[精选]WU 供应链管理的第一本书

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《[精选]WU 供应链管理的第一本书》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《[精选]WU 供应链管理的第一本书(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、盧舜年 著 頁數: 296ISBN: 9867892577出版者: 商周出版日: 20020909,Book Summary (Extracted by Daniel Wu),供應鏈的運作效率可說是企業組織執行策略能力的具體展現,對於提高並保持競爭優勢的重要性自不在話下。產品從概念設計開始,經過製造、運交配銷,一直到銷售完成乃至於售後服務,需經過許多不同的處理流程,這些流程就現代的商業實務而言,通常也代表著不同的專門產業,必須仰賴不同的企業共同完成。例如你我身上穿著的衣物,從化纖、紡紗、織布、染整到成衣製成品然後運送到零售店頭去展售,中間就必須經過許多分屬不同產業的企業分工。 所以在供應鏈中的

2、各環節,事實上皆需仰賴上游供應廠商的準確交期,下游企業體基本上可視為上游供應廠的客戶,通常上游供應廠為了客戶滿意度及降低無法準時交達的風險起見,直覺的反應是設法提高成品庫存水準,依此類推,當供應鏈體系拉得越長,整個體系中不是為市場需求而準備的庫存累計下來將頗為可觀,根據經濟供需理論,當市場供過於求時價格自然下滑。最後結果要不是終將成為呆滯料,要不就是在市場上降價求售,而這兩種結果都不是企業所樂見的。這類的低效率流程的衍生結果將是高庫存、交期延誤之間的惡性循環,起因皆是供應體系間的規劃工作不確實及資訊不夠透明。,任督二脈 SCM (Development - Fulfillment),SCM .

3、 From Strategy to Competitiveness,Strategy,Competitiveness,Process,Technology,Organization,Integration,(The Right Thing),(The Thing Right),Back to Core Values How to continue to grow & profit,SCM . Challenges are intensified,Zero Time operations High Uncertainty High Complexity,Fast Changing demands

4、 & Market Dynamics High & Massive Customization Compressed Lead times in all areas Short Time to market & short Product Lifecycle Fast Changing Technology & MFG processes High Operating Risks Flexible & Quick Responsiveness Value Chain Integration for market opportunity Global Competitions,SCM . Foc

5、us on Integrated Core Processes,Planning Process,Execution Process,Evaluation Process,Integrated,SCM: 以滿足客戶需求為目標, 針對從生產地到消費地間所有貨物商品, 服務及資訊的儲存與流動, 進行規劃, 執行及控制等作業的工作流程.,SCM . Low Inventory & Good Cash Flow,(P46 SCM Book),降低庫存增加現金流量,精準的銷售預測 有效縮短製造前置時間 增加有效產出 減少不必要的購料成本 讓產能盡量優先生產高利潤的產品,Operating Expense

6、 Down Business Cost Down Cash Flow Up Profit Up,Operation Excellence,SCM . From Value Chain to Value Network,(P57 in SCM Book),Material Management,Supply Management, Material Management, Demand Management,Total integration for Sale Revenue Up Operating Cost Down,共創價值 共享價值,Demand forecasting Purchasi

7、ng Demand planning Production Planning MFG inventory Warehousing Material Handling Industrial Packaging F/G inventory Distribution Planning Order Processing Transportation Customer Service,Supply Chain Management,Physical Distribution,SCM . Roots of Operation Challenges,(P84 in SCM Book),Supplier,MF

8、G,Customer,交期難以控制 品質不穩定性 意願能力不足,缺乏決策所須資訊 問題狀況不易掌握 產銷協調困難不順 生產排程經常變動 現場績效評估困難 現場生產進度不明 產品量產不夠成熟 設計變更難以控制 單位之間權責不清 協調不易決定太慢,銷售預測困難 前置時間縮短 交貨交期急迫 不斷變更 數量 (追加 減量 取消) 交期 (提前 延後 取消) 規格 (last min decision) 產品少量多樣 生命週期縮短,SCM . 長鞭效應 Variations Grow,需求的前端是鞭子的握柄, 而供應的尾端則是鞭子的末梢, 當鞭子揮動時, 從握柄開始的波動會一直累積至末梢, 讓末梢的甩動

9、幅度最大. 同樣的道理, 愈接近需求的前端, 其反應時間就愈快, 需求預測的準確度就愈高, 反之, 愈到末梢反應需求的速度就愈慢, 需求的預測就愈不準, 因為愈末梢受到的限制因素及累積的統計波動就愈大. 不只需求鍊如此, 供應鍊亦同, 愈接近客戶端的下游, 對於原物料供應的能見度愈低, 統計波動就愈大. 這些會影響反應時間及造成庫存問題.,SCM . Problems in Supply Chain,(P187 in SCM Book),Poor fulfillment rate (Short order, Late order) High Inventory for Market dynam

10、ics Poor visibility of fulfillment in future time Poor reliability and timeliness for customer commitment High Inactive parts & OBS Short of material and loss MFG capacity Poor Planning to result in resource waste and high cost (Overtime, high logistic expense, double procurement) Low capacity utili

11、zation and high MOH Poor effectiveness of planning (high workload, more time),Poor Customer Satisfaction High Operating Cost Poor Vendor Performance High Material Cost,Strategy Planning,SCM . Need Quick Understand / Response,千金難買早知道,(P86 in SCM Book),Supply Planning,Demand Fulfillment,Factory Planni

12、ng,Demand Planning,Logistic Planning,Scheduling,Operational,Execution,Tactical,Strategic,Buy Make Move Store Sell,Hours,Days,Weeks,Months,Year +,Variations Grow !,SCM . Integrated Core Processes,(P99,113,123 in SCM Book),運籌惟幄 決勝千里,Demand Collaboration,Corporate Planning,Forecast Netting,Demand Forec

13、asting -Top-down forecasting -Bottom-up forecasting -Life cycle planning -Event Planning -Dependent Demand forecasting -Consensus Forecasting -Flex limit Forecasting,Customer,Demand Planning,Factory Planning,Master Planning -inventory -supply -MFG capacity -logistics,Allocation Planning,Procurement

14、Collaboration,Transportation Plan & Collaboration,Suppliers Partners,Order Promising,Order Management,Order Fulfillment,Logistic Execution,Demand Fulfillment,Supply Planning,SCM . Advanced Planning Schedule (APS),Challenges in APS for EMS = 服務業,當客戶詢問能否接單時, 是否能夠即時回應 ? 接下訂單後, 能否更準確的預測交期 ? 能否縮短整體製造過程的前

15、置時間 ? 能否有效減少原物料, 在製品及製成品庫存 ? 是否能預先警覺可能的交期延誤 ? 是否有可能導致交期延誤的問題列表 ? 能否提高生產資源的產能利用率 ? 能否預先反應生產資源的負荷, 並加以平衡 ? 能否根據不同策略決定, 規劃最佳運籌方案 ?,(P165 - 170 in SCM Book),SCM . Core Logic & Structure of APS,(P180, 189 in CSM Book),Supply Chain Reality Physical infrastructure BOM (Spec) MFG / Channel models Lead time

16、Cost (MFG, Inventory, .),Constraint & Business Rules Capacity Constraint Material supply limitations Logistic constraint Customer Priority Buffer stock, Min. lot size,Market Demand Info. Order FCST Customer Orders Replenishment orders,Matl Supply Info. On-hand inventory Open purchase order,Potential Plan & schedule MFG Order Purchase suggestion Distribution Plan,Core Logic of APS Synchronize resources & alert potential problems Plan and synchronize the balance with modeling What-if simulation fo



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