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1、9B Unit 4 Life on MarsComic strip & Welcome to the unit. 根据句意及汉语提示或上下文提示写出单词1. He went camping with us and taught us how to put up a _ (帐篷) . 2. Mr. Wang told us everything weighs more on the Earth than on Mars because of _ (重力) . 3. A _ (电源) pack can provide the spacesuits with electricity to keep

2、the spacemen safe. 4. When you go diving under the sea, you need to take an air _ (氧气罐) . 5. Why not put on your _ ? It can protect your head. It makes me uncomfortable, so I dont need it. 6. Any _ offer in this shopping mall now? Sure, there s discount on last years e products. . 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空1.

3、The _ (dry) vegetables dont taste as good as the fresh ones. 2. Do you drink much coffee as before? No, none; at all. Now my _ (sleep) problem is getting better. 3. To make a green world, we should try to reduce air _ (pollute) by walking more and driving less. 4. I thought the dancing class would b

4、e _ (bore), but it turned out to be a lot of fun. 5. My brother has ever thought about _ (return) to Yangzhou so that he can get a good job in the future. . 单项选择1. The manager s voice sounded _ on the phone. He offered to show us around the company. A. softlyB. friendlyC. gentlyD. seriously2. The co

5、uple will be away for a while and they need someone _ the baby. A. look afterB. looking afterC. looked afterD. to look after3. How do you like the book? Very useful, Community safety is _ introduced in it.A. speciallyB. usually C. badlyD. probably4. You are always on time for everything. How _ it be

6、 that you were late for the meeting this morning? Something went wrong with my car. But I didnt know it before I left home. A. shouldB. mustC. mayD. can5. Uncle Sam, I have to leave right now. What a pity! I _ you could stay a little longer with us. A. thoughtB. thinkC. am thinkingD. have thought6.

7、The weather report says we will expect a sunny a day tomorrow. _ . I am going to go climbing with my classmates. A. Bad luckB. I hope soC. Sounds terrible D. Im afraid so . 根据汉语意思完成句子1. 在火星上, 你能比在地球上跳得高。_ on Mars than _ .2. 我的家人正在考虑明年买新房子的事情。My family _ a new house next year. 3. 你觉得我昨天买的新裙子怎么样?_ the

8、 new dress I bought yesterday?4. 我原以为你喜欢踢足球。但事实上, 你喜欢打篮球。I _ playing football, But in fact, you like playing basketball. 5. 许多年轻人梦想着在月球上行走。Many young people _ on the Moon. . 完形填空Recently, great scientists around the world were able to create a real picture of a black hole. The black hole named Poweh

9、i is about 55 million light years from Earth. This means light travelling from that point takes 55 million years to be _1_ on the Earth. When we look at the picture of Powehi, its like we are looking into the past. Light started a journey from Powehi to planet earth millions of years ago, _2_ light

10、from the sun takes only about 8 minutes and 20 seconds. Black holes have always attracted scientists because black hole isnt a hole. _3_ , it is a place in space with a lot of matter (物质) inside. It has so much gravity that our sun can be pulled into it _4_ . Even light cant avoid it. As a result, i

11、ts always black. It was an amazing discovery. It _5_ many ideas about black holes. It also proved Albert Einstein was _6_ about his Theory of General Relativity (相对论) which explains the relationship between space and time. This discovery is more than a story about the development of technology that

12、_7_ humans to see a black hole for the first time. Its also a story of how these scientists from all over the world worked together for many years to have this great _8_ .Scientists also point out that the first picture of Powehi is the _9_ of many more discoveries. One of the most important lessons

13、 we learn from this picture is to keep learning. Aristotle once said, “The more you know, the more you _10_ you dont know.” You never know what amazing discovery you will find. 1. A. seenB. touchedC. coveredD. used2. A. afterB. untilC. whileD. because 3. A. In allB. In factC. In placeD. In order4. A

14、. freelyB. easilyC. clearlyD. exactly5. A. forgot B. choseC. doubtedD. confirmed6. A. rightB. sorryC. worriedD. crazy7. A. allowedB. forcedC. advisedD. invited8. A. attractionB. applicationC achievementD. agreement9. A. chanceB. challengeC. beginningD. boundary10. A. realizeB. reportC. refuseD. repeat. 任务型阅读The way we spend our time can be divided into three groups or jars (罐子). These would be the necessary tasks jar, the voluntary tasks jar and the happiness jar. Every day, we spend time filling the necessary tasks jar. We fill this jar with useful things, like making m


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