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1、,Step,Warm- up,1,Lets talk,What can we learn from the cartoon? 从卡通中我们学到了什么?,Step,2,Presentation,Lets survey!,Know more about your friends!,年龄小调查,How old are you? Im How old are you? Im What about you? Im,为什么?,You look young/nice.,Q1:Who are they? Q2:How old are they?,A: How old is XX? B: Hes/shes(on

2、e/two/three),Nine,Eight,Two,Where are Mike and Mikes family?,They are _,in the library B. in the classroom C. in the toy museum,Toy museum,玩具博物馆,Lets learn,欢迎来到玩具博物馆。,Lets learn,I love you.,Nine,Eight,Two,XX would like a/an XX想要一个。,Read the story and look for the toys. 读故事,找玩具。(你可以把玩具划下来。),Different

3、 toys are for different ages. 不同的玩具给不同年龄的孩子。,Why do they get different toys at last?,现在你来做导购员,为大家挑选合适的玩具吧!,Ages:6-10,Ages:2-5,How old are you? This is for you. Here you are.,顺利通过第一关!,Lets read!,Read after the record!,Retell!,Group work!,One day, Mike , Helen and Tim are in the toy museum. Mike is _,

4、 this _ is for Mike. _ is eight, the _ is for her(她). Tim is only (只有) _ , the panda(熊猫) is for _. They are all very happy.,robot,nine,Helen,dog,two,Tim,Summary,1. 当我们询问别人年龄时,可以问:,2. 当你想要回答你八岁时,你会回答:,3. 欢迎他人来到我们的班级,可以说:,4. 当你想称赞别人的东西可爱时,你会说:,5. 当你想把某样东西给别人的时候,你会说:,How old are you ?,Im eight .,Welcom

5、e to our class .,How lovely .,Here you are .,magic eyes,four,five,M,How old is he/she?,Its a secret .,H,5,He is 8 .,She is 9.,Homework supermarket,1. Read the story time after the tape. 2.Copy the new words in your exercise book.,1.Talk about your parentsphone number in English. 2. Make a research: Ask your friends about their age.,H,A,B,板书设计:,Here you are.,Unit 5 How old are you ?,four,seven,five,eight,six,nine,ten,


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