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1、人教版八年级英语第八单元检测题及答案14264 作者: 日期:2 人教版八年级英语第八单元检测题及答案一.单项选择(15题15分)( )1.“What did you see on the desk then?”“There _two bottle of orangeA.was B.were C.has D.had( )2.Are you free tomorrow?Yes ,Im taking tomorrow_?A.away B.up C.off D.for( )3.He watched the children_ soccer yesterday afternoon.A.to play

2、B.played C.play D.plays( )4.Im thirsty .Could you give me _?A.something to drink B.something to eatC.anything to drink D. anything to eat( )5.Many people like to have a picnic _.A.out doors B.out the doors C.outdoors D.in outdoors( )6.The students _the classroom last Friday.A.clean B.cleaning C.to c

3、lean D.cleaned( )7.You will find the posy office_ the street.A.in the end B.at the end C.findlly D.at the end of( )8.Mr Smith _English last term.A.taught us B.taught our c.teaches D.teacches our( )9. I didnt have fun _yesterday.A.to skate B.skates C.skated D.skating( )10._did you do?A.what else B.Wh

4、at else thingsc.What other D.what others things( )11.Listen!The music _beautiful.A.looks B.watches C.sounds D.plays( )12.In the morning he read and _ copputer.A.plays B.plays with C.played with D.played( )13.I visited my parents_.A.on my two days off B.in my two days offc.on my two-day off D.in my t

5、wo_day off( )14.Usually we eat _lunch.A.a hamburger for b.hamburger to C. a hamburger to D.hamburgers for( )15.-_do you wantto have/ -Nothing more.That is all I want . A.What other B.What the others C.What else D.What else things二.完形填空(10题15分)A young man was in love with a beautiful girl.Soon she 1

6、his fiancee(未婚妻).The young man was very 2 but the girl was rich.The young man wanted to make a 3 on her birthday ,but he had no idea how to do it ,as he had very little money.The next morning ,he went to a shop.There were many fine things there-rings,gold watches,diamondsBut all these things were to

7、o 4 .There was one thing he could not take his eyes off .It was a beautiful vase .That was a suitable present for his fiancee.He had been 5 the vase for half an hour when the manager of the shop noticed him .The young man looked 6 pale,sad and unhappy that the manager asked what had happened to him

8、.The young man told him 7. The manager 8 for him and decided to help him .A brilliant (明智的)idea struck him .The manager pointed to the corner of the shop .To his great suprise ,the young man saw a vase broken into many pieces.The manager said ,”I shall order my servant to pack it and take it to your

9、 fiancee.When he enters the room,he will 9 it.”On the birthday of his fiancee,the young man was very 10.( )1.A.becomes B.became C.gets D.got( )2.A.good B.smart C.kind D.poor( )3.A.flower B.dress C.watch D.present( )4.A expensive B.beautifulC.cheap D.useful( )5.A.looking B.seeing C.looking at D.looki

10、ng for( )6.A.very B.quite C.so D.too( )7.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything( )8.A.felt happy B.felt sorry C.was unhappy D.was angry( )9.A.give B. borrow C.put D.drop( )10.A.exciting B.excited C.interesting D.interested三.阅读理解.(20分) A One day John took two of his friends into the mountains.

11、 They put up their tents and then rode off to see how the trees were growing. By afternoon when they were about to be kilometers from their camp (营地),it started to snow .More and more snow fell.Soon John could hardly see his hand before his face.He could not find the road!John knew there were two ro

12、ads.One road went to the camp ,the other went to Johns house .But all was white now.Everything was the same .How could he take his friends back to the camp? John had an idea.The horses! Let the horses take them back! But what would happen if the horses took the road to his house? That would be a tri

13、p of thirty-five kilometers in freezing weather! It was getting late .They road on and on .At last the horses stopped. Where were they? None of them could tell .John looked around .What was that under the tree! It was one of their tents!1.John and his friends went to the forest!_ A .to see the trees

14、 B.to find their way back C.to build their camp D.to put up their tents2.Why could they hardly find their way back? A.Because everything was covered by snow. B.Because there was not any road at all in the mountains. C.Because they couldnt decide which of the two roads went to their tents. D.Because there was only one road to their camp.3.Where did they want th


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