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1、明珠中学2016学年第二学期期中考试七年级英语试卷时间:90分钟 满分:100分 考试说明:本试卷共9页,其中试题7页,答题纸2页,所有答案请写在答题纸上,写在试卷上不得分。Part Two Vocabulary and GrammarI.Choose the best answer(15%)1.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?A)Whats the meaning of this word?B)Her boyfriends death made her

2、very sad.C)You can take this seat because there is no one else here.D)My dream job is to be an astronaut.2.Tina has_ one-month-old baby.She loves it so much.A)/B)a C)anD)the3.This passage is very easy. There are very_ _ new words in it.A)littleB) a littleC) fewD) a few4.The children should be taught

3、 how to get on well with_ .A)othersB) anotherC) the otherD) the others5.I didnt think it easy for a young girl to finish so much work in _.A) two days timeB)two-days timeC) two days timeD) two days time6.Judy, would you like to help me_ the painting on the wall?A)put onB) put away C) put upD) put ou

4、t7.Li Lei, which is_ day of a week? Thursday, i think .A)fifthB)the fifthC)fourD) the fourth8._ funny the robot looks!A)How aB) What aC) HowD) What9.Mr.Black is strong enough to move this heavy box. He_ any help.A)needsB) needs toC) doesnt needD) doesnt need to ask10.I was in such a hurry this morni

5、ng that i _ my history book at home.A)forgotB)putC) leftD) found11.Mr King has _ exciting it was South Africa.He will be back next month.A)been toB) been atC) gone toD) gone in12._notes carefully and then you can learn English better in this way.A)To takeB)TakeC) TakingD) Took13.Youd better _too muc

6、h time playing computer games.A)not spendB) not to spendC) not spentD) not spending14.You wont catch the last bus _ you hurry up.A)to goB) goC) goingD) went15.-Im afraid the work is too difficult for me. -_.A) Try it again.B) Im sorry to hear that.C) Thats all right.D) Dont give it up.You can do it.

7、【答案】:1-5. BBCAA 6-10. CBCCC 11-15. CBACD 【分析】1. 音标题,考查元音字母e的发音。2. 考查定冠词a的用法3. 修饰可数名词,几乎没有用few4. 考连词 others表示其他的人5. 两天的时间6. 考查词组 put up 张贴,挂7. 考查序数词,周四是一周的第五天8. 考感叹句 How funny!9. 考need的用法10. 考词义辨析 leave落下11. 考完成时态 have gone to已经去了12. 考时态,前后要保持一致13. 考句型, Youd better not do sth你最好不要做某事14. 考时态,bus 和go之间

8、构成主谓关系,用进行时态15. 考日常对话, 表鼓励II.Fill in the blanks with words in their proper forms.(8%)1. We will repair the air-conditioner as _as possible. (quick)2. We had a hot _ about American history. (discuss)3. How _ I was when I knew that I got an Ain the English test!(exciting)4. I took many _ of the mounta

9、ins when I was in Yunnan. (photo)5. Why did the patient refuse to take the _?( medical)6. An/A _ diet makes your body weak.(health)7. This film on detectives is so interesting that Dad has already seen it _. (two)8. She says it isnt Mikes vase. Its_. (she)【答案】:1.quickly 2. discussing 3. excited 4. p

10、hotos 5. medicine 6. unhealthy 7. twice 8. hers【分析】1. 快速地,修饰repair,故用副词2. 热烈的讨论3. 修饰人用excited4. many后跟复数形式5. The后面跟名词,表示药,故用medicine6. 表不健康的用unhealthy7. 表示两次用twice8. 考查物主代词,她的用hersIII. Fill in the blanks with verbs in their proper forms.(8%)1. Look, how excitedly they_ (run) in the hall.2. Our teach

11、er told us _ (not make) the same mistake again and again.3. Li Hui _ (not see) Helen since he _ (leave) London.4. In the past 2 years, we _ (learn) six tenses.5. _ (not be) nervous. Make yourself at home.6. Teddy _ (prefer) volleyball to football when he was young.7. I think Bill _ (be) back in 3 we

12、eks.【答案】:1. are running 2. not to make 3. hasnt seen left 4. have learnt 5. Dont be 6. preferred 7. will be 【分析】1. 前面有look, 要用现在进行时,故答案是are running2. 告诉某人不要做某事:told sb not to do sth,故答案是not to make3. 自从.用完成时态4. 过去的两年里,用完成时态5. 祈使语气6. 后面是过去式,故用preferred7. In 3 weeks表三周后,用将来时态IV. Rewrite the sentences

13、as required. (10%)1.Jack can hardly speak French.(改为反意疑问句句)Jack can hardly speak French, _ _?2. The hospital is about 300 meters away.(就划线部分提问)_ _is the hospital?3. We lay on the floor inside the room.(改为一般疑问句)_ you _ on the floor inside the room?4. The air in the city isnt fresh. The air in the cou

14、ntry is very fresh (合并为一句)The air in the country is _ than _ in the city.5. stay, they, can, for, under water, two minutes (连词成句) _.【答案】:1. can he 2. How far 3. Did lie 4. fresher that 5. They can stay under water for two minutes. 【分析】1. hardly几乎不,表示否定,后面用肯定2. 对多远提问用How far3. 考查一般疑问句,lie意为躺4. 考查比较级,乡下空气比城市新鲜5. They can stay under water for two minutes. 他们可以在水下待两分钟。Part Three Reading and writing (34%)I Reading comprehension(27%)A. Choose the best answ


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