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1、Unit 1 Lifestyles,1. n.压力 adj.充满压力的;紧张的 2. v. 使放松 adj.令人放松的 adj.放松的,轻松的 n. 3. adj.紧急的 adv. 紧急地 n.紧急 4. n.人 adj.个人的,私人的 adv. 5. n. 和平;平静 adj.和平的,平静的 adv. 6. v.使厌烦 adj.厌烦的 adj.令人厌倦的 7. v.抱怨;投诉 n.抱怨;埋怨 8. v. 组织 n. n.组织者 9. v. 减少;降低 v.(同义词) v.(反义词) 10. v. 有重大关系 n.事件;物质;麻烦事 as a matter of fact=in fact=in

2、 reality to make matters worse=whats worse a matter of life and death Whats the matter/trouble (with sb.)? 3. live/lead a happy/healthy life 4. quarrel with sb. 5. be good/bad for. 6. be supposed/expected to do sth. 7. complain (to sb) of/about. make a complaint about. 8. switch on switch off switch

3、 over (to) switch (from A) to B 9. broaden our view/horizon 10. go off(爆竹/铃等)响;爆炸;变质 go over仔细检查;复习 go against违背,1. get changed get dressed 2. here and there=everywhere 3. Failure is the mother of success. success n. successful adj. succeed v. succeed in doing sth. 4. think/speak highly/well of.=hav

4、e a good/high opinion of. 5. reduce .to. reduce.by. 6. cant stand doing sth. 7. graduate from +学校 graduate in+专业 8. challenge sb. to do sth. 9. support oneself/ones family in support of. 10. by designed for/as/to do. 为 . 而设计 by design=on purpose by accident=by chance 11. suffer from+疾病/自然灾害 suffer+l

5、oss/punishment/defeat/hardship 12. be on a diet,1. an expert in/on/at. 2. on ones way (to)+地点(here,there,home前无to) 3. lie-lied-lied-lying说谎 tell a lie/lies lie-lay-lain-lying平躺;位于 lay-laid-laid-laying放置;下蛋 4. be crowded with.挤满 a crowd of. crowd in/into/onto.大批涌入 5. in the distance at a distance of.

6、 keep ones distance from sb./sth. 6. weather forecast 7. far away from. 8. make sure be sure to do sth. 9. be free of.免除;摆脱 be free from不受.影响;无.的 set free释放 free of charge免费 10. be fond of.,1. This knife is the same that I have lost. This knife is the same as I have lost. 2. at the moment此刻,目前 for a

7、 moment/while一会 for the moment/present暂时,目前 the moment (that). 一 . 就 . 3. over the years 4. come up with. when it comes to+n./pron./v-ing 5. The following are some suggestions/tips/Chinese customs. When in Rome do as the Romans do. Im looking forward to hearing from you soon. (receiving) your early reply. 6. have.for breakfast/lunch/dinner 7. at ones desk=at desk在伏案工作 at the desk在书桌旁 at table在吃饭 at the table在饭桌旁 8. be ready for. be ready to do sth. 9. put on/lose weight weigh v.,



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