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1、 双职工家庭高中生亲子关系探析 摘要新中国成立以来,随着传统社会向现代社会加速转型,男女平等成为共识,女性追求职业发展成为一种常态;同时伴随着不断提升的物价水平,越来越多的女性为了适应与日俱增的社会成本而走出家庭,这就造成了双职工家庭数量显着增多。父母双双就业对子女的教育是否会产生影响值得我们思考。高中阶段是青少年身心健康发展的关键时期和敏感时期,在此期间青少年不但会形成理想信念、道德品质、自我意识、情绪情感、个性人格,同时还需要面对高考的巨大压力,所以这一时期,家庭的影响至关重要,亲子关系深刻影响着高中生的身心健康。那么,作为双职工家庭中的父母如何才能有效地教育引导高中生子女,形成亲子之间的



4、 高中生 亲子关系AbstractSince the establishment of new China, trad itional society was transformed intomodern society rapidly. It is generally accepted that women has the same social statusas men and they should pursue their care er development. Meanwhile, with rapidincreasing in price, a large quantity of

5、 family women have to go out for living, whichleads to general increase in dual career families. The senior high school period is avital time for teenagers when they are pur suing ideals and f aith, cultivating ethicalcharacter, developing self-awareness, consolidating emotion and shaping personalit

6、y.If parents dont pay great attention to their children in this period, many psychologicaland behavioral problems m ay occur easily. Under the background, it is a realisticalchallenge and a m eaningful and worthwh ile topic that we should learn how toimprove parent-child relations and increase effic

7、iency of emotional communication indual career families.In the paper, I take some dual career families of A middle school in Jiujiang as anexample, using case interview and questionnaires on students, parents and teachers tostudy and analyze the internal relations am ong parent-child relationship, p

8、arent-childcontact time and parent-child communication status. I find that m ost students in Amiddle school can get along well with their parents, while a few ha ve a intenserelation between them. I analyzed the pare nt-child relation ba sed on 3 grades andseveral families with different educational

9、 background, finding that senior 1 studentshave the longest communication tim e and the best communication attitude towardstheir parents while senior 3 student have the shortest communication time and senior2 students have the worst communication attitud e because of the pressure ofenrolment. There

10、is no distinct differences on communication effect between 3 grades.In the research, I learned that factors including difference cognition between parentsand children, parents educational level, different parenting styles, conjugal relation,communication time and educational guiding of school all ha

11、ve remarkable effect onparent-child relation in dual-earners families. Conversely, the relation between parentsand children also have a rem arkable effect on students academic records, theirsocialization and m ental health. Faced with these problem s, I put forwards som emeasures including solving e

12、m otional conflict between pare nts and children,improving communication efficiency, increasing care from schools and communities.Key words: dual career family, parent-child relationship, senior high school students目录1导论1.1选题背景1.2研究目的与意义1.2.1研究目的1.2.2研究意义1.3研究思路和方法1.3.1研究思路1.3.2研究方法2概念界定及文献综述2.1核心概念

13、界定2.1.1双职工家庭2.1.2亲子关系2.2双职工家庭问题研究2.2.1工作一家庭冲突研究2.2.2家庭劳务分工问题研究2.2.3家庭教育研究2.3亲子关系研究2.3.1高中生亲子关系现状研究2.3.2影响亲子关系的因素研究2.3.3亲子关系对青少年的影响研究。2.4文献评述3 A高中双职工家庭学生亲子关系分析3.1 A高中双职工家庭学生概况3.1.1 A高中学生概况3.1.2 A中学双职工家庭学生概况3.2 A高中双职工家庭学生亲子关系现状3.2家长对待子女态度3.2.2子女对待父母态度3.3 A高中双职工家庭学生亲子关系的比较分析。3.3.1不同年级高中生家庭亲子关系情况比较。3.3.

14、2不同文化程度家长之间亲子关系情况比较4 A高中双职工家庭亲子关系的影响因素分析4.1家长子女之间理解与认知水平的差异对亲子关系具有显着的影响4.2家长自身文化水平对亲子关系具有显着的影响4.3家长对子女教养方式对亲子关系具有显着的影响4.4父母之间关系对亲子关系具有显着的影响4.5亲子沟通时间对亲子关系具有显着的影响4.6学校的教育引导对亲子关系具有显着的影响5亲子关系对A高中双职工家庭高中生的影响5.1亲子关系对高中生学习成绩的影响5.2亲子关系对高中生社会化和人格发展的影响5.3亲子关系对高中生心理健康水平的影响6从社会工作视角探索解决双职工家庭高中生亲子关系问题的对策6.1改变家长的教育心态,鼓动学生主动和家长沟通6.2亲子双方认识到亲子沟通的重要作用6.3加强学校和社区对学生的关心7结论与讨论7.1结论7.2讨论参考文献附录1:访谈提纲附录2:亲子关系调查问卷。致谢-全文完-



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