Starter Module 4 Unit 3 示范教案(七上)

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1、Starter Module 4 My everyday lifeUnit 3 Whats your favourite sport?教学设计一、教学目标1. 掌握新词汇:basketball, football, swimming, sport, let, us, lets, play, after, school, idea2. 掌握新句型:Whats your favourite sport?Football!Lets play football after school.OK. Good idea.3. 能够听懂有关运动话题的简单对话。4. 能够正确熟练地和同伴谈论自己最喜欢的运动。5

2、. 能够编写谈论运动的小对话。6. 培养学生热爱体育运动的好习惯;培养热爱生活的良好品行;加强锻炼,增强运动与健康的意识。二、教学重点及难点重点:1. 听懂有关运动话题的简单对话。2. 熟练地和同伴谈论自己最喜欢的运动。难点:1. 掌握并灵活运用询问喜欢某种体育运动的句式。2. 编写谈论运动的小对话。三、教学准备教师:多媒体课件学生:课前预习四、相关资源相关教学图片五、教学过程Step 1 RevisionLook at the pictures and talk about them.设计意图:通过看图说话,让学生练习上节课所学重点句型。Step 2 Warming-upLook and t

3、alk.设计意图:通过谈论学生熟悉的话题运动,激发学生的兴趣,为本课的学习奠定基础。Step 3 Presentation1. Watch and learn.设计意图:教师通过展示新授词汇的图片,帮助学生直观的认知理解单词的含义,为后面的听读扫清词汇障碍。2. T plays the recording and have the students repeat the words.设计意图: 通过播放录音跟读单词,可以帮助学生复述新词汇,同时跟读、模仿,可以纠正学生语音语调。3. Talk about four pictures first. 4. Then listen and write

4、 the number for the order they hear each sport.设计意图:通过谈论四幅图片,学生在说的过程中,复现新单词。之后通过听音标序号的题目,可以再次巩固所学新词汇。5. Listen and answer.6. Listen and read. 设计意图:通过听并回答问题,听录音跟读的活动,培养学生抓关键信息的能力,同时可以纠正学生的发音。Step 4 Practice1. T asks Ss to read the dialogue first and number.2. Listen and then check in pairs.设计意图:通过听读排

5、序活动,培养学生在语境中理解目标语言的能力。3. T asks Ss to look at the sports and write the sports under the correct heading. 设计意图:通过完成英语搭配问题,加深学生对运动词语的印象,有助于学习地道的英语。4. T lets Ss work in pairs to ask and answer.设计意图:结对活动,让学生按照范例谈论自己喜欢的体育活动,有助于提高学生的口语表达能力。5. Put Ss in groups of 46 to talk about the missing words.6. Liste

6、n and write.7. Listen and check.设计意图:学生在组内讨论消失的单词,有助再次巩固所学运动词汇。之后让学生通过听的方式书写出本单元的重点句型,巩固所学知识。8. Fill in the blanks.设计意图:当堂检测,巩固所学知识。Step 5 SummaryKey words: basketball, football, swimming, sport, let, us, lets, play, after, school, ideaKey sentences:Whats your favourite sport?Football!Lets play foot

7、ball after school.OK. Good idea.设计意图:巩固所学的重点词汇及句型。Step 6 Homework1. Review the key words, phrases and sentences.2. Investigate the sports your classmates plan to take part in next semesters school sports meeting.设计意图:通过复习本节课所学知识点,调查同学要参加的体育项目,巩固所学的重点词汇及句型。七、板书设计Starter Module 4 My everyday lifeUnit 3 Whats your favourite sport?1. Key words: basketball, football, swimming, table tennis, sport, let, us, play, after, school, idea2. Key sentences:(1) Whats your favourite sport?Football!(2) Lets play football after school.OK. Good idea.4


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