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1、第09讲 情态动词知识点及学习目标1、复习情态动词温故知新:1. The retired couple have decided to go to college. Its time for _ to begin a new life.A. they B. them C. their D. theirs2. Do you like watching pingpong matches?Yes, and_ favorite pingpong player is Ding Ning.A. we B. us C. our D. ours 3. Good words can touch not only

2、 your heart but also _A. my B. I C. myself D. mine 4. I cant find my pens. May I use _?Of course.A. you B. your C. yours D. ours 5. The Rio Olympic torch began _ 95day journey in Brazil on May 3rd.A. its B. its C. it D. itself 6. We must protect plants because they are friends of _A. our B. us C. we

3、 D. ours 7. Tomorrow is my fathers birthday and I am going to give _ a big surprise.A. his B. him C. he D. himself 8. Do you know who taught _ German?Nobody. He learned it by_. A. his; himself B. him; him C. him; himself D. his; him 9. My brother will come to see me tomorrow. Ill meet _ at Chengdu S

4、huangliu International Airport.A. her B. you C. him D. them 10. She is my friend, _ name is Lucy.A. His B. Its C. Her D. My 11. How do you get on with _ little sister? Ive just had a baby brother. Im worrying about it.A. my B. his C. her D. your 12. If we just think about _, the boat of friendship w

5、ill be overturned anytime.A. myself B. yourself C. himself D. ourselves 13. They could take care of _ when they were seven.A. ourselves B. themselves C. yourselves D. itself14. Thanks for inviting_ to dinner, Nancy. I really enjoyed it. A. him B. her C. you D. me 15. Everyone likes my grandma becaus

6、e _ is friendly and kind.A. her B. him C. she D. he 16.Nancy has a sweet tooth. Lets make some cookies for _A. me B. him C. her D. them 17. Heres a box of chocolate on our desk. For me or for your mom?Its _, Dad. Happy Fathers Day!A. hers B. her C. yours D. you 18. What a nice model plane!Thanks. I

7、made it with 3D printer by _A. me B. him C. itself D. myself 19. Therere four bedrooms in the house, _ with its own shower.Thats what I want. Ive got a few kids.A. either B. neither C. each D. none 20. Which of the two Tshirts would you like to choose?Both. Then I can give one to my brother and leav

8、e _ to myself.A. another B. the other C. other情态动词情态动词是各地中考的必考点,主要考查情态动词的基本用法,考题贴近生活实际,体现语言学习的实用性。要求考生熟知情态动词的基本特点,掌握常见倩态动词的各种用法。考生答题时需认真体会语境,揣摩说话者的语气强弱和态度。难度适中,一般分值在12分。预计中考关于本专题知识命题趋势如下: (1)各地中考情态动词考查的热点为表推测、许可及义务含义的情态动词,尤其是对must三种用法的考查是重中之重。 (2)自主招生考试的重点将关注情态动词表示推测的用法及情态动词与现在完成时连用。分值为12分。【思维引导】1、

9、表示能力的情态动词 注意:表示具有某种能力的还有半情态动词be able to,但是和can有区别,can只有现在式和过去式。be able to可以有更多的时态。知识归纳 (1) was/were able to do sth相当于succeeded in doing sth,“表示过去有能力做并且成功地做了”。 (2)could have done表示过去有能力做但未做。 例如: The fire spread through the supermarket quickly, but everyone was able to get out.尽管大火迅速地蔓延到整个超市,但是每个人都逃出来

10、了。 I could have worked out the problem, but I was too nervous.我本来可以解出这道题,但是我太紧张了。2、表示义务责任:have to/must和Should/ought to 1.must/have to和neednt的用法 (1)现在或将来必须做的事:must/have to do sth 如:Ori must/has to wear a School uniform. Ori必须穿校服。 (2)现在或将来不必做的事:dont have to do sth; neednt do sth=dont need to do sth 2.

11、should和ought to的用法 (1)should和ought to表示义务、责任,意为“应该”。表示责任义务时语气由强到弱排列应该是mustought toshould,即ought to的语气强于should,弱于must。 (2)与不定式完成体连用时表示对“本应该做而没有做某事”的责备。 例如:You should(=ought to)90 to class right now.你应该立即去上课。 Should I open the window? 我应该打开窗户吗?知识归纳 (1) must/have to必须,一定要。have to有人称、数和时态的变化;must没有变化。如:

12、 He had to see the dentist yesterday.他昨天不得不去看了牙医。 Ori will have to stay at home tomorrow.奥利明天将不得不待在家里。 (2)must强调说话人的主观看法,have to强调客观需要。 (3)不要混淆了mustnt与neednt和dont have to: mustnt是强调“禁止做某事”,“没有必要做”用neednt或dont have to表不。知识归纳 (1)在疑问句中,通常用should代替ought to。 (2)ought to“应该”,否定形式为ought not to或oughtnt to,其

13、一般疑问句形式是将ought置于主语前。如: I ought to write to him today.我今天应当给他写信。 Humans oughtnt to pollute nature.人类不应污染大自然。 Ought we to help one another?我们应该互相帮助吗? (3) need“有必要”,need作情态动词时,只用于否定句或疑问句中。在肯定句中用must, have to, ought to或should。如: You neednt be told twice about one single thing.同一件事对你不必说两遍。 Need Ori come here? 奥利有必要来吗? Yes, he must.是的。/No, he neednt.不,没必要。 (4) need还可以作实义动词,意为“需要”,有人称和数的变化,后接名词或带to的不定式。如: Do I need to leave my telephone number



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