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1、六年级上册英语-Unit 3 Holiday fun单元知识点-译林版Unit 3一、单词1.holiday hlde n. 假日,假期2.National Day nnl 国庆节.*.*.*.3.call k:l v. 打电话4.Bund bnd n. 外滩5.star st:(r) n. 星星6.square skwe(r) n. 广场.*.*.*.7.fashion fn n. 时尚,时装8.excited ksatd adj. 激动的,兴奋的.*.*.*.9.first f:st n. 第一 at first首先10.bottle btl n. 瓶子.*.*.*.11.paper pe

2、p(r) n. 纸 a piece of paper/ two pieces of paper.*.*.*.12.Palace Museum pls mju:zm 故宫 the Imperial Palace mpril/the Forbidden City fbdn.*.*.*.13.ask :sk v. 问二、词组整理1. 假期趣事 holiday fun 【fun不可数名词】have a lot of fun= have great fun 玩得开心,过得愉快2. 回到学校 come back to school 来到学校 come to school 欢迎来到 welcome to欢迎

3、回到welcome back to3. 国庆节the National Day国庆节假期 the National Day holiday在国庆节假期之后 after the National Day holiday4. 假期你去哪里了?Where did you go for the holiday?5. 给他打电话 call him 【call 动词+ 宾格】6. 在家 at home 不在家 be not at home7. 去上海 go to Shanghai【城市名词国名不要加the】8. 拜访我的阿姨visit my aunt9. 上海博物馆 the Shanghai Museum

4、.*.*.*.10. 看见许多有趣的东西 see many interesting things11. 你的假期如何? How was/is your holiday? 询问 如何,How is/was.? 复数用How are/were?12. 非常有趣 great fun13. 去一个在星星湖旁边的农场 go to a farm near Star Lake14. 摘一些橘子pick some oranges拾起 pick up 15. 去钓鱼 go fishing 【go+ 动词ing】16. 捉了一些鱼 catch some fish 【fish单复同形】17. 想要给你这条鱼 wan

5、t to give you this fish = want to give this fish to you.*.*.*.18. 谈谈你的旅游经历 talk about your travel experience19. 谈论某事 talk about sth20. 和某人谈话talk to /with sb.*.*.*.21. 一个树上的苹果 an apple from the tree 22. 一条海里的鱼 a fish from the sea23. 三个主要学校假期 three main school holidays24. 复活节 the Easter holiday25. 暑假

6、the summer holiday.*.*.*.26. 圣诞节假期 the Christmas holiday27. 是吃晚饭的时间了。Its time for dinner./Its time to have dinner.*.*.*.28. 回家晚了 come home late29. 举行一场时装表演 have a fashion show.*.*.*.30. 在那里举行一场时装表演 have a fashion show there31. 喜爱漂亮的衣服 love beautiful clothes32. 对这场表演感到兴奋 be excited about the show33.

7、多么有趣啊! What great fun!34. 穿一件体恤衫 wear a paper T-shirt.*.*.*.35. 穿纸短裤 wear paper shorts36. 询问某人关于某事 ask sb about sth.*.*.*.37. 询问鲍勃关于萨姆的事 ask Bobby about Sam38. 穿许多瓶子 wear a lot of bottles39. 那真有趣!Thats interesting!.*.*.*.40. 询问这场表演的事ask about the show41. 进展顺利 go well42. 起初,一开始 at first43. 大雨 a heavy

8、 rain 雨下得大 rain heavily 整天下雨 rain all day.*.*.*.44. 去汽车博物馆 go to the Car Museum45. 写一写关于你的假日write about your holiday46. 写写的事情 write about风景名胜:1. 上海外滩 the Bund2. 上海博物馆 the Shanghai Museum3. 故宫 the Palace Museum 4. 颐和园 the Summer Palace.*.*.*.5. 长城 the Great Wall 6. 天安门广场 Tiananmen Square.*.*.*.7. 虎丘

9、the Tiger Hill8. 太湖 Tai Lake9. 阳澄湖 Yangcheng Lake 10. 上方山国家森林公园Shangfangshan National Forest ParkStory time课前词汇预习1.holiday n.假日,假期【短语】summer holidays暑假 winter holidays寒假【例句】Did you have a nice holiday?你假期过得愉快吗?【近义词】festival 节日2.call v.打电话【例句】I will call you if you give me a name card.给我一张名片吧,我会打电话给你

10、。【发音规则】在单词call中字母a发/:/音。【形近词】tall高的 ball球 small小的【拓展】call也常常作为名词使用,如:Ill give you a call.我会给你打电话。3.Bund n.(上海)外滩【例句】We went to the Bund yesterday.我们昨天去了外滩。【发音规则】字母u在单词Bund中发/音。4.Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆【例句】Wheres the Shanghai Museum?上海博物馆在哪里?Look!Its over there.看,它在那边。5.star n.星星【短语】little star 小星星 see

11、 stars 眼冒金星【例句】How many stars are there?有几颗星星?There are five.有五颗。【发音规则】字母组合ar在单词star中发/a:/音。【拓展】star还可作“明星,名角”讲,a super star 一个超级明星。6.Great Wall 长城【短语】the Great Wall of China中国的万里长城【例句】Shall we go to the the Great Wall?咱们去长城好吗?Great.好极了。【拓展】Great Wall前面要加the。7.Summer Palace 颐和园【例句】Where did you want

12、 to go?你想去哪儿?I want to go to the Summer Palace.我想去颐和园。8.Tiananmen 天安门广场【例句】Tiananmen Square is very big.天安门广场很大。课文知识点解析1.The students came back to school after the National Day holiday.学生们在国庆节假期后返回了学校。.*.*.*.知识点:come back的用法【用法】此句中的come back意为“回来”,come back to school是“返回学校”之意。come back后接名词要加to,接副词时不

13、用。.*.*.*.【例句】I can come back to my hometown someday.总有一天我会回到家乡。.*.*.*.I came back home late.我回家晚了。2.Where did you go for the holiday?假期你去哪里了?知识点:where引导的特殊疑问句【固定结构】“where+一般疑问句”表示“.在哪里”。【用法】此处where是疑问副词,其后常接一般疑问句,用来询问位置、地点、场所等。其答句要根据具体情况来回答。.*.*.*.【例句】(1)Where did you go last Saturday?你上个星期六去哪里了?I w

14、ent to Shanghai.我去了上海。(2)Where were you just now?刚才你在哪里?I was in the park.我在公园里。3.What did you do there?你在那儿做了什么?We went to the Bund and visited the Shanghai Museum.*.*.*.我们去了外滩,参观了上海博物馆。知识点:询问过去做了什么的英文表达。【用法】特殊疑问句“What did you do?”是询问“对方做了什么”。其中did是助动词do的过去式,句中do是实义动词,有“做;干”之意。其答句也常用一般过去时表达做了什么事情。.*.*.*.【例句】What did you do this morning?你今



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