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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学英语六级分类模拟题588大学英语考试复习资料大学英语六级分类模拟题588大学英语六级分类模拟题588Part Writing问题:1. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. You can give examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least

2、150 words but no more than 200 words.答案:参考范文 Grow Up and Become Who You Are People tend to look on childhood memory as the best time of their whole life and feel the temptation of resisting growing up as growing up usually comes along with pains and struggles. Indeed, it takes courage to grow up and

3、 become who you really are. Growing up not only involves coming of age but also entails maturity of mental development and flexibility of doing things. Surely, it is inevitable that we will suffer from difficulties on the way of growing up because becoming who you really are requires sense of respon

4、sibility and courage. For example, when you feel mature enough to choose a major or a career your parents may think otherwise and advise you to perform what they think is the best for you in the name of love. Under such circumstances, you definitely need courage to follow your heart. In conclusion,

5、growing up may not seem fascinating, but it is a threshold one must step across. One day, when you find yourself capable of shouldering your own responsibility without fear and panic, you may realize all the tears and pains in the process of growing up are worthwhile.解析 本文是一篇议论文,要求考生对“为什么长大成为真正的自己需要

6、勇气”这一观点发表自己的评论。写作时,考生应在首段引出话题,中间部分阐明长大成为真正的自己需要勇气的原因,可以举例进行说明,最后对文章进行总结或就观点提出相应的建议。 Part Reading ComprehensionSection A Just off the coast of Southern California sits Santa Cruz Island, where a magical creature called the island fox 1 . A decade ago, this islands ecosystem was in 2 . Wild pigs attra

7、cted golden eagles from the mainland, and those flying 3 crashed the fox population. So the Nature Conservancy launched a 4 war against the pigs, complete with helicopters and sharp shooters. And it worked. Today, federal agencies are pulling the island fox from the Endangered Species List. Its the

8、fastest-ever recovery of a mammal, jollying peers like the Louisiana black bear as glowing successes in the history of the Endangered Species Act. But the recovery of Santa Cruz Island isnt just about the fox. The Nature Conservancy has 5 war on a multitude of invasive species here, from sheep to pl

9、ants to the 6 Argentine ant. Our philosophy with the island has always been, OK, 7 the threats and let the island go back to what it was, says ecologist Christina Boser. And it appears to be working. Native plants are coming back, and the fox once again bounds about carefree. But keeping those foxes

10、 from harm will occupy Boser and her colleagues for years to come. You see, humans are still allowed on Santa Cruz Island, and they bring dogs. So Boser has to vaccinate her foxes against various diseases. Were obligated to keep a pulse on the population for at least five years after the foxes are d

11、elisted, says Boser. That includes tagging the foxes and 8 their numbers to ensure nothing goes wrong. This is the story of the little fox that has come back, and the people who have 9 their lives to protecting it. This is the story of wildlife conservation in the age of mass 10 . A. aggressive B. c

12、haos C. configuration D. declared E. dedicated F. dwells G. extinction H. fierce I. hinders J. mammal K. monitoring L. predators M. remove N. tempt O. underlying 1.答案: F参考译文 圣克鲁斯岛坐落在加利福尼亚南部海岸附近,岛上有一种神奇的生物栖居,名叫岛屿灰狐。十年前,岛上的生态系统一片混乱。野猪引来了大陆的金雕,而这些会飞的食肉动物又严重影响岛屿灰狐的数量。因此,自然保护协会发动了一场猛烈的反猪大战,并配备了直升机和神枪手。 这

13、起效果了。今天,联邦机构正在将岛屿灰狐从濒危物种的名单中移除。这是哺乳动物恢复得最快的一次,与路易斯安那黑熊一样,在美国濒危物种法的历史上获得了辉煌的成功。 但是圣克鲁斯岛的恢复不仅与岛屿灰狐有关。美国自然保护协会已经对这里的众多入侵物种宣战,从绵羊到植物,再到好斗的阿根廷蚂蚁。生态学家克里斯蒂娜博瑟说:“我们对这个岛的理念一直是,好吧,消除威胁,让这个岛回到它原来的样子。”这似乎正在发挥作用、本土植物正在复苏,狐狸又一次无忧无虑地活蹦乱跳了。 但是,保护这些狐狸不受伤害将是博瑟和她的同事们今后很多年的工作。你看,人们仍然被允许登上圣克鲁斯岛,而他们带看狗。为此博瑟必须给她的狐狸注射疫苗来抵抗

14、各种疾病。博瑟说:“在岛屿灰狐从濒危物种名单中移除后,我们必须在至少五年的时间里持续掌握它们的情况。”这包括给它们挂上标牌,监控它们的数量,以确保一切正常。 这是小狐狸回来的故事,是人们为了保护狐狸奉献一生的故事。这也是大灭绝时代保护野生动物的故事。 名词:chaos混沌,混乱 configuration配置;结构;外形 extinction灭绝;消失;废止 mammal哺乳动物 predators食肉动物复数 remove间距,距离 动词:declared宣布;宣称过去式/过去分词 dedicated致力;献身过去式/过去分词 dwells居住;存在于;细想第三人称单数 hinders阻碍;

15、打扰第三人称单数 monitoring监视现在分词/动名词 remove移开;去除;开除 tempt诱惑,引诱 underlying成为的基础;构成的原因现在分词/动名词 形容词:aggressive侵略性的;好斗的;有进墩心的 dedicated专注的;献身的 fierce凶猛的;猛烈的,强烈的 underlying潜在的;根本的;在下面的 解析 空格位于为where引导的定语从句。该从句的主语为a magical creature,其后的called the island fox是修饰主语的后置定语,亦即从句缺少谓语,故空格处应填入动词。主语a magical creature为单数,那么填入的应该是动词的第三人称单数。词库中符合语法的有dwells和hinders,只有dwells“居住”填入后句意和逻辑通顺,指“岛上住着一种神奇的生物”。2.答案: B解析 空格位于介词in后面,可能需填入名词或动名词。结合下文语境(野猪引来



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