人教版八年级上册英语《Unit 7 Section B 1a-1e 》PPT课件

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1、,Section B 1a-1e,To be able to describe personal life in the future with the simple future tense. To learn to summarize the article. To be able to predict the robots in the future with the words and expressions correctly.,Objectives,What will the world be like?,What were you doing five years ago? Wh

2、at are you doing now? In fifty years, what will the world be like?,more about the world,rocket,robot,astronaut,What will the earth be like in the future (in 100 years)?,Cars will fly in the sky.,People will see the doctor at home on computers.,People will live in the moon.,Write each word in the cor

3、rect column below.,astronaut house apartment trainrocket space station computer programmer,astronaut computer programmer,train rocket,house apartment space station,1a,n.宇航员,n.火箭,太空站,n. 公寓,Think of other words and write them in the chart in 1a.,astronaut computer programmer,train rocket,house apartme

4、nt space station,robot cleaner super policeman,space ship helicopter (直升机),flat(公寓) shelter (避难所),1b,Listen to Alexis and Joe. Number the pictures 1-3.,2,3,1,1c,Listen again. Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs in the box.,I _ in an apartment across the street from here. 2. I _ near here. 3. I

5、 _a computer programmer.,am live work lived took will be will live will fly,work,am,live,1d,4. We in a house in the country. 5. I the train to school. 6. I an astronaut. 7. I rockets to the moon. 8. I on a space station.,lived,will be,will fly,took,will live,am live work lived took will be will live

6、 will fly,Listen again, fill in the chart,a house,an apartment,a space station,a student,a computer programmer,an astronaut,train,rocket,Student A is Alexis and Student B is Joe. Talk about Joes life now, 10 years ago and 10 years from now.,A: Where do you live? B: I live in an apartment.,1e,A: Wher

7、e did you live 10 years ago? B: I lived in Greenville. A: How did you get to school? B: I took train to school.,10 years ago,A: what will your life be like in 10 years? B: oh, I think Ill be an astronaut. A: Where will you live in 10 years? B: I will live on a space station.,In 10 years,Give us a re

8、port to describe your past,now and future .,Ten years ago,I. Now. In the future,.,Some robots are very human-like. 一些机器人十分像真人。 在human-like (形似真人的;真人一样的)一词中,like为形容词后缀,用在名词之后,与其构成一个完整的形容词,表示“ 形似的;像一样的;类似于的”。,Language points,如:a bird-like building (像鸟一样的建筑) a cabbage-like vegetable(一种形似卷心菜的蔬菜) the bal

9、l-like thing on the top of the building (楼顶上那个像球一样的东西),I. 用一般将来时填空。(借助will),1. I _ (visit) my uncle tomorrow. 2. There _ (be) a football match next week. 3. He _ (help) you with your English this evening. 4. They _(play) soccer if it doesnt rain. 5. We _ (have) a meeting tomorrow.,will visit,will be

10、,will help,will play,will have,Exercises,II. 翻译句子。,1. 你认为人们的家里会有机器人吗? Do _ _ there will be robots _ _ homes? 2. 人们将活到150岁。 People _ _ _ _150 years old. 3. 我认为她会当医生。 I think she _ _ a doctor.,you think,in peoples,will live to be,will be,4. 你住哪儿? 我住在北京。 _ _ _ _? I live in Beijing. 5.他反复看她的来信。 He reads

11、 her letter _ _ _ _. 6.等了很长一段时间后他厌烦了。 He _ _ after waiting for a long time.,over and over again,got bored,Where do you live,III. 完成句子。 1. 凯蒂不能参加运动会了。 Kitty _ _ _ _take part in the sports meeting. 2. 昨天有好几百人来我们学校参观。 _ _ people came to visit our school yesterday. 3. 彼得在上海找到了一份工作,他不得不在那里独自生活。 Peter fin

12、ds a job in Shanghai, so he has to _there_.,Hundreds of,is not able to,live alone,4. 我们家乡的污染没有以前严重了。 There is _ _ in our hometown than before. 5. 十年后你会是什么样子? How _ _ _ _ in ten years?,less pollution,will you be like,.单项选择。 1.ThenexttimeyouseeNikos, he _ sixteenyearsold. A. willbeB. isC. wasD. will 2

13、.Margot _ computersciencelastyear. A. studies B. studied C. willstudyD. isstudying 3.Intenyears, John _ anastronaut. A. isB. willbeC. wasD. will,A,B,B,4. Howmanypeople _ there fiftyyearsago. A. will B. were C. areD. willbe 5. InAD20000,what _ theworldbelike? A. is B. will C. was D. are 6.Thereis _ m

14、eatbut _ cakeson theplate. Pleasehaveone. A. alittle; afew B. afew; alittle C. few; little D. little; afew,B,B,D,7. Thereisvery _ onthisstreet. A. fewtraffics B. littletraffics C. fewtraffic D. littletraffic 8. Whatisyourfavorite21stcenturyprediction? Ipredicttherewillbe_ leisuretime. A. manyB. few C. fewerD. less,D,D,写作 内容: 你想要拥有自己的机器人,跟科学家 描述一下你都要求你的机器人会什么技能!,Homework,See you next time,



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