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1、2020 年广东高考英语听说考试试题及文本答案(Test A-E) Test A 1Part A Reading aloud (模仿朗读) It was the beginning of a totally new way of life. But there was another very important difference between these hunter-gatherers and any of their predecessors. They were settling down. A huge shift, which would help spark Europe-

2、wide revolution. Communities settled down and populations expanded. This could have driven the need to start producing food. And as farming spread, the landscape was transformed. Forests were cleared and villages, then towns, then cities would grow, founded by descendants of the small groups of pion

3、eers who first entered Europe around 45, 000 years ago. Those early Europeans were people just like you and me. 2Part B Role Play (角色扮演) 情景介绍 角色:你是 Tom。 任务:(1)与同学 Mary 谈论古扇展览的话题; (2)根据谈话内容回答另一同学的提问。 生词:ivory 象牙 下面请用英语提出三个问题。 提问:我从哪里能得到这个展览的票呢? 提问:这些问题是关于什么的呢? 提问:展览上有多少把扇子? 3 Part C Retelling (故事复述)

4、梗概:Tom以为奶奶被邻居骗钱,后来发现邻居只是一个来帮忙的小男孩。 关 键 词 : grandma( 奶 奶 )young man( 年 轻 人 )money ( 钱 )car( 汽 车) misunderstood(误会) 参考答案 2 Part B Role Play (角色扮演) 视频对话 M: Hello, Mary. What did you do today? W: Oh, Ive just come back from the City Museum. Theres a wonderful exhibition of ancient fans this week. M: Fan

5、s? You mean the fans that cool us down in hot weather? W: Yeah. This exhibition is about ancient fans of different dynasties in Chinese history. It is part of the Chinese Culture Month organized by the City Museum. M: Wow! How special! W: Yes. It was amazing. The exhibition will end on this Saturday

6、. You really 1 2020 年广东高考英语听说考试试题及文本答案(Test A-E) should go. 三问 提问:我从哪里能得到这个展览的票呢? 翻译:Where can I get the ticket to the exhibition? 电脑回答:Well, the museum offers only e-tickets. First, you have to sign up on its website and then watch a short video about the fans in the exhibition. At the end of the v

7、ideo, there are ten questions. If you can answer at least five questions correctly, you will get an e-ticket. 提问:这些问题是关于什么的呢? 翻译:What are the questions about? 电脑回答:They are mostly about the history and material of the fans. They are not very difficult. You can always find the answers in the video. T

8、he questions are designed to raise the interest of visitors. I think it is a very good way preparing the visitors with basic knowledge of the exhibition. 提问:展览上有多少把扇子? 翻译:How many fans are there in the exhibition? 电脑回答:There are more than 120 ancient fans in the exhibition. These beautiful fans were

9、 made of different materials, including silk, wood, gold, silver and even ivory. These fans are all valuable antiques borrowed from museums all over China. The City Museum has put a lot of money and efforts in this exhibition. 五答 1. 电脑提问:Who organizes the Chinese Culture Month? 考生回答:The City Museum.

10、 2. 电脑提问:When will the exhibition end? 考生回答:The exhibition will end on this Saturday. 3. 电脑提问:What do you need to do before answering the questions? 考生回答:Watch a short video about the fans in the exhibition. 4. 电脑提问:For what purpose are the questions designed? 考生回答:The questions are designed to rais

11、e interest of visitors. 5. 电脑提问:Where are the fans borrowed from? 考生回答:They are borrowed from museums all over China. 3 Part C Retelling (故事复述) 视频原文 A Misunderstanding Tom paid regular visits to his grandma who lived by herself. Last month, he bought her a smart TV and tried to teach her how to use

12、it. But the old lady was a slow learner. Tom felt he was going to lose his patience. One day, grandma told him that he didnt need to teach her any more, because she had got a helper. Grandma said a young man just became her neighbor. He was quite warm-hearted. Tom didn t 2 2020 年广东高考英语听说考试试题及文本答案(Te

13、st A-E) believe the young man would help a lonely old lady for no reason. He asked grandma if she had given him some money. “ No.” Grandma said. But she was going to buy the young man a nice car, because he had been so kind to her. Tom thought the man was a cheater. Knowing that the man would meet g

14、randma at nine oclock the next morning, Tom managed to get there at nine, too. When he entered the living room, he saw a little boy playing with a red toy car. The boy looked seven years old. Grandma introduced the boy to Tom, calling him “young man”. Tom felt ashamed. He had misunderstood everythin

15、g. Test B 1 Part A Reading aloud (模仿朗读) Back then, most of Arabia was brutal desert. Is it really possible that a handful of Stone Age people could ve trekked through hundreds of miles of this and gone on to populate the whole world? There is no way they couldve done it without more widespread sourc

16、es of fresh water. So, around 70, 000 years ago, the Arabian coastline was very different to today. Freshwater springs bubbled up all the way along it. If our ancestors attempted this route, they would ve found a lifeline. And it s perhaps no wonder that there seems to have been just one successful attempt in our ancestors journey. 2 Part B Role Play (角色扮演) 情景介绍 角色:你是 Tom。 任务:(1)与朋友 Mary 谈论园艺的话题; (2)根据谈话内容回答另一同学的提问。 生词:fertilizer 肥料 下面请用英语提出三个问题。 提问:你如何得到种子呢? 提问:你做园艺时通常做些什么事呢? 提问:你从做园艺中学到了什么? 3



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