Module 8 Unit 2 公开课教学设计(外研版九年级下册教案)

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《Module 8 Unit 2 公开课教学设计(外研版九年级下册教案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 8 Unit 2 公开课教学设计(外研版九年级下册教案)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 8 My future lifeUnit 2 I know that you will be better at maths.教学设计一、教学目标1. 能够掌握下列词汇和短语:rose, kindness, disappointed, bedside, note, whom, laugh at, give up, try ones best, wake up2. 能掌握以下重点句型:(1) But they were not laughing at me. (2) They taught me to say many things in Chinese and kindly in

2、vited me to join them. (3) I give the white rose to my teachers, who have taught me that there is no success without effort. 3. 能够读懂毕业聚会演讲稿,并以此判断发言人的感受。4. 能够写毕业聚会演讲稿,描述自己的毕业感受,表达谢意。5. 能够学会感恩,学会表达对他人的谢意。二、教学重点及难点重点:1. 掌握本课重点单词、短语和句型。2. 能够读懂毕业聚会演讲稿,并以此判断发言人的感受。难点:能够写毕业聚会演讲稿,描述自己的毕业感受,表达谢意。三、教学准备1. 多媒体

3、设备和课件;2. 设计课后巩固练习;3. 教学图片。四、教学过程Step 1 Warming-upFree talkT: How soon will you leave school?S: T: Will you be happy or sad at that moment?S: T: Who will you say thanks to at that moment?S: 【设计意图】提出贴近学生的话题,引起学生的好奇心,活跃课堂气氛。Step 2 Pre-reading1. Learn some new words and phrases.【设计意图】学习新词汇,为下面的学习奠定基础。2.

4、 Look at the picture and choose the answers to the questions. There may be more than one answer.【设计意图】看图预测课文,为下文学习做铺垫。Step 3 While-reading1. Read Para. 12 and answer the questions.2. Read Para. 35 and fill in the table.3. Read Para. 6 and tell true (T) or false (F). 4. Find some sentences.【设计意图】训练学生

5、对细节信息的理解及提取主要信息的能力。Step 4 Post-reading1. Fill in the blanks and retell the passage.【设计意图】通过复述文章提高学生的口语表达能力。2. Learn the language points.(1) But they were not laughing at me. 但是他们不是在嘲笑我。(2) They taught me to say many things in Chinese and kindly invited me to join them. 他们用中文教我说很多东西,并且好心地邀请我加入他们。(3)

6、I give the white rose to my teachers, who have taught me that there is no success without effort. 我将白玫瑰送给我的老师们,他们教我(明白了)不努力就不会成功(的道理)。(4) When I started running in the 800 metres, I always finished last and I just wanted to give up. 当我开始跑800米时,我总是最后一个跑完,我只想放弃。 (5) but Ive learnt to try my best, not

7、only with running but with whatever else I do. 但是我学会了要尽最大努力,不仅仅是在跑步上,而且在我做的其他任何事情上。3. Answer the questions.4. Check () the answers to the questions. There may be more than one answer.【设计意图】检查学生对核心词汇和句型的理解和运用能力。5. Write speeches they might give at their school-leavers party.6. Learn the writing guide

8、.【设计意图】本部分为阅读文章后的仿写练习,考查学生能否正确使用目标语言进行写作的能力。7. Let Ss do some exercises to consolidate what they have learned.【设计意图】通过练习巩固本课所学知识,考查学生对知识的掌握程度。Step 5 SummaryKey words and expressions: rose, kindness, give up, disappointed, bedside, note, whom, laugh at, try ones bestKey sentences:But they were not la

9、ughing at me. They taught me to say many things in Chinese and kindly invited me to join them. I give the white rose to my teachers, who have taught me that there is no success without effort.【设计意图】引导学生回顾本节课的重点知识。Step 6 Homework1. Review the words and the passage in Unit 2.2. Write a speech for your

10、 school-leavers party.【设计意图】课后作业巩固课上所学。五、板书设计Unit 2 I know that you will be better at maths.Key words and expressions: rose, kindness, give up, disappointed, bedside, note, whom, laugh at, try ones bestKey sentences:But they were not laughing at me. They taught me to say many things in Chinese and kindly invited me to join them. I give the white rose to my teachers, who have taught me that there is no success without effort.3


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