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1、初三英语重点难点解析 作者周振行 / 陆伟平 内容 Unit 5 The Accident本单元要生更好地掌握过去进行时态的各种句式,并能活学活用;掌握用 had better ”等来提出建 议的句式,通过做1 8课的练习2之后,使学生逐渐了解如何进行课文缩写。可以模访第1 9课的 ACCIDENTREPORT ”进行练习。一、提出建议并能作出恰当的回答在第二册第6单元已经学到过用shall , Lets 和“ why not”来提出建议,并作简略回答。如: -Shall we go at ten?-Good idea! -Lets go at ten?-OK! -Why not go at

2、ten?-All right.这一单元里,主要学习有关” had better ”的用法。 ” had better 动词原形”表示”最好做某事” ,用 来向别人提出建议,其形式可以缩写为” d better ” 。如: Youd better do your homework now. Wed better go to school.“had better ” 的否定形式为“ had better not ”如:Youd better notwatch TVnow.二、学习过去进行时的各种句式在前一单元里,已经学习了过去进行时的构成和用法,这一单元着重学 习它的否定句式、一般疑问句式及在从句

3、中的用法。1 .过去进行时的否定式在助动词be (was或were)”后面加上 not”即可。如:I was not washing clothes last night.2 .过去进行时的一般疑问句式为:助动词was或were”在旬首。如: Was Tom writing a letter at seven yesterday? Yes,he was.(No,he wasnt.)3 .在含“ when和 while ”(当时)引导的时间状语从何的复合旬中,常有过去进行时, 表示一个 动作在过去某一时刻或一段时间内正在进行或发生。这一过去进行时的动作可以出现在主句, 也可以出现在从句中, 但要

4、注意的是,用该时态的动词常常是一个持续性动词。如: Someone knocked at the door when I was cook-ing While we were talking , my mother came in. The twins were sweeping the floor when their mother returned.另外,含” when的复合旬中,主旬用过去进行时,从句用一般过去时的情 况下,常包含有“意外”之概 念,如前例。三、重点、难点词组和句子的分析1 . You look tired today. () (你看上去很累。 )该句中的” look ”

5、意为”看起来” ,是系动词,而在这种系动词后面常用形容词作表语如look young/hap y/old/等,另外,“ look ”也可用作实义动词, 并且有许多相关词组,如:look at(看)look like(看起来像),look the same (看起来很相像),look for (寻找),look after (照料/照看 )等等。当然,不能再用形容词来作表语或修饰它,如果要修饰, 只能用副词。如:Please look after your watch carefull.2 A woman saw it happen when she was walking past (L17)

6、 表示感觉的动词如 see, hear, watch”等以及一些其它动词如make,let ”等,后接不定式作其宾语补 足语时,该不定式前不带” to ”。如: Im tired . Let me have a short rest Do you often hear Tom sing this song? I saw him go out ( 我看到他出去了。 )另外 , ” see, hear , watch ”等还可后接现在分词作其宾语补足语。如:I heard someone laughing. ( 我听到有人在笑。 )3 The children were leaving schoo

7、l on Tues-day when they saw a truck (2 18)该句中有二点需要注意:” were leaving ”是过去进行时的形式表示过去将来的动作,即”正要离开”。在英语中,个别动 词如: leave , go, e , start ”等,它们的进行时形式可以表示一个最近按计划或安排要进行的动作。如 :Are you going home next week?” leave school 表示” ( 学生 )离校;毕业” ;中间不加冠词。又如; go to school e to school( 上学 ) 。类似的表达法如: in hospita1( 住院 ) ,

8、leave hospital e out of hospita1( 出院 ) 。注意比较下句中冠词的区别;His mother often goes to the school to seeher son at school.did not see the bag until it was too late: (L18) “notuntil是直到 才”如: . She won.t go away until you promise, to help her. . I didnt go home until I finished cleaning the classroom.5. Its rea

9、lly nice of you. (L18)该句相当于” Its very kind of you. ” (你真好。 )6. He told her about the accident. (L18)“tell sb. about/of sth. ”意为: “告诉某有关某事或跟某人讲述某事” 。如:Please tell me about your family.另外 ,“tell sb. sth./tell sth. to sb.” “告诉某人某事” ,“tellsb. todo sth. “: ”叫某 人做某事” 。如: I told him my name. My grandfarthe

10、r often told us stories when we were children. She told the happy news to everyone. Tell him to wait for me at the school gate.7. Please hurry up! (L18)Miss zhao hurried off to look after the man.(L18)“hurry up ” ;“赶快” ; ” hurry off ” ; “匆匆离去”如: Hurry up, or youll be late for school. Tom finished th

11、e work and hurried off.8. Give short answers to these questions.(L20)一般地,在表示”的”时,可以用以下四种形式:飞:通常在表有生命的事物后,以“ s结尾的复数名词只加”“即 可。如:Toms coat. Teachers Day, Childrens Day等。另外, 一些无生命的如表示” 时间、 城镇” 等的名词后, 也可加“ s ” 。 如:Tomorrows meeting, the citys streets, etc. of: 通常是与无生命事物的名词相连。如:Parts of China, a photo of

12、my family to: 一些表达法已成为习惯,有时我们可理解为配套的事物。如: the keyto thedoor, answers to t he questions.形容词性物主代词置于名词前。如:my book.Unit 6. In the library一、语法:现在完成时(一)1、构成:助动词have/has +动词的过去分词2、主要用法:(一)动作发生在过去,对现在留有影响,可以与到现在为止的时间状语these days, upto now, recently, in the last two years连用,也可以与一些表示强调的副词 aleady,yet,just, bef

13、ore, ever eg.连用:I have (already) seen the film.Have you ever been there (before )?注意:A、动词过去分词的变化有两种,一种与过去式的规则变化一样(即在动词后加ed) ;另一种为不规则变化,需要熟读熟记。规则变化如下:1)动词原形加 ed,如:work-worked2)以 e 结尾加 d,如:like-liked3 )以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,变y为i ,再加ed,如:worry-worried4)以重读闭音节结尾,词尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,双写这个辅音字母 再力口 ed, 如:stop-stoppedB.现在完

14、成时与一般过去时的区别在于:一般过去时只单纯表示过去的动 作和状态,与现在无任何 ,时间状语常为: yesterday , last week , 3days ago, in 1990; 现在完成时则强调动作与现在的、影响和结果。eg. Have you seen the film? Yes, I have.When did you see it? I saw it last week.二、词汇与句型have got=have1. I think Ive got one. has got=has2 . Here you are.这是一种倒装语序,常用在口语中。Can I use yourpen

15、 for a while? eg. you are.类似的还有: There goes the bell.Here es the bus.3 . Have you seen it anywhere?anywhere 常用于疑问句和否定句; some where 表示某个地方,常用于肯定 句; no where=not anywhere, e verywhene, 是处处、到处的意思。eg. I cant find my pen anywhere.He has borrowed some money somewhere.I have looked for my lost bike everywhere.Where likes them to borrow them. Nowhere.4 . She also likes them to borrow them.borrow :借来,借进,


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