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1、新课标 人教版高中英 语 各单元所有 单词 及词组精华讲 解及拓展延伸必修一Unit One (上) 1 【欢迎加我 Q 号 239 843 3823,愿与同行们资料共享,互通有无】 必修一Unit One(上) 【精华讲解】 survey1 调查 (s) The survey showed that most boys are hard-working. 名 = the study = the investigation 2 对进行 方面的 (民意 )调查 * They ll make a survey of students behavior at school. 名 Theyll mak

2、e a survey of students about their behavior at school. * They ll survey students behavior at school. = students about动 Of the five hundred families surveyed , 40% had cars. 后定语 1 add up 1 在 10 上加上 2 2 补充说 3 增添兴趣 /勇气等 4 扩建大楼 1 add 2 to 10 I ll add up these numbers. 把这些数字 加起来 These numbers add up to 1

3、500. 加起来达到 2 He added that he wouldnt be late. 3 His words added to my interest/courage. = increase my interest 4 Well add to the old building. = extend the old building 2 upset # 令人烦乱 /忐忑不安 upset(upset,upset,upsetting) 1 You upset her when you said she was fat. 2 Dont be upset about her upsetting r

4、emarks/words. 3 ignore 1 愚昧无知的 (adj),不理睬 某人 (vt) 2 原谅某人的 无知 (n) 1 He was so ignorant that when I said hello to her, she ignored me. 2 Excuse her ignorance. 4 shepherd 1 A shepherd is a person who takes care of sheep. 牧羊人 2 A guide shepherded the tourists into/to/out of the coach. 导游把游客领进旅游车里. 带领 /引导

5、 (人群 ) = lead = show 5 have got to # 不得不 , 必须1 He has got to go to work early every day. = He has to go 2 He hasnt got to go = He doesnt have to go 6 relaxed # Working out can help you relax (yourself ). 锻炼有助于你放松。vi/vt # Relax! = Relax yourself! = Keep relaxed. 1 These pills will relax you and make

6、you sleep. 令人放松 2 You will be/feel relaxed after taking these pills. 3 Cooking and gardening are relaxing activities. 7 walk the dog 1 He walk ed 5 kilos yesterday.走多远的路2 Do you walk your dog everyday? 遛狗 8 loose # 穿松的 /紧的 裤子wear loose/tight trousers 9 vet 1 兽医 夏天 穿背心 是平常事。 Its normal / common / usu

7、al to for a vet to wear a vest. 2 He serves as a doctor/physician/surgeon/dentist. physicist 医生 / 内医 / 外科医生 /牙医物理学家 10 go through # 经历 苦难= experience =be/live through# go through a hard time/much hardship suffer undergo 11 Netherlands # 荷兰(国家)the Netherlands = Holland 12 Jewish# 犹太人 , 犹太族的Here is a

8、local Jewish community. 当地犹太人的一个社区13 German # (许多 )德国人,德国的,德国,德语Germans are German people in Germany, who speak German. 14 Nazi # 纳粹党人 (s),纳粹党的 (adj)# He is a nazi, who belonged to the Nazi Party, which was established and led by Adolf Hitler 15 set down # 写下 /记下 = write down = note down = keep a re

9、cord of = take notes of # Why dont you set down your ideas on paper? = put down 你怎么不把你的想法写在纸上呢? 16 series1 一系列的事物 一连串的 一个接一个的 2(电视广播)系列节目 1 :a series of good harvests 接连的丰收 a series of interconnected caves一连串相互连接的洞 a series of brilliant leaders 2 一个接一个的杰出领袖 2 a television/radio series = a number of

10、programmes, each complete in itself, linked to each other by characters, theme, etc 17 outdoors 1 参加 户外的 活动 2 在户外 1 He often takes part in outdoor activities. indoor 室内的 2 Its cold outdoors. indoors 在室内 18 spellbinding# 迷人的,引人入胜的The story is sointeresting snd spellbinding that it holds my attention

11、completely19 purpose on purpose 1 你此次访问的 目的 是什么? 带着 的目的或意图 2 故意地 不理我 1 What s the purpose of your visit? I came here with the purpose of helping you. 2 ignore me on purpose = deliberately 20 新课标 人教版高中英 语 各单元所有 单词 及词组精华讲 解及拓展延伸必修一Unit One (上) 2 order in order to 1 目的是、以便(状语从句 ) 能、可以、会 2 表目的不定式 5 答: A

12、 或 C 1* He comes here early every day so that / in order that he can catch the early bus. * He comes here early every day in order that he can / may / will catch the early bus. 2 * He comes here very early every day to / in order to / so as to catch the early bus. * He comes here very early every da

13、y not to/in order not to/soasnot to miss the bus. 5 _ learn French well, he made full use of all his free time. A In order to B So as to C To D So that he can 21 urgent 1 他坚持认为 他是对的。 他坚持要求 我们要准时。 = should be 2 坚持 /怂恿/催促 /敦促 /力劝 /强烈要求 3 接到 紧急的 电话 1 He insisted /urged that he was right. = suggested 暗示

14、 He insisted/urged that we be on time. = suggested 建议 2 He urged (our) going. = urge us to go = urge sb into doing 3 receive an urgent telephone call 22 thunder# 今年夏天不怎么打雷。雷声打雷 (/)We havent had much thunder this summer. 23 document 1 (提供信息和证明的)文件 /公文/证书/文裆/档案 2 我不小心把这个文件夹里文件/文档 /信 息都给删除了。 1 show us

15、all the documents concerning the murder 2 I accidentally deleted all the files/ documents /information in this folder. 24 power 1 Turn off the power . 电源 /动力 /马力, 名 The car is powered by electricity. 提供 . 电源 /动力 /马力,动 【power = authority 权力 +权威 /有权威之人】 【power = ability 能力】 2* Its within /beyond my po

16、wer to decide it.权力范围内, 权力 * The President has the power to decide everything. = The President has power over everything. 有权 (力) 3* It s within /beyond my power to help you.能力范围内, 能力 * I have / dont have the power to help you. 有能力 25 face to face 1 面对面地 2 面对面的 It was the first face-to-facemeeting between the two men. 1 If you come face to face with someone, you meet them and can talk to them or look at them directly. 和某人面对面 If you come face to face with a difficulty or reality, you cannot avoid


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