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1、六级阅读理解核心备考词汇归类(U-W)欢迎下载universal a. 普遍的utilize v. 利用underestimate v. 低估undermine v. 暗中破坏undergo v. 经历 great changesunderlying a. 潜在的uphold v. 支持 world peaceVvariation n. 变动 the in temperaturevirtually ad. 实际上verge n. 边缘 =brink on the verge of bankruptcyversatile a. 多才多艺的visa n. 签证visualize v. 设想vulg

2、ar a. 粗俗的vulnerable a. 易受伤的Wwretched a. 难过的warfare n. 战争weary a. 疲劳的wrinkle v. 起皱六级阅读理解核心备考词汇归类(R-T)Rrival n. 对手=opponentreckless a. 卤莽的resort to v. 诉诸于restore v. 恢复restraint n. 约束relevant a. 有关的remedy n. 治疗法resistant a. 抵抗的respective a. 分别的resume v. 重新开始random a. 随意的 at reap v. 收获 =harvestreap crop

3、sreassure v. 使放心reconcile v. 使和解rectify v. 纠正refrain from v. 抑制refute v. 驳倒remainder n. 剩余的部分repel v. 使厌恶;击退;排斥The odor s me./The odor can mosquito。reproach v. 责备=blameresemblance v. 相似resent v. 怨恨 He resented being called his nickname。retort v. 反驳retrieve v. 取回(get back, bring back)reunion n. 团聚=ge

4、t-togetheran occasion for family revelation n. 揭示revive v. 使复苏 economyrigorous a. 严格的 training for doctorsrip v. 撕裂ritual n. 仪式=ceremony/routineHis morning is to make coffee, take a shower and have breakfast。robust a. 健壮的rot v. 腐烂 =decaysustain v. 维持=supportscandal n. 丑闻strive v. 力求 for freedomsubmi

5、t to v. 屈服=yield tostriking a. 显著的scrape v. 刮,擦sensible a. 合情理的stereotype n. 陈规,固定的看法submerge v. 淹没cope n. 范围seemingly ad. 表面上speculate v. 猜测steep a. 陡的summon v. 唤起 How can I up his courage?shift v. 移动;转变 responsibility on to othersscatter v. 。驱散sentiment n. 感情severe a. 严重的 woundshield v. 保护simultan

6、eously a. 同时地sole a. 唯一的sponsor n. 赞助者startle v. 惊吓substantial a. 可观的,大量的=considerable a substantial incomesufficient a. 充分的supplement v./n. 补充He ed his income by taking apart-time job。safeguard v. 保护savage a. 野蛮的 =not civilizedscent n. 香味 The scent of women(Oscar 影片)scrutiny n. 细看setback n. 挫折shatt

7、er v. 使粉碎 It shattered my dream。simulate v. 模拟skeptical a. 怀疑的slack a. 松弛的sneak v. 溜;偷偷地做sober a. 未醉的 Im enough。specifications n. 规格,说明书spectacle n. 景象,大观spectator n. 旁观者spontaneous a. 自发的stability n. 稳定stagger v. 蹒跚stationary a. 固定的stimulus n. 刺激straightforward a. 坦率的 a replystubborn a. 倔强的stumble

8、v. 绊倒subscribe to v. 订阅subsidy n. 补贴subtle a. 微妙的the difference of the two wordssupervise v. 监督suppress v. 镇压; 抑制Ttriumph n. 胜利testify v. 作证thrive v. 繁荣=prospertrigger v. 引发 a debate/wartangle with v. 争吵, 纠葛tease v. 取笑temperament n. 气质tempt v. 引诱terminate v. 终止texture n. 质地threshold n. 开端 on the of

9、(即将开始)timid a. 胆小的tolerant a. 宽容的toxic a. 有毒的=poisonoustrait n. 特点, 特性 personality transaction n. 交易transit n. 运输transition n. 过渡, 转变transplant v./n. 移植trivial a. 琐碎的tumble v. 跌到,翻滚(stumble绊倒)turbulent a. 混乱的六级阅读理解核心备考词汇归类(D-H) http:/ 2009年03月17日 10:40 新东方作者:屠浩民 来源:新东方Ddefect n. 缺陷deliberate a. 故意的

10、=on purposedepress v. 使沮丧detect v. 发现descend v. 下降dim a. 昏暗的disguise v. 化装dispose of v. 去掉; 处理distress n. /v. 痛苦diverse a. 多样的document v. 证明dominate v. 支配drain v. 排走;耗尽discard v. 丢弃 Dont the drink cans carelessly。deduce v. 推断dedicate v. 献给deficiency n. 缺乏, 不足 a vitamin in his dietdefy v。(公然)违抗degene

11、rate v. 退化degrade v. 降低身份deprive v. 剥夺 You d him of his right to privacy。descendant n. 后代destiny n. 命运=fatedestructive a. 破坏性的 The weapon has a great power。deteriorate v. 恶化 His health has d。dignity n. 尊严dilemma n. 困境 A doctors to lie or to tell the truth?diminish v. 变少disable v. 丧失能力disastrous a. 灾

12、难性的disperse v. 分散,消散,驱散distort v. 歪曲divert v. 转移, 使转向 A loud noise diverted my attention from the work。donate v. 捐献Have you d blood?doom v./ n. 注定; 劫数He is doomed to failure。drastic a. 严厉的 measuresdrawback n. 缺点=disadvantage One of the s of living in the XIASHA is inconvenience in daily life。dwell o

13、n v. 总是想;详述 Dont on the past。Eeliminate v. 去除embody v. 体现endeavor v. /n. 努力elaborate a. 精心的v. 夸大exploit v. 利用external a. 外在的extinguish v. 熄灭elevate v. 提高;抬升 An elevator can to the top floor very soon。eligible a. 合适的,有资格的 =qualified John is an bachelor。elite n. 精英eloquent a. 雄辩的 Martin Luther King was an speaker。energetic a. 精力充沛的=vigorousepidemic n./a. 流行病; 流行性的erupt v. 喷发essence n. 实质; 精华 the of his theory/ in eternal a. 永久的=perpetual/permanent/foreverevoke v. 唤起,引起 =elicit The song d a feeling of love in the listeners。expeditio



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