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1、19 那么(adv.) 新目标七年级英语上册寒假作业 20. 鸡蛋(n.) 练习七 21. 胡萝卜 (n.) 一、重点单词22大米;米饭(n.)(n.) 1 香蕉 23. 鸡肉 (n.)(n.) 汉堡包 2.24. 那么 (conj.)(n.)3.西红柿 25 早餐 (n.)(n.) 冰激凌 426. 午餐 (n.)(n.) 沙拉 5.27. 明星 (n.)(n.)6. 草莓28 吃(v.)(n.)7 梨 29. 好 (adv.)(n.) 牛奶8.30. 习惯 (n.)(n.)9. 面包 31 健康的 (adj.)(n.) 生日 1032. 真正地 (adv.)(n.)11. 正餐 33. 问

2、题 (n.)(n.)12. 周;星期 34 想要 (v.)(n.)13 食物 35. 变成 (v.)(adv.)14. 当然 36. 肥的(adj.)(n.)15. 蔬菜二、重点短语 (n.) 水果 161 生日晚餐 (adj.)17.正确的 下周 2. (n.)苹果 18.3思考 6 那我们就吃草莓和苹果吧。Lets strawberries and apples 一些水果 4. 提出建议)怎么样5. (7 .你早餐喜欢吃什么? 6.体育明星What do you like? 饮食习惯78我认为它是健康的。8. 吃得好 I its 晚饭后 99 我 不想变胖。 健康的食物10.I dont

3、fat. 最后一个问题1110 我能问你一个关于足球比赛的问题吗? 就午餐而言12.Can I you a question the三、重点 句子 soccer game?1 你喜欢香蕉吗? 四、单项选择 ?( )1. I eategg in the morning.2 她喜欢西红柿吗?Whatabout you? I eatchicken.3 我喜欢冰激凌。 A a, the B an , / C a, / D an , a( )2.I often eat fruitdinner.他不喜欢蔬菜。4A for B of C at D in. ( )3. Does your English te

4、acher sing very ? 5 你是对的。 she does., Yes .A good B nice C great D wellC eating , eating D eating , eat()11.Do you want basketballwith likebest. I all ( )4.Of thefruit, us?salad milk D A strawberries Beggs CA play B playing Lets hamburgersin the ()5.CKFC.to play D plays()12. What will ( 将) we have to

5、morrow Thats fine for me. morning? watch help C think DA eat B some eggs? , Is ( )6. Mike your cousin? YesA How about Byoure. How isC What color D fine right CA great B interesting D Where is()13. Mike, its 11: 00. Please your Who is Lin Shuhao? ( )7. lunch.Hes a basketball. OK. I want some rice, be

6、ef (牛肉 ) and chicken. game nameD star BA school CA think about B come to ()8.We want.C ask for D play withtwo cups of oranges A two cup of oranges B( )14. Does your brother like oranges?two cup of orange Ctwo cups of orange D . And he likes strawberries, too.tablevery )9.The the food on (A Yes, he i

7、s Bnice. No, he isntC Aam Bis Care D Yes, he does D be No, he doesnt Lets have some milk and( food ( )10.The girlhealthy )15.she andbread. has goodhabits. .That sounds good Good afternoon B Aeating, eats eat B , eats A( )7.A.sports B fruit C五、完形填空( )8.A.need Bvegetables Youre welcome too D CYou, D b

8、ookscall C meet D know is Hello ! My name is DaveBrown.My_1_name( )9.A.playing B to playingvery _2_ Dave.I play sports every day and I am, For fruitof eat a lot fruit and _3_ I C play D playsoranges, pears and_4_ .For , I like apples( )10.A.difficult B interestingtomatoes vegetables , I like broccol

9、i ) , ( 西兰花C great D relaxing like and _5_ likeice-cream.I Ichicken_6_dinner every day!六、阅读理解eggs and milk.At schoolin ) (, I like playing_7_ too. I run跑步 David eats well every day.For breakfast,the morning.I like Liu Xiang.Do you _8_ him? he has bread he haslike_9_ star.I is he a running Yeah too.

10、I play it every afternoon.It andvegetables and rice for lunch.After lunch, hebasketball , eats an apple.In the evening , he has chicken sports food and lots of Healthy is not _10_ fruit salad at home.David dislikes milk ,but Mommake me healthy.says it is healthy.So he drinks it everyday.After eight

11、in the eveningB family Dfood.Every dayboring dear D ( )2.A.good, he doesnt have middle last C( )1.A.firstDavid does some sports to beBhealthy Chealthy.He plays tennis in the morning andplays basketball after school. eggs( )3.A.salad B( )1.David has for lunch. Cdessert vegetablesD A bread B bananas(

12、)4.A.ice-cream B vegetables C chicken D salad()2. 画线单词“ dislikes ”的汉语意思是hamburgers C milk D “” 。apples ( )5.A.oranges BA 不喜欢 B 不讨厌 C 不了解 D 不在意 chicken carrots D Cafter food eat doesnt ( )3.David on in D for C ( )6.A.of B 2. They like( 西红柿).They always eat in the evening.them.10 9 D 7 B 8 C A3 A ( 星期

13、 ) has seven days.( )4.David plays after school.4 Kate is a ( 胖的 ) girl, but she is soccer ping-pong CBA tennis healthy.basketballD 5 Everything is ready, ( 那么 ) lets ( )5.Which of the following is TRUE?begin!David is not healthy. A 九、句型转换 .David has a pear after lunch.B 1 Grace likes pears. ( 改为一般疑

14、问句 )David plays sports every day.C Grace pears?David cant play tennis. D2 Does his brother have lunch at school? ( 作 . 七、词汇运用 用所给单词的适当形式填空。否定回答)My brother wants (be) a teacher. 1 No, My birthday is on (child)Day. 2 3 我可以询问一下你的家庭情况吗? ( 翻译句子 )What vegetables do you like? 3Can I you your family? I like (carrot)4 玛丽不喜欢足球。 (翻译句子 )Lucy is (real)a good girl. 4 Mary soccer.Are you sure Tom likes basketball?



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