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1、2014新目标英语八年级下册词汇专练Unit1A)根据所给中文完成下列句子。1.Many _(乘客)got hurt in the accident.2. Take some _(药)and have a good rest. Youll be better soon.3. She is _(躺)on the beach and enjoying the sun.4.Whats the _(问题)with your grandmother?5.They are talking about his _(苦恼). 6.My little sister cut her_(膝盖)just now. S

2、he is crying.7.His dogs_(死,死亡)made him very sad.8.She has a very sore _(喉咙),she should drink much water.9.When we are in danger , its very important to make a good _(决定).10.Aron had a very strong _(护士) first.B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Look! The baby has three _ ( tooth ) now.2. Do I need _(see) a doctor?No.

3、You neednt _(see)a doctor.3. There is something wrong with your throat. Youd better _ ( drink ) lots of water.4. Its important for us _ ( keep ) in good health.5. He has a headache. He should _ ( go ) to bed early.6. It is fun _ ( swim ) in such a hot day.7. Could you give me some _ ( advice ) about

4、 my math?8. Dont be _ ( stress ) out. Its bad for your health.9. _(eat) apples is good for my health.10. Doctors often tell us_(exercise) more every day.Unit2A)根据所给中文完成下列句子。1. Gina _ (自愿做) to help me with my English.2. Lets make some _ (布告). 3. A lot of people in the countryside are very_(孤独).4. Sal

5、ly has_ (几个) friends in China.5. She got a feeling of _(满足) when she succeeded in her work.6. Our school plans to _ (募集) money for the sick student.7. You cant_ (想象)what life will be like in 10 years.8. The old man is_ (聋的) .He cant hear anything.9.I _ (理解) what you mean.10. An elephant _ (扛) heavy

6、things with its nose.B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.What should we do to help stop _ (hungry) ?2. Lets try our best to help_ (home) children.3. The man is blind. The woman is deaf. They are _(disable) people.4.I feel very _(luck) to have a kind friend like you.5. I came here _(special ) to see you.6. We cant put

7、off _(have) the meeting.7. Not only he but also I_(be) good at playing basketball.8. They all volunteer their time_(help) other people.9. Thank you for_(invite) me to your home.10. Along the street you can see many traffic_(sign). Unit3A) 根据所给中文完成下列句子。1. Throw these _ (垃圾) in the bin.2. I dont want

8、to see the film and _ (而且) I havent got any money. 3. I _ (折叠) the letter and put it in the envelope.4. There was a terrible _ (杂乱) after the party.5. He cant swim. _ (也不) can I.6. Could you _ (递) me the salt?7. She _ (厌恶) the smell of smoke.8. The telephone rang _ (在期间) I was having a shower.9. I t

9、ried to find a job in order to _ (提供) clothes and food for my family.10. He _ (依靠) on you to help him.B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Could you please _ (sweep) he floor?2. You will find several shops in the _ (neighbor).3. He _ (develop) the little shop into a big store.4. The streets were littered with _ (rubb

10、ish).5. Could you make your bed and _ (fold) your clothes?6. Did you receive _ (fairness) treatment?7. Could you please _ (pass) me that book?8. Dont do that. Its a _ (waste) of time.9. The climber _ (drop) and hurt himself.10. When youre scared but you still do it _ (anyway), thats brave.Unit4A) 根据

11、所给中文完成下列句子。1. We shouldnt _ (允许) teenagers to smoke.2. Were late because we took the _ (错误的) way.3. Can you _ (猜测) how old he is?4. _ (交流) is difficult when two people dont speak the same language.5. They are always _ (争吵) with each other about money.6. Look at those dark _ (云). Its going to rain.7.

12、 My _ (年纪较长的) brother lives in France and younger one lives in London.8. Its too wet to walk. Well go swimming _ (代替).9. Ill do _ (任何) I can to help you.10. He _ (自愿给予) me a drink yesterday.B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The teacher usually _ (explain) the new words to us.2. I _ (copy) out her notes into my not

13、ebook yesterday.3. They _ (return) from Italy last week.4. The car broke down so we had to _ (push) it to a garage.5. We studied the _ (develop) of babies in their first year of life.6. Smoking can _ (cause) lung cancer.7. You must be _ (crazily) to ride a bike at night with no lights.8. After finishing Unit 6, lets _ (continue) to learn Un



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