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1、Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents,单元知识点详解,当幸福来敲门,父与子,lead in,节选自父与子,Section A,1. My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends.(教材P251a,allow动词,“允许,准许”: allow( doing) sth. 允许(做)某事 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事。 My parents dont allow me to smoke. We do not all

2、ow smoking in the hall. We will be allowed to stay up late on the New Years Eye,单项选择 (2016四川南充) My parents dont allow me late . A.stay up B to stay up C.stays up D.staying up,2.Well, you should call him so that you can say youre sorry .教材P26 2c,so that+状语从句,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用 can/could/may/ might/ wil

3、l/would等。 My mother often gets up early so that she can do more housework. Hold it up so that we can see it. 拓展 so 形容词/副词 that.“如此以至于” The bus was so full that I could hardly turn around,He worked so hard that he got good grades this time. 随堂练习 ( 2016辽宁丹东 )We must get up early we can catch the first

4、 bus to school . A.so that B such that C.in order to D.in order,3.well, I found my sister looking through my things yesterday.教材P26 2d find sh. doing sth. “发现某人在做某事” 后面的现在分词短语 doing sth作find的宾语sb.的补足语。 I find a girl crying in the room. find sb. do sth. 强调的是“发现某人做完了某事”。 I found him come in and out of

5、 the room at least three times. I often hear him sing that song,look through“快速查看,浏览,She looked through her notes before the exam. 归纳look短语如下: look sth.up 查阅,查检 look after 照料;照顾 look around 环视;环顾 look out 小心;留神 Look forward to (doing)sth. 期盼;期待某事 单项选择。 (2016广东梅州中考模拟) I found a letter on the floor wh

6、en I came into the classroom. A.lying B.lay C.lie D.lies,4. Hope thing work out . 教材p26 2d,句子分析 这是一个表达祝愿的祈使句 hope things go all right with you . work out“成功地发展,解决,找到答案” The problem is too difficult.I cant work it out . “计算出” He worked out the answer by computing again,but more carefully,5.My problem

7、 is that I cant get on with my family.教材P27 3a,句子分析 that I cant get on with my family是一个表语从句。 My wish is that my daughter can find an ideal job. get on with=get along with常用于以下结构: get on/ along well with sb.与某人相处融洽 get on/ along with sth.某事进展顺利 He gets on well with his classmates. How do you get on

8、with your studies,随堂练习 (2016内蒙古呼和浩特)Don t worry! Im sure youll your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them. A catch up with B. be pleased with C.get on well with D. agree with,6.Its the only communication they have.教材P27 3a communication不可数名词,“交流,沟通”. Good relations need communication. 拓展 c

9、ommunicate不及物动词,“交流,沟通”。 He doesnt like communicating with others. 随堂演练。 The boy is too shy to (与交流) strangers . ( 答案 communicate with,7. When they argue , its like a big, black cloud hanging over our home.教材P27 3a,句子分析 When they argue是时间状语从句,分词短语 hanging over our home作定语,修饰名词cloud。 argue动词“争论;争辩”。

10、常用短语: argue with sb . 与某人吵架; argue about sth.为某件事争吵。 I argued with my brother about which programme to watch,拓展 argument argue with sb.= have an argument with sb. argue about sth .=have an argument about sth . hang动词,“悬挂” over为介词,“在上面” Sadness hung over the family,随堂练习 1.同义句转换。 I argued with my best

11、 friend yesterday. I with my best friend yesterday. 2.单项选择。 You are still in the street: its time for class . A hanging on B hanging out C hanging over D. hanging up,had an argument,8.Instead he watches whatever he wants until late at night. 教材P27 3a,句子分析 这是一个含有宾语从句的复合句 whatever意为“任何;每一;任何事物;一切事物”,在

12、句中作连接代词,= no matter what。 Give them whatever they need. 拓展 whoever无论谁 however无论如何 whenever无论何时,instead作副词,“代替,而不是”,常用作状语。 He is tired. Let me go instead. She never studies. Instead, she plays tennis all day,辨析 instead与 instead of,9. you should offer to help.教材P27 3a,offer动词,意为“主动提出,自愿给予”。 offer to d

13、o sth.意为“主动提出事”。 例如 He offered to help me wash my clothes. ( 他主动提出帮我洗衣服。 ) 辨析 offer与 provide,随堂练习 1.(2016山东泰安) How is George now? I hear the manager him a good job , but he refused it . A. she B offered C.passed D.paid 2.(2016广西玉林) Some people think its the parents job to their children a clean and

14、comfortable environment at hone . A.offer;to B.offer;with C.provide;with D.provide;to,10. You should explain that you dont mind him watching TV all the time. 教材P273a,句子分析 that you don t mind.是一个宾语从句,作动词 explain的宾语 explain动词,“解释;说明;讲解”。 常构成短语: explain sth.to sb.向某人 解释某事。 Please explain this problem t

15、o us. 温馨提示 explain不可接双宾语,但是可用于以下结构:explain+that/wh-从句。 Can you explain why you are late,mind sb. doing sth.意为“介意某人做某事” 也可表示为 mind ones doing sth. In fact, my parents dont mind me playing basketball. Would you mind my sitting here? 随堂演练 1.He me his reason for not coming yesterday. A.explained B.told

16、C.asked D.said 2.Do you mind ? Im feeling pretty tired . A. to drive B.drive C. driving D. to driving,Section B,1.My parents give me a lot of pressure about school. 教材P29 1c,pressure不可数名词,“(物理学)压力”。 air pressure气压 blood pressure血压 不可数名词,=stress,作“心理压力”讲时也可用复数形式。 Some people work better under pressure. 拓展 press动词,“按;压” He pressed the bell to call the nurse. 随堂练习 Dont give them too much (压力). They are hard-working enough,pressure,2.I have to compete with my classmates at school. 教材P29 c1,compete不及



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