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1、第二章词汇知识 一、考点解读 在高考中,词汇知识选择题属于难度较小的题型,它既考查了学生对词汇和短语的理解和积累,也考查了学生的猜测、推理能力。主要题型是选择题,一共有10小题,共15分。主要考查动词、名词、形容词、副词、动词词组和介词词组。 二、解题技巧 解答此题时,考生要重点注意: 1.掌握好考纲中要求的单词和短语。在词汇复习中,要积累对易混淆的词或词组的辨别能力; 2.根据上下文的含义,灵活运用恰当的方法来猜测、推理判断生词的意思,比如构词法、定义法、排除法、具体语境法等。,1,高考英语总复突破第二部分专题复习第二章词汇知识,【例题详析】 ()例1.Whether she is sick

2、 or fine,she is always cheerful. A.悲伤的B.快乐的 C.美丽的D.欢呼的,【答案】B 【解析】根据前面的题意,结合各个选项的意思,可以排除A、C、D的选项,选B。,()例2.The head master was told that the new books had been delivered to the school by the store. A.出售B.赠送C.送到D.接受,【答案】C 【解析】根据整句话的题意,结合各个选项的意思,选C。,2,高考英语总复突破第二部分专题复习第二章词汇知识,()例3.They look on me as thei

3、r own brother.You see,they are always very kind to me. A.把看作B.把看低 C.把对比D.把照顾,【答案】A 【解析】根据整句话的题意,结合各个选项的意思,选A。,3,高考英语总复突破第二部分专题复习第二章词汇知识,三、强化训练 Unit 1 ()1.There are many cooks in the kitchen. A.锅B.饮具 C.厨师 D.食品 ()2.Anyone who breaks the rules will be punished. A.违反B.打破 C.折断 D.摔伤 ()3.A great part of th

4、e city was destroyed in the earthquake. A.毁坏B.冲走 C.建立 D.竣工 ()4.The electricity was cut off for several days. A.推迟B.切断 C.砍倒 D.切碎 ()5.Fruit is low in fat and sugar. A.含量低B.矮 C.比少 D.没有,C,A,A,B,A,4,高考英语总复突破第二部分专题复习第二章词汇知识,()6.Youd better take an umbrella in case it rains. A.如果那样的话B.万一 C.无论如何 D.也许 ()7.Th

5、ey were dressed in Chinese style clothes. A.穿着B.打扮 C.换装 D.戴着 ()8.We shouldnt look down upon a person only because he is poor. A.同情B.怜悯 C.小看D.往下看 ()9.When will the new book come out? A.出版B.出来 C.印刷 D.发生 ()10.You can get the tickets for free. A.免费的B.随便的 C.自由的 D.随心的,B,A,C,A,A,5,高考英语总复突破第二部分专题复习第二章词汇知识,U

6、nit 2 ()1.He is tired of working in the evening. A.厌烦B.由于而疲劳 C.累了 D.无力 ()2.He was supposed to be a writer. A.猜想B.应该C.假定 D.支持 ()3.The examination turned out to be easy. A.到达B.关掉 C.打翻 D.证明是 ()4.The meeting ended up with a famous poem. A.最终B.以结束 C.赶上D.在末尾 ()5.She used to be devoted to her teaching when

7、 she was young. A.献身于B.投票C.反对 D.厌倦,A,B,D,B,A,6,高考英语总复突破第二部分专题复习第二章词汇知识,()6.They went to work in spite of the snowstorm. A.不顾B.开除 C.排除 D.由于 ()7.Youd better hurry,or you will miss the bus. A.赶不上B.丢失 C.迷路 D.挂念 ()8.Dont trust him no matter what he said. A.依靠B.信任 C.跟随 D.终于 ()9.Tom was my close friend whe

8、n we were in college. A.近的B.关闭 C.亲密的 D.最后 ()10.When I met the boy I could hardly recognize him.He changed a lot. A.认出B.组织 C.知道 D.记忆,A,A,B,C,A,7,高考英语总复突破第二部分专题复习第二章词汇知识,Unit 3 ()1.In the old days it was very difficult for him to support his family. A.支持B.供养 C.供应 D.忍受 ()2.He has made great progress in

9、 his job because of his hard work. A.进步B.努力 C.实践 D.尝试 ()3.Thanks to his help,I finished the job in time. A.由于B.谢谢 C.感谢 D.多谢 ()4.Im sorry.I didnt quite catch what you said. A.抓住B.理解 C.听到 D.在意 ()5.I cant put up with a lot of noise when Im at work. A.发出B.忍受 C.察觉 D.制止,B,A,A,B,B,8,高考英语总复突破第二部分专题复习第二章词汇知识

10、,()6.Youd better take an umbrella in case it rains. A.如果那样的话B.万一 C.无论如何 D.也许 ()7.They were dressed in Chinese style clothes. A.穿着B.打扮 C.换装 D.戴着 ()8.We shouldnt look down upon a person only because he is poor. A.同情B.怜悯 C.小看D.往下看 ()9.When will the new book come out? A.出版B.出来 C.印刷 D.发生 ()10.You can get

11、 the tickets for free. A.免费的B.随便的 C.自由的 D.随心的,B,A,C,A,A,9,高考英语总复突破第二部分专题复习第二章词汇知识,Unit 4 ()1.I was told to meet Mr.Green at the airport. A.在机场B.在商店 C.在海边 D.在博物馆 ()2.It is said that she has been working in this school since she moved to China. A.直到B.除非 C.自从 D.或 ()3.More and more people would like to

12、go on vacation abroad. A.在机场B.在国外 C.在户外 D.在内地 ()4.The children are often told not to play with the fire. A.玩火B.打闹 C.踢球 D.吵闹 ()5.Turn off the light when you leave. A.打开B.关闭C.关小D.拿走,A,C,B,A,B,10,高考英语总复突破第二部分专题复习第二章词汇知识,()6.Mr.Black is ill and Mr.Wang is taking the place of him to teach. A.照顾B.代替 C.看望

13、D.送 ()7.Nobody could be a perfect person. A.好的B.完美的C.健壮的 D.善良的 ()8.The old picture reminds me of my hard time. A.使想起B.使忘记 C.使伤心D.使记住 ()9.When I woke up this morning,I found the light still on. A.起床B.醒来C.做梦D.觉悟 ()10.If you try to look up every word,you will never finish a book. A.抬头看B.查找C.往前看D.背诵,B,B

14、,A,B,B,11,高考英语总复突破第二部分专题复习第二章词汇知识,Unit 5 ()1.I prefer to write with a pen rather than type on the computer,because I type so slowly. A.宁愿B.而不愿C.更好D.一样 ()2.The little boy was brought up and given education by his uncle. A.提出B.带来 C.抚养D.带走 ()3.After ten minutes discussion all the workers planned to go

15、on Saturday. A.安排B.休息C.讨论D.奋战 ()4.When I came in,he pretended to be reading. A.喜欢B.阻止C.试图D.假装 ()5.I am worried about Alice because I havent heard from her for a long time. A.听说B.收到来信 C.从听到D.听信,B,C,C,D,B,12,高考英语总复突破第二部分专题复习第二章词汇知识,()6.People in London usually take an umbrella with them in case of a h

16、eavy rain. A.体检B.享受C.以防D.遮蔽 ()7.As classmates we should get along with each other. A.勤帮助B.相处好C.常聚会 D.多关照 ()8.Recently,however,there has been a change in their relations. A.最新B.最近C.不久D.将来 ()9.Mr.Wang is a man of wealth.He has a lot of money in the bank. A.富有B.健康C.丰富D.天气 ()10.She said that she would call on Mr.Li this Sunday. A.打电话B.邀请C.召集D.拜访,C,B,B,A,D,13,高考英语总复突破第二部分专题复习第二章词汇知识,Unit 6 ()1.I would like to see her off to the airport this afternoon. A.看见B.留意C.


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