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1、命题分析 08年上海英语高考的完形填空有了很大变化,作为高考改革的先锋,08以前的上海市英语试卷的完形填空就与众不同。在题量上虽然与全国多数省市一样,但分为A、B两篇小完形,分别占10题。在08年的单项选择缩编的情况下,08年的完形填空题量有增,新增题型“多选几”的题量为9题,原题形的完形填空增为15题,篇幅有所增加。而对新的改革,仔细辨认一下,“多选几”其实就是现行大学新四、六级取代单选的新贵。希望同学们的视线不要仅仅限于高考,英语的学习是不分级别的,作为发达城市里学生,更应该具备这一素质,只有进行多方面的尝试,才会在出现新题型时,具备一定的应变能力。望同学们在今后的学习中,广泛的学习各种英

2、语知识,高考也许只考我们所学的一部分,但当我们对各种英语知识了如指掌的时候,我们还会怕它吗!06上海高考完形填空(A)The term home schooling means educating children at home or in places other than a normal setting such as a public or private school. There are many reasons why parents choose home schooling for their children. Some parents are _45_ with the

3、 quality of education in the public schools. Others do not want their children to have to worry about “peer pressure”, or social pressure from friends. They say it may have a(n) _46_ effect on the childs studies. These parents _47_ this type of pressure will lead to bad behavior such as smoking, dri

4、nking alcohol, and taking drugs.Bullying(欺负) from other students is another concern. Still other parents choose this type of _48_ for religious reasons. Whatever the _49_ may be, it is evident that more and more children are being taken out of normal schools every year. _50_, many questions have eme

5、rged, encouraging the debate over home schooling against public schooling.What then is the future of education? Will this new model of schooling replace normal schools? Will computers and the Internet _51_ our classrooms and teachers? As the debate continues, so do the questions about what home scho

6、olers are studying at home. How can parents ensure that their children are prepared _52_ for college? How are home schoolers assessed to make sure they are getting the same educational standards that school students must have?Finally, there are questions regarding the childrens emotional development

7、. Are they too _53_ their fellow students? Are they _54_ the opportunity to get the social benefits of being in a large classroom of students? As with any debatable issue, the answers to these questions are neither simple nor one-sided.45.A. patientB. familiarC. pleasedD. dissatisfied46.A. activeB.

8、contraryC. importantD. negative47. A. careB. fearC. wishD. deny48. A. activityB. educationC. behaviorD. belief49. A. effectsB. suggestionsC. reasonsD. pressures50. A. As a resultB. On the wholeC. After allD. On the contrary51. A. replaceB. reserveC. representD. release52. A. gracefullyB. emotionally

9、C. academicallyD. financially53. A. free fromB. isolated fromC. related toD. close to54. A. providingB. makingC. takingD. losing(B)Many people of my generation say that there is no hope for the future because of the way that young people behave today.Their first argument is that when we were _55_ we

10、 used to look after the older people in our community and help them. They also say that young people today dont care about anything or anyone. _56_, I think the reason why we looked after older people was that we had no _57_. People had to live with their parents and grandparents because they had no

11、 money. Young people today earn more and have more freedom to live where they want. _58_ this, I think that they are still interested in older people. For example, young people often _59_ to help me when I get on and off the bus with heavy shopping.Their second argument is that in our day we didnt _

12、60_ to be given jobs and that young people now dont look for jobs, but just complain about unemployment. On the other hand, things were easier in the past and it was always easy to get a job _61_ you had friends and contacts. It is really harder today. Young people complain about unemployment and I

13、think they have _62_ reason to complain.In conclusion I think there is _63_ for the future. This generation, like generations before them, has new _64_ as well as old problems. If they learn from our mistakes the world will be a better place in future.55. A. ignorantB. youngC. childishD. innocent56.

14、 A. MoreoverB. MeanwhileC. ThereforeD. However57. A. troubleB. conceptC. choiceD. method58. A. In addition toB. In spite ofC. Due toD. As for59. A. offerB. hesitateC. refuseD. mean60. A. prepareB. regretC. declineD. expect61. A. unlessB. ifC. untilD. because62. A. everyB. noC. thisD. another63. A. p

15、ossibilityB. feasibilityC. hopeD. result64. A. eventsB. questionsC. hobbiesD. opportunities07上海高考完形填空(A)Being alone in outer space can be frightening. That is one reason why astronauts on solo(单独的) space flight were given plenty of work to keep them 45 . They were also in constant communication with people on the earth, 46 , being with people from whom you cannot get away might be even harder than being alone. This is what happens on long submarine(潜水艇) voyages. It will als


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