英语七年级上册冀教版 Lesson 10 Clothes for a Cold Day (共14张PPT)

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1、Lesson 10: Clothes for a Cold Day,gggjWelcomfggfhColours and Clothes,初中h英语冀教版七年级,(The first period),Welcome to our class,学习目标: 1、掌握单词:catch、 ready、 jacket、pants 、 forget、 hat、 so、 bright 2、会翻译短语:be ready for 、 catch a cold、 put on say goodbye to sb go well with 3、熟读课文,1、Do you like a cold day? Why?

2、2、How is the weather today?,catch ready dinosaur T-shirt jacket forget,v. 接住; 抓住; 染上(病) n. 抓球(游戏) adj. 准备好的 n. 恐龙 n. 短袖汗衫 n. 夹克;上衣 v. 忘记,单词大练兵:,n. 帽子(指有边的帽子) n. 裤子 adj. 丰富多彩的 adv. 非常;那么;很 adj. 明亮的;耀眼的,hat pants colourful so bright,练一练: 1、Look!Our classroom is so _(明亮的). 2、Boys and girls,whose _(帽子)i

3、s this? 3、This _( 短袖汗衫 )is too big, Can I have a small one? 4、I dont like this_( 夹克). 5、Tom ,dont _( 忘记)to buy a pen. 6、I want to buy _(两条裤子). 7、we are _(准备好了)for class. 8、Our school life is _(如此的) colourful.,Read the dialogue,Danny is ready for shool He says goodbye to his mum.,You may catch a cold

4、,Wait, Danny! Its cold today. You cant wear a T-shirt and shorts.,Mum, I look nice in this green T-shirt. And I like shorts.,Look! Its raining. You may catch a cold.,OK. Mum.,Danny! Your jacket doesnt go well with your shorts.,OK. Dont forget your umbrella.,Well, I dont like to wear pants.,Its in my

5、 schoolbag. Bye, Mum.,A: Wait, Danny! Its _ today. You _ _ a T-shirt and _. B: Mum, I look nice _ this _ _. And I like _. A: Look! Its _. You may _ _ _. B: OK, Mum.,cold,cant wear,shorts,in,green T-shirt,shorts,raining,catch a cold,A: Danny! Your _ doesnt _ _ _ your shorts. B: Well, I dont like to _

6、 _. A: OK. Dont _ your _. B: Its in my _. Bye, Mum.,jacket,go well with,wear pants,forget,umbrella,schoolbag,Homework,1. Practice dialogues after class. 2. Find out some important phrases of this lesson.,Sum-up,1 、catch 2 、ready 3、 dinosaur 4、 T-shirt 5、 jacket 6、forget,7、hat 8、birght 9、pants 10、colourful 11、so,1、be ready for 2、catch a cold 3、put on 4、say goodbye to sb,5、go well with,Thank you!,


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