内容,是及物动词,其后需要接宾语。Speak 除表示“说某种语言”(及物动词)外,其余一般用作不及物动词,表示“与某人说话” 用 speak to sb。5.worry about 意为“(在持续的一段时间内)担心,烦恼,为。发愁,相当于 be worried about。Worrying about your health all the times is bad for you.老是担心自己的健康对你有害处。知识巩固训练普世教育 中小学个性化课外辅导专家



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