高二英语Unit7 AIDS 人教(通用)

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《高二英语Unit7 AIDS 人教(通用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高二英语Unit7 AIDS 人教(通用)(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、我的故事 深圳首位艾滋患者:一次好奇失去一切,Born Dying,There are 3.2 million children in the world who are infected when they were born,Born Dying,Their birth means Dying,Are you afraid of AIDS? Will you make friends with those who have AIDS,他出生在湖南一个偏僻的农村山沟,家里祖祖辈辈才培养出他这么一个研究生,方圆几十里都曾以他为荣。然而,人生中仅有的一次“好奇”冒险,仅有的一次国外红灯区的性生活


3、被派赴英国学习一年。到了英国,对艾滋病并没有深刻认识、又是第一次出国的他,对什么都充满新奇。就因为好奇,李意辉走进了一家并不高档的高危红灯区经营场所,搭讪了一个非常诱人的金发碧眼的姑娘,可他却没有意识到她的危险,没有采取任何保护措施。李意辉说,就是这一次,他倒霉地感染上了艾滋,查出艾滋病毒后失去工作 家搬了一次又一次 忍痛离开妻儿一个人住 曾在小岛生活了3年 记者手记:他是一个好人,HIV can be transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse,How HIV is transmitted,To date, there are onl

4、y four primary methods of transmission: sexual intercourse (anal and vaginal); contaminated blood and blood products, tissues and organs; contaminated needles, syringes and other piercing instruments; and mother-to-child transmission (MTCT,How HIV is not transmitted,Family, friends and co-workers sh

5、ould not fear becoming infected with HIV through casual contact with an HIV-infected person at home, at work, or socially. These activities will not transmit the virus,shaking hands, hugging or kissing,coughing or sneezing,getting a mosquito or insect bite,sharing food, eating or drinking utensils,using drinking fountains,using toilets or showers,using a public phone,using public swimming pools,opening a door



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