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1、宋人对两汉书的整理与研究中国人民大学 硕士学位论文摘要 (中外文合订)论文题目: (中文) 宋人对两汉书的整理与研究(英文) The collation and study of Han Shu andHou Han Shu in the Song Dynasty作 者: 颜士刚指导教师:李晓菊 副教授论文摘要本文论述的主题是宋人对两汉书的整理与研究。宋人在整理与研究两汉书过程中所取得了丰硕成果,这既是宋代历史文献学所取得的突出成绩的一个有机组成部分,也是宋人对两汉书整理与研究进程的重要贡献。 本文共分五个部分: 绪论部分简要介绍宋代史学的特点和宋代历史文献学的主要成绩,并概括学界目前对该论题

2、的研究状况,进而指出该选题是有研究意义的。 第一章宋人对两汉书的校勘,首先结合宋史?艺文志中著录的关于两汉书的整理性著作,对北宋时期六次校勘两汉书的情况做一介绍,即宋太宗淳化年间校勘、真宗景德年间校勘、真宗乾兴年间校勘、仁宗景?年间校勘、仁宗嘉?六年校勘及嘉?八年校勘,校勘形成了两汉书的多个刊本,对后世产生重要影响。刘敞、刘?及刘奉世(时人称三人为“三刘”)合撰的三刘汉书标注,由于三人对两汉书刊误的具体内容不同,后人在将这些内容整理成书时侧重也不同,遂导致不同时期目录著作在著录该书时名称不一致,虽然该书已亡佚,但其在校勘、注释汉书的进程中“承前启后”的作用却不容忽视。吴仁杰两汉刊误补遗为补“三

3、刘”之作,全书十卷,该书在校勘两汉书进程中亦有重要价值,四库馆臣认为该书“引据赅洽,考证详晰,务使明白无疑而后已” 。 第二章宋人对两汉书的补作与改编,补作部分首先论述了钱文子补汉兵志和熊方补后汉书年表,前者乃作者为从汉代兵制中探求救弊措施,采摭汉书而成,可补汉书无兵志之阙;后者乃作者因后汉书无年表所做的补作,也是现存的最早的补后汉书年表之作,该书对推动后汉书年表的补作具有重要意义。然后对宋人改编两汉书所取得的成果一一做以介绍,有以两汉书为基础辑录而成的两汉会要 、 两汉诏令,有以两汉书为基础又参阅他书改编而成的西汉年纪,更有抄录两汉书而成的两汉博闻,这些著作分属不同的类别,体例各不相同,足见

4、宋人改编两汉书成果之宏富。 第三章宋人对两汉书的考证与研究,宋人对两汉书的考证成果,主要有王应麟汉艺文志考证,此书为考证汉书?艺文志的首部专书,标志着宋人对两汉书研究的走向具体和深入。以洪迈容斋随笔为代表的宋人笔记中也保留有大量对两汉书考证的内容,这些考证的范围非常广泛,有考证体例的,有考证内容的,有考证文字的,更有考证两汉书注的等多个方面。宋人对史记 、 汉书的比较研究主要体现在两方面,其一是郑樵通志?总序中的史评,郑樵不仅强烈斥班扬马,而且将“史汉异同”的研究从文字比较层面上升到体例断限层面;其二是倪思班马异同及加上刘辰翁评的班马异同评,该书为比较“史汉异同”的首部专著,其内容将史记 、

5、汉书的文字异同区别清楚, “二书互勘,长短较然,于史学颇为有功”,该书对推动班马异同研究具有重要作用。 结语部分首先肯定了宋人对两汉书的整理与研究所取得的成绩,不仅保持了隋唐之际汉书研究的“显学”地位,而且在后汉书的研究上取得了许多新突破,并简要分析了两宋时期研治两汉书盛于史记这一现象的原因。AbstractThe theme of this thesis is the collation and study of Han Shu and Hou Han Shu by the scholars of the Song Dynasty. The scholars of the Song Dyna

6、sty gained great achievements in the course of collating and studying of the two books, which were not only a part of the achievements of the Historical Documentics in the Song Dynasty, but also great contributions to the process of collating and studying of Han Shu and Hou Han ShuThe thesis falls i

7、nto five sections: The introductory chapter briefly introduces the characteristics of the Song Dynastys historiography and the achievements of the Historical Documentics of the Song Dynasty, and neatly summarises the study situations of this topic, in that, it is worthy to write the thesisThe first

8、chapter of this thesis is about the collating work on Han Shu and Hou Han Shu done by the scholars of the Song Dynasty. Combining the Song Shi Yi Wen Zhis records about the Han Shu and Hou Han Shu, there were introductions to the six times collations done by the Central Government of Northern Song D

9、ynasty, which were collations done during the Song Taizong Chunhua period, the Song Zhenzong Jingde period, the Zhenzong Qianxing period, the Song Renzong Jingyou period, the Renzong Jiayou sixth year period and the Renzong Jiayou eighth year period. San Liu Han Shu Biao Zhu, written by Liuchang, Li

10、uban and Liu Fengshi, had important function in the course of collating Han Shu, although it had already been losen. Liang Han Kan Wu Bu Yi, written by Wu Renjie, was a complement work to the anterior book, and the Si Ku Guan Chen appraised it highlyThe second chapter of this thesis is about the com

11、pleting and reorganizing work to the Han Shu and Hou Han Shu done by the scholars of the Song Dynasty. There were two main complement books, one was Bu Han Bing Zhi, written by Qian Wenzi, another was Bu Hou Han Shu Nian Biao, written by Xiongfang, both of them had important meaning to Han Shu and H

12、ou Han Shu. Then, Liang Han Hui Yao, Liang Han Zhao Ling, Xi Han Nian Ji and Liang Han Bo Wen were all books reorganizing Han Shu and Hou Han Shu. They belonged to different styles, that was an obvious proof that the scholars of Song Dynasty had achieced a lot in the course of reorganizing Han Shu a

13、nd Hou Han ShuThe third chapter of this thesis is about the researching and studying of Han Shu and Hou Han Shu in the Song Dynasty. Han Yi Wen Zhi Kao Zheng, written by Wang Yinglin, was the first specialized book researching Han Shu Yi Wen Zhi. It marked that the scholars of the Song Dynasty resea

14、rched the two books thoroughlyThe notes of the scholars of the Song Dynasty also had a lot of contents researched Han Shu and Hou Han Shu. As a representative, Rong Zhai Sui Bi, written by Hongmai, had a great deal of contents researching Han Shu and Hou Han Shu, and the scope of the contents was ex

15、tensive. The studying work between Shi Ji and Han Shu bodied in two aspects mainly. One was the comments in the Tong Zhi Zong Xu, written by Zhengqiao. He criticized Han Shu strongly, but approved Shi Ji highlyThe other was Ban Ma Yi Tong written by Nisi, and Ban Ma Yi Tong Ping added by Liu Chenwen

16、g. This was the first specialized work comparing Shi Ji and Han Shu, so it pushed the comparing research forwardThe conclusion part affirms the achievements obtained by the scholars of the Song Dynasty. They not only kept on the advantage in the research of Han Shu gotten in the period of Sui Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, but also obtained new breakthroughIn this part, I also simply analyzed the reason


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