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1、英语自考1、How long do you think _ to finish this urgent task?单选题A did it take youB it will take youC will it take youD it to take you 正确答案:B 2、I must tell you how _ a letter from you.单选题A pleased I was to receiveB pleased I was to receiveC pleased I was to receiveD pleased I was to receive 正确答案:A 3、In f

2、act, I would rather have left for the countryside _ at home.单选题A by stayingB than stayingC than to stayD than have stayed 正确答案:D 4、Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people_单选题A fewer thanB other thanC rather thanD better than 正确答案:C 5、No sooner_ got to the station than it began to r

3、ain heavily.单选题A had IB have IC I hadD I have 正确答案:A 6、Having no money but _ to know, he simply said he would go单选题A not to want anyoneB wanted no oneC not wanting anyoneD to want no one 正确答案:C 7、Not until I reminded him for the third time _working and单选题A that he stoppedB does he stoppedC did he st

4、opD that he stopped 正确答案:C 8、She apologized for _to attend the meeting.单选题A her being not ableB her to be not ableC her not to be ableD her not being able 正确答案:D 9、Not once _ your sentence correctly.单选题A You have copiedB did you have copiedC have you copiedD have you been copied 正确答案:C 10、Dr. Robert

5、 went to New York, bought some books and _.单选题A visiting his daughterB to visit his daughterC visit his daughterD visited his daughter 正确答案:D 11、By no means _ to move to a new place far away from her单选题A Jane will agreeB will Jane agreeC Jane will disagreeD will Jane disagree 正确答案:B 12、No sooner had

6、 they got the good covered up _it started raining单选题A WhenB ThanC thenD after 正确答案:B 13、Can you tell me _ about the city that makes people love it so单选题A it is whatB what it isC what is itD is it what 正确答案:B 14、_ was not the way the event happened.单选题A Which the press reportedB That the press report

7、edC What did the press reportD What the press reported 正确答案:D 15、We were not surprised at _, for he had worked so hard.单选题A what has he achievedB that what he had achievedC what he had achievedD that he had achieved 正确答案:C 16、Anne asked Tom _ the key.单选题A when he leftB where he had leftC how had he

8、leftD why did he leave 正确答案:B 17、_ was unimportant.单选题A Whether he enjoyed our dinner or notB No matter how he enjoyed our dinnerC If he enjoyed our dinnerD What he enjoyed our dinner 正确答案:A 18、The patient was warned _ oily food after the operation.单选题A to eat notB eating notC not to eatD not eating

9、 正确答案:C 19、Tom kept quiet about the accident _ lose his job.单选题A so not as toB so as not toC so as to notD not so as to 正确答案:B 20、She pretended _ me when I passed by.单选题A not to seeB not seeingC to not seeD having not seen 正确答案:A 21、It was in that small room _ they worked hard and dreamed of单选题A whe

10、reB in whichC whichD that 正确答案:D 22、It was not_ midnight that they discovered the children were not单选题A beforeB atC afterD until 正确答案:D 23、It was not until dawn _ their way out of the forest.单选题A when they foundB that they foundC did they findD that they didnt find 正确答案:B 24、It is from my grandparen

11、ts _ I learned a lot.单选题A whoB WhomC thatD Which 正确答案:C 25、Was it in 1969 _ the American astronaut succeeded _单选题A when;onB that;onC which;inD that;in 正确答案:D 26、It was not until it got dark _ working.单选题A that they stoppedB when they stoppedC did they stopD that they didnt stop 正确答案:A 27、It is becau

12、se she is very devoted to her students _ she is单选题A thatB whichC whatD Who 正确答案:A 28、It is because he is kind and modest _ he wins the respect of单选题A WhatB whichC whyD That 正确答案:D 29、It was while she was sleeping in her bedroom _ a thief broke单选题A whichB thatC WhereD Than 正确答案:B 30、Was it because he was ill _ he asked for leave?单选题A soB whenC whyD That 正确答案:D 31、It was in 2005 _we began to introduce this new technique into our单选题A whichB thenC whenD That 正确答案:



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