【最新】八年级英语上册 Chapter 2 A day in the life of…whiz-kid Wendy课件 上海牛津版 课件

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1、Chapter 2 A day in the life of WHIZ-KID WENDY,阅读目标 知识目标 学习课文中重点词、词组、句型和语法。 学习使用频率副词。 复习和巩固现在进行时的用法。 能力目标 能流畅地用口头和书面表达自己的常规生活。 能准确的表达不同职业的人的生活常规。 情感目标 学习温迪认真学习,努力工作的精神。 引导学生正确使用电脑,使之为学习和工作服务。 教学方法 课文的引入和现在进行时态的训练时可使用游戏教学法。 在课文教学中可采用任务型教学法,引导学生完成教学设计。 合作学习法完成说和写等部分的练习,重点和难点,词汇学习 核心词汇 achieve v. get, r

2、eceive, succeed in doing 达到, 获得 achievement n. attend v. go to, be present 出席,参加 business n. company 买卖,生意,商业 busy a. businessman n. discuss v. talk about 讨论 discussion n. manager n. a person who controls a business or part of it. 经理 manage n. management n,popular a. liked by many people 流行的, 受欢迎的 r

3、esponsible a. having the duty to do something 有责任的 responsibility n. sale n. selling, the part of a business which tries to sell the product 销售,卖 sell (sold,sold) v. salesman n. continue v. go on 继续 continuous a. continuously adv. successful a. having succeeded 成功的 succeed v. success n. successfully

4、 adv. fail v. not pass an exam or test 失败, 不及格 failure n,核心词组: be similar to 与 不同 be different from 与 相似 be responsible for 对 负责 at breakfast 在早餐时 on the way to 在去的路上 make a phone call to sb打电话给 twice a week 一周两次 return to 返回到 life, luckily, sell, company, own, boring, simple, grade, fail, exam,coll

5、ect, return, daily, expect, duty,gain,usual, all of, at school, be responsible for, at breakfast, on the way to, be different from,拓展词汇和词组 whiz-kid, accountant, client, seldom,assist, subtitle, musical, instrument,in ones own car, achieve A grades, fail an exam, attend a club, in an hour or two one

6、of the top students, 句型学习 I m not old enough to drive, and so I have a driver,Teaching Designs,Pre-reading 1. 复习已学过的关于职业的词汇。 2. 通过提问的方式,让学生描述日常生活的活动和行为,I work in an office. I type letters and answer the phone. (secretary) I go to court and defend people for rights. (lawyer) I work in a hospital and

7、take care of sick people. (nurse) I work in a school and help people learn. (teacher) You pay me when you buy something at the store. (shop assistant) I take care of sick animals. (vet) I put out fires. (fireman/firewoman) I wear a uniform and a badge. I help keep your neighborhood safe. (policeman/

8、policewoman) I help keep your teeth clean. (dentist) I deliver letters and packages to your home. (postman,While-reading 这是本课的重点部分,通过阅读文章的题目、副标题以及文中插图,预测文章内容。完成Ex B on page 18。 第一遍阅读文章,要求学生根据上下文的内容和线索猜测词意。 第二遍通读全文, 理解文章意思,并完成Ex D, E on page 21。提醒学生阅读时注意阅读方法的使用。比如,在做Ex D时,使用scanning即跳读的方法寻找具体问题的答案。在做

9、时,使用skimming即略读的方法,注意文章中的主题句和关键句。 听课文录音全文. 重点词汇及句式讲解 Consolidation and conclusion 指导学生完成课文后的P5 Ex C2、Ex D,语法要点,1. A day in the life ofwhizkid Wendy神童温迪一天的生活 关于life这个词,用法颇多。就life一词的用法简单叙述如下: 1)life作“生命(the active force that enables animals and plants to continue existing)”解时,是个不可数名词。如:Animals and pla

10、nts have life动物和植物是有生命的。 2)life作“性命(being alive)”解时,为可数名词,复数形式为lives。如: Jack saved Roses life,but he lost his杰克救了罗丝一命,但他献出了自己的生命。 3)life作“一生;终生(the time that you have been alive)” 解时,也为可数名词。如: Albert Einstein devoted his whole life to the study of science 爱因斯坦一辈子献身于科学研究。 4)life作“生活;生活方式(the way that

11、 you live)”解时,也为可数名词。如: We live a happy life today,2. Wendy Wang,15 must be one of the top students in Shanghai 十五岁的王温迪肯定是上海的尖子生之一。 must除了表示“义务”或“责任”外,还常常用来表示说话者对于十分有把握的事情的 “推测”。如: He must be waiting for you inside the bank because hes not outside 他一定是在银行里头等你,因为他不在外面。 如果说话者确定某事情不可能发生,则使用cant。如: This

12、 coat cant be mineIts the wrong size这件衣服不可能是我的。尺寸不对。 在本句中,top是“excellent(极好的)”或“best(最好的)”的意思。如: Shes the top student in our class,3. Shes already written several successful computer games 她已经编写了好几套大获成功的电脑游戏。 several是个限定词,是“几个,少许”的意思,往往表示“两个以上”。它既可以作形容词,如: Everyone works several hours each day每个人每天工

13、作几个小时。(several修饰hours) 也可以作代词,如: Several of us decided to walk home我们之中有几个人决定步行回家。(several为代词,表示“我们中的几个”) successful是个形容词,意为“成功的”,是由词根success加后缀ful构成的。 The Chinese team got a successful attempt to climb the Mount 中国队成功攀登珠穆朗玛峰。 successful的同根词有:success名词,意为“成功”;succeed动词,意为“(获得)成功”; successfully副词,意为“

14、成功地;顺利地,4.My father is the manager of the company,and my mother is responsible for sales 我爸爸是公司的经理,而我妈妈负责销售。 manager是动词manage(办理,处理;管理;经营)的名词形式,意为“经理;管理者”。 名词company也是“公司”的意思,与business作可数名词时意思接近。如: He is working in a shipping company他在一家运输公司工作,responsible是形容词,意为“有责任的,负责任的”。如: Simon is a responsible

15、boy西蒙是个担得起责任的孩子。 responsible的反义词为irresponsible,意为“不负责任的,不可靠的”。 be responsible for意为“对负责(have the duty on)”,要特别注意该词组中的介词搭配。如: Who was responsible for the accident? 这宗意外应归咎于谁呢? sale是动词sell(卖,出售)的名词形式。如: Not for Sale!非卖品! That house is on sale那座房子待售。 sales常常用作表示“市场销售”,本文中的sales就为这个意思。 sale还有“大减价”的意思,如:

16、 The shoe shop is having a sale this week这家鞋店本周减价销售,5. I always go to school in my own car。我总是坐自己的车去上学。 在Chapter 1中,我们学习了own作动词,表示“拥有”的用法,也谈到了一些own作形容词,表示“自己的”的用法。在使用own作形容词时,要特别注意own不可用于an 或the之后。不能说I would like an own car,要说I would like my own car或I would like a car of my own. 常用的与own有关的短语有,of ones own拥有(belonging completely to oneself) Ive got a room of my own我有属于自己的房间。 on ones own独立地;无人相助(without help) She got the job on her own她自己找到了这份工作。 on ones own独自(alone) She lives on her own她独自居住。 seew


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