Unit 2 There is a park near my home Lesson 7 教学设计2

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《Unit 2 There is a park near my home Lesson 7 教学设计2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 There is a park near my home Lesson 7 教学设计2(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 There is a park near my homeLesson 7教学设计一、教材分析 本部分通过Susan介绍自己居住的小区场景的创设,引导出要学习的目标语言There be句型;能够借助图片和所学单词与句型,在适当情境中运用There be句型;通过师生、生生之间的阅读与讨论,学生自主感知、模仿、理解和体验,Whats in the centre of the community? On the main road is a bank. I can see everything on my way to school.等表示询问、描述的功能语句,从而在真实语境中进行交际


3、,作业喜欢与同学对题。三、教学目标1. 能够借助图片和所学句型在适当的语言环境中初步运用There be句型.2. 能够听、说、认、读三会单词:hospital, bank, hotel等词汇3. 能够听、说、读、写四会单词:river, near, beside, between, vegetable, turn right, on the left等词汇和短语及句子There is a park near my home。四、教具准备相关的图片,录音机,课件等。五、教学重点结合方位介词运用There be句型六、教学难点用英文完成有关居住城市小区的简单介绍。七、教学设计(一)Warm-up

4、:将提前打印好的bank, hospital, school, hotel, supermarket, bookshop相关图片一一展示给学生们,展示过程中对已学单词进行复习,并引入到本节课的教学中。T: I have some pictures in my hand, now , look and tell me the name of these places, OK?SS: OK.T: Whats this in English ?SS: Its a bank/hospital/school(二)Presentation:1. First, Ill introduce my commun

5、ity to you.解决community一词。2.利用PPT整体呈现Susan小区图片。T: Today, we have a new friend . She is a girl, her name is Susan . Now lets look at the picture. This is a community. In her community there is a bank, a hospital, a school, a hotel , a supermarket and a bookshop.3.听音答题。整体听一遍短文录音,回答一个问题。Are there a lot

6、of trees in the park ?4.分段学习短文。1) Read the first paragraph and choose the best answer according to it.() 1) I live in one of the _.A. buildingB. buildC. buildings() 2) There is a _ near my home.A. schoolB. parkC. hotel() 3) There is a _ behind the park.A. riverB. schoolC. hotel对照答案过程中解决near , behind

7、 ,等词。2) Read the second paragraph and fill in the blanksOn the main street is a _. Beside the bank is a _.Across the road , there is a big _ between a _ and a _.My mum and I often buy fruit , vegetables and other healthy food there.3)Read the third paragraph and answer a question.Whats in the centre

8、 of the community?5.听音跟读短文,学生自主练习阅读短文,检查阅读效果。6.结合图片,利用句型There is a near / behind / between 试着描述小区。(三)practice: 通过练习题巩固所学单词句型等。Translate the phrases into Chinese.1) near my home_2)beside the bank _3) behind the park _4)between a hotel andabookshop _Make upsome sentences.1)在我家附近有一所学校。There is a _ my home.2)在银行后面有一家书店。There is a _ the bank.3)在银行旁边有一家医院。There is _ the _.4)在宾馆和书店之间有一家超市。There is a supermarket _ a hotel _ a bookshop.(四)Homework:熟读本课课文及单词并应用所学句型进行交流。(五)summary:请一些学生说说本节课都学到了什么?



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