湖南省蓝山二中高二英语M9 U1 全单元教案:Background information

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1、I. Summary of Canada-land of the maple treeMain idea of the passagean introduction of CanadaPart 1Paragraph 1location, size & geographyPart 2Paragraph 2naturePart 3Paragraph 3populationPart 4Paragraphs 4-7four major citiesPart 5Paragraph 8other interestPart 6Paragraph 9historyPart 7Paragraph 10symbo

2、lPart 8Paragraph 11summaryII. A tree diagram of the text:Canadacitiesnaturelocation,size,geography【来.源:全,品中&高*考*网】VancouverMontrealEdmontonTorontoother interest: Niagara FallsSymbol:maple leafhistorySummary:the best country in the world to live inIII.A retold version of the text Canada-land of the m

3、aple treeCanada is one of the largest countries in the world and was named the best country in the world to live in by the UN in 1996. The country with a population of about 30 million has an interesting history, which is being shown in many museums. Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Edmonton are wor

4、ld-famous cities. They all have unique features that attract millions of tourists. There are also many other places worth visiting, for example, Niagara Falls. In a word, Canada, the land of the maple tree, is a good choice for you to pay a visit to.Section 2: Background informationI. A Brief introd

5、uction of Australia:I.General Facts:Australia is a land of contrast - vast, boundless, and diverse. Its landscape ranges from desert and bushland in the central areas, to rainforest in the North, to snowfields in the South East. Australia consists of two land masses: mainland Australia and Tasmania.

6、 It lies in the Southern Hemisphere. Australias nearest neighbor is Papua New Guinea, 200km north. Australia lies 1920km west of New Zealand, and 2000km to the north of Antarctica.Some interesting facts: Area: 7 682 300 square kilometers (about the size of the mainland states of the United States, e

7、xcluding Alaska) Distances (mainland Australia): o East to West - 3983km o North to South - 3138km Highest Elevation: Mt Kosciusko (NSW) - 2228m above sea level Lowest Elevation: Lake Ayre (SA) - 16m below sea level Population: 20 million (2003 estimate) In Australia, (due to its arid interior), mos

8、t people live along the coastline, and it is for this reason that Australia is considered to have one of the highest degrees of urban concentration on earth. Population density: 2 people per square km. One in four Australian residents is either a first or second generation settler. II. History The A

9、boriginal people of Australia existed in almost total isolation for over 60 000 years. They had no written history, but investigation of Dreamtime stories, cave paintings and etching reveals a culture remarkable in its complexity and richness. Strong spiritual ties link them to the land, which influ

10、ences their lives from birth to death. Before white settlement, there were more than 600 tribes in Australia, whose subsistence was based on hunting, fishing and seed gathering. 【来.源:全,品中&高*考*网】Colonization of Australia by white settlers began in 1788. White settlers included a mix of British and Ir

11、ish convicts, British military guards, and free settlers. The presence of white settlers in Australia from this date has impacted greatly on the lives of the Aboriginal population, and the Australian government is working to address the difficulties and wrongdoings of the past.While initially servin

12、g as a British penal colony, the numbers of free settlers to Australia increased over time, legitimizing Australian society. In 1901, the six British colonies united to form the Commonwealth of Australia (a nation independent of Britain), and the first federal election was held. After a dispute betw

13、een the cities of Melbourne and Sydney over which city should act as the nations capital, in 1908 the site of Canberra was chosen to serve this purpose.Australias identity and population makeup has developed throughout the twentieth century, influenced by two world wars, the decline of the British C

14、ommonwealth, and its emerging global partnerships and responsibilities.Today, Australia continues to operate as an independent democratic country under a British head-of-state, but its future lies increasingly in its geographical location, and its links with the nations of the Asia-Pacific region.II

15、. Translation of reading 加拿大-枫树之国加拿大是世界上最大的国家之一,在面积上仅次于俄罗斯,素来以其绚丽的自然风光闻名于世。加拿大有辽阔的荒原,北起北极寒地-那里的冬季平均气温通常是零下20摄氏度,南与美国毗邻-边境线长达8892千米,据称是世界上最长的没有军队或警察设防的边境线。在东部和西部边界,加拿大濒临两大洋,即大西洋和太平洋。在这片广袤的国土上有冰封的荒原、巍峨的山脉、辽阔的平原、无数的河流以及似乎无边无际的森林。在森林里、在北方的冰封之地有着许多野生动物,海洋和河流中有着大量的鱼类。对于热爱户外活动的人来说,在远足、帆船运动、越野滑雪或雪车旅游中,他们可能好几个小时甚至好几天都碰不到一个人。加拿大人非常喜爱这片荒原,特别是野生生物摄影师和猎人。相信你也会喜爱!加拿大奉献给世人的宝藏不仅是秀丽的风光。加拿大总人口约三千万,其中绝大部分是城市人口。你会为多伦多、蒙特利尔、温哥华和埃德蒙顿而兴奋不已-这些城市均以大都市的生活方式、美丽的建筑和独特的文化而世界闻名。多伦多是加拿大最大的城市,常被称为世界上文化最多元化的城市。多伦多人的祖先来自于爱尔兰、葡萄牙、中国、黎巴嫩、意大利、越南以及其他许多地方。加拿大国家电视塔坐落于多伦多市中心,通常简称为CN 塔。它高达553米,直耸云霄,是世界上最高的塔!【来.源:全,


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