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1、与食物有关的单词及句型 快餐、小吃snack 食品 food 鸡肉 chicken 肉 meat面条 noodles 饺子 dumplings 鱼 fish 鸡蛋 egg米;米饭rice 汤 soup 面包圈 donut 热狗 hot dog甜食 dessert 蛋糕 cake 面包 bread 烤面包加果酱toast and jam比萨饼 pizza 三明治 sandwich 饼干 cookie 炸薯条 French fries汉堡包 hamburger 粥,稀饭porridge 谷类 cereal 糖 sugar盐 salt 胡椒 pepper 牛奶 milk 果汁 juice汽水 pop

2、 茶 tea 水 water 冰淇淋 ice cream面粉 flour 油 oil 桌子 table 吃 eat喝 drink 早饭 breakfas t 午饭 lunch 晚饭 supper蔬菜 vegetables 白菜 cabbage 豌豆 pea 洋葱 onion萝卜 carrot 苹果 apple 香蕉 banana 瓜 melon水果 fruit 葡萄 grapes 草莓 Strawberry(复数为strawberries)桔子 orange面包圈 donutI am hungrythirsty. I want to eatdrink.Would you like some soup? Yes,please. No, thanks.We eat cereal for breakfast. Its time for lunchsupperbreakfast.Are you ready to order? What would you like for_?I would like _ for _. How much for one donut?


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