高二英语Unit5 language points in Reading课件 人教(通用)

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1、Language Points in Reading,Unit Five,1.The idea that England stands for Fish 眼光短浅的 in a narrow sense 在狭义上的 a narrow mind 小心眼的 a narrow escape 九死一生 The road was too _ for cars to pass. We shouldnt treat friends with a _mind,3. The fact that the mainland of Great Britain is made up of three kingdoms i

2、s still unknown to many,大不列颠大陆是由三个王国组成的这样一个事实仍然未被许多人所了解,that引导 一个同位语从句,说明fact的具体内容,be made up of = consist of 由组成,E.g. The medical group is made up of five members. = The medical group consists of five members,be unknown to sb. 未为人所知,_,be known to sb,fg. The name of this flower is unknown to all of

3、us,这个花名大家都不知道,4.The British Isles are a group of islands that lies off the west coast of Europe. The largest island is called Britain, which is separated from France by the English Channel, which at one point is only 20 miles wide,lie off,The ship sank three miles off the French coast,lie in lie to

4、lie on,ShangHai _ the east of china. India _ the southwest of china. Japan _ the east of china,lies in,lies on,lies to,at one point 在某处 一度,At one point at the meeting she nearly lost her temper,A traffic accident happened at one point yesterday,I was on the point of going to bed when you rang,On the

5、 point of doing sth. 正要做,separate adj. 单独的,分离的,她和她的家庭被战争分散开了,把好的和坏的分开,She and her family were separated by the war,Separate the good ones from the bad ones,divide,分, 划分, 把整体分为若干部分,让我们把班组分为四组,一年分为十二个月,Lets divide our class into four groups,A year is divided into twelve months,他在旅馆里订了个单间,He booked a s

6、eparate room at a hotel,As we joined the big crowd I got _ from my friends,separated B. spared C. lost D. missed,5. The coldest months are January and February while the warmest months are July and August,While 的用法小结,1. 在.过程中 从属连词,Never get on or off a bus while it is moving,Someone knocked at the d

7、oor while I was cooking,2. 用做并列连词 而,You like sports, while Id rather read,She entered the room while her husband still stayed outside,3. n. 一段时间, 一会” I havet seen him for a long while,6.be surrounded by with. 被围绕 包围,The school is surrounded bywith a fence,surrounding (pl)n. 环境 adj,7. A lot & a lot o

8、f,It snows _ here in winter,I have spent _ money on books,a lot,a lot of,8. influence n. vt.影响,My parents considered my friend to be a bad influence on me,The weather influences crops,9. settle vt & vi,The insect settled on a leaf,We are settled in our new house,Wait until the excitement has settled

9、 down,10Their languages formed the basis for English.,form the basis for 构成/形成的基础,This idea formed the basis for Theory of Relativity,为打下基础,lay a basis for,Four year college life laid a solid basis for his further improvement,provide a basis for 为提供依据,The result provided a sound basis for further re

10、search,11. There are six spoken languages thatre considered to be native to the British Isles as well as two local accents. be considered to be 是(consider sth/sb.to be+形容词或名词)的被动式, E.g. We considered this (to be) very important. be native to本土的,本国的,土生的 E.g. Panda is native to China,12. That most of

11、these are now threatened and may disappear is a serious matter to the people in Britain,大部分口头语言正在受到威胁,有灭绝的危险,这种情况对英国人来说是个严重的问题,that 引导一个主语从句,不能省略,大部分情况下用_ 作形式主语,it,13. They realize that it is of great value to record and teach them to the younger generation,他们意识到记录这些语言并将它们传给后代是十分有价值的,be of great val

12、ue = _,be very valuable,A college education is of great value in ones life,非常有价值的,be of great use =_ be of great importance=_ be of great help=_,be very useful,be important,be helpful,她是一个意志坚强的女孩. 他是一个言语不多的人. 会议很重要. 我们年龄相同,She is a girl of strong will,He is a man of few words,The meeting is of great importance,We are of the same age



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