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1、绍兴县2010学年第二学期初二期末学业评价调测试卷英语试题考生殛知:全心满分为UNI分,考就时间90分钟;就卷f? M ,而七大题,,71山超, 融小客餐量 就在着眈噩相庵蛀史上,做在试题卷上无处口温馨提示二诘仔细雷题,细心答题相僖你一定会有出色的表现!(一)听力部分共20分)4. Wlicre has David been?格兴总八年银拉沿叨末W西注T f共&页f第.二节:听对话.回答问睡.所下面一段校长对话,回答6了两小牌.() 6 斗网口 喇11 the man fly bo London?A. On MondayB. On WineJay.)7, Hw much will the ma

2、n pay for the Uckei?A S 15。,B $ 250.听千面,段较反对话,回答段一10三小蜕“()乱 MTitirc are Mary and her daddy?A. In a hospital.B At home.)9, Why Jotiint Maiy buy a camen for her undex, A. Her uncle has already got one.R- She doesnt have cm)ugh money.C. The camera costs her too much.)I Win does Mary decide to bvy last?

3、A. A cuprB. Socne flowers.C. On FriJuyC.$ 350.C. Jn a NbraryC, Some book九第三节:所独白请从3队t三个选项中选择正强的选项.完成11第信息记金左,.Sutnuier CTnpn mu11 Offer a vulunier program 12 .* Jedn a muM club, an art club nr a 13 . Activities+ Theit will be an Englii 14 .)31. A July 20August 10)12. A. every day)13, Ar sports club)

4、4. A. movie)15. A.5782293B. May 20AugusllOB. on weekendB. chess clubB, partyB.5682293C July 0Augim 20C. on weekdaysC. dancing clubC. speeth con testC.36X33翼Tetepheue 用心爱心专心8(二)笔试部分共网分)二、单项填空本题有1口小啊,每小题1分.知11。分】从R, B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的母佳答案口()16. How is ycim briber? Picase say hc!3o io for me.A- himB

5、 hesheD. her)17. 一What clu you have kr Jim ?一I (hmk he 5hanEdo buNer in English Ew term.)I Robert allied *ith hi$ friend id ihe (Doming, and ibvy Walked home:silent l.A. tnB. onC. farD. ftuin)19. Whai will ihe woridl be Like in 20 jtiir?-There will be pollution if rtiofe people wsdk er ride hik.A. i

6、ewcr d its*C- smaller D. more)20. Waiter. $之口 for lunch hrighi7JLm afraid S25 sir, becauseceffer isA, freeB. highC. delicious D, etira)21. TV and compiler$ are so pupular these days.Ycsb they can our eyes lo ihe outside world.A. call up B. look up C. ium up D. open up) 22. -H 饱 great weather,It sure

7、 it. But ifs alilile hut fbrus.A. isji11 it B. this 匚 is mD. this)23. Have you evr been Io Ihe baibur abop?-Of course,I often there with my falher lait year.A- goB. wentC.皿和熊 D, have gone)24. -Chinese 词 tfring lu 式口p smoking in public一Yeah, wmoidng is had fur us, for kids.A. especially B. probably C

8、- clearly D. luckily) 25.The pany W a great success. Wie had greaT fun,A Jt doesnt nuicerB. Na血 allC. Tm glad ic hear 小凯D. Nu way三、完掰填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共计10分1阑读下面短文,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个量佳答案.When I was 19 yeiR 口】& was ui a dance ckb. Il was a very coJd night As my friend and I walking la my car, a man wal

9、ked 叩 to us. Behind bim was a womaj a婴儿车J wdh aLhdd miide. The thiJd had a jacket cn_,_27 the 工旧拉ijfr “s opeo The je bean to (ell u、IhM he wanted to btirwU sonic money for Ilie 扪曲L 口 get hjs wife 口闻 kid into a hutcl .uut of ihe told. He Iwd a job but no phci? lo five and wds 28 lor hh llrsc pay. He

10、waid he could ei my 29 luiJ mail 加 money bauk to us.My friend reached into his pcKkcll L-Iji io give Uhi昌 num a 30 bill, A$ the mih m holding liis hand oui (o lake the ID . I pul gy hand on ;ny friendX and said, fclCan I dk to you for ? minucc?I loid him jboutM3_my nwtlw川口而 in ScatUa. USA, and every

11、 day people her (or 口必困相 She said liiey make more Enuney lti;ui s!ie Tih羽亡 pco|)ie were 迂川undn门助诈J ihu、e 32 hcan* r jCb) . Anti if they we博 iruy 3J their chiU, they would hH1士甘i 帕hi zip dosed.My friend Mkhdle. F know ihai 3 hk lu lake Yanwgeofi 和JIJ) 口dwrv Bui i 心。绍典县八年夔英语明末试触卷-3 f共8而jknuw I fed sor

12、ry for ihc people ihai have no homes If | 讨我 money Q 情同叩匕颂d unh 0 them rtaJty nerds j and uses it fur 35 thing it 匹 enough am now J7 years oJd Bui I do femember ihai 叱perim c也可cdf也处吁 I g太湖 differenl situations.(J 26. A. cairyiiigB. pushingCa makingDr selling() 27. Ah butB. SQC. ihcjughD. or()28. A.

13、lookingB. caringc. payingD. waiting()29. A. addressB. ID cardC- phm口b, Q0 nUHltiiT()30. A. jacketB. carC. moneyD. utephone()3L A. whyBr howC. whenD, whai()32. A. for&. withC. inD, frum(J 33. A. angry withB. slricL withC. excited mbouiD. worbej nboul()34. A. somelxMlyB.anybodyC, nobodyD. CAxrybady()3

14、5. A. unusualB. popularC rightD. teirible四、阅读理解(本独有16小强.A. 0、C邮题2分洪计30分) 阅读下列材料,从四个选项中选出一个锻佳答案.ALadies and Gentlerrvui: 1hanks fnr joining our show. WTiai 出d you do un April 23. Aui.d BookDay? Did you find seme interesiing boo女9 2 rend?Today, Id Like to enjoy some fantasik books with you.B(wk One: D

15、an Bkime me. It s Nai My FaultWriter JimmyJimmy, a Chinese painter and his 10-yearod daughter argued a lot Jimmy tried tfl undensund his daughter, 士口 he drew this picture for her. His pointings show Juds anger(愤怒】,happiness and wishes,Hook Tm n: Climate Cha/ie+2 DasresWriter: VioaEnoto RyoichiIf the teiupcrature goes 叩 2t. VjIilu will happen? Ln this buoL we 加si a


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