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1、高二英语拔尖训练6命题人:杨荣一:单词词性词形训练( 1 ) 服务,服役,开(饭),上(菜),仆人,佣人 1. Do you need the _ of a lawyer? 2. The _ in this restaurant is excellent. 3. What time is breakfast _ in this hotel? 4. You should _ your country. 5. They keep two _: a cook and a gardener. ( 2 ) 短,矮,缺,缺点,短处,立刻,不久,缩短 1. You have cut my hair _. 2

2、. The doctor is with another patient now but will see you _. 3. We all have our _. 4. Our group is two people _. 5. The letter is too long. Can you _ it a little? ( 3 ) 羞涩,胆小,腼腆,不好意思 1. Because of her _ Molly is unhappy at meeting or talking with people .she doesnt know well. 2. Mary answers very _

3、when she is asked a question. 3. The man was too _ to ask her to dance. ( 4 ) 寂静,安静,沉默 1. He was _ about his early life. 2. They walked on in _. 3. Your _ on recent events surprises me. 4. The man worked leisurely, _. ( 5 ) 简单,简朴 1. We live very _: we do not have large meals or rich clothes. 2. Give

4、 the directions as _ as possible. 3. She wasnt as _ as people thought. 4. He set out his ideas in _ English. ( 6 ) 轻微,微小 1. She had a _ fever. 2. It is only a _ injury, not at all serious. 3. Im afraid Im _drunk. 4. The patient is _ better. ( 7 ) 社会,社会主义 1. Ours is a _ country. 2. The family is a _

5、unit. 3. My wife is a warm, _ person. 4. He was a danger to _. 5. Bees are _ insects. ( 8 ) 柔软,温和 1. She was very pretty - _ brown hair and big dark eyes. 2. Would your friends mind speaking a little more _? 3. The doorbell is almost too _ to hear. ( 9 ) 力量,力气,强壮,结实,强烈 1. In union there is _. 2. I _

6、 object to your saying that. 3. The wind is so _ that they have to fight their way through it. 4. I need a _ box for my books. 5. Hes not _ enough to resist the temptation. ( 10 ) 成功,继续,有成就 1. I did not _ in my first lecture. 2. He has had great _ in his life. 3. Were you _ in finding a new house? 4

7、. He is a _ writer. 5. I finished my training _ . 二 完形填空1.The lecture on smoking was over at last. As we boys were rushing towards the playground, Jim slipped by the table. The watch, which Mrs. Smith had _1_ on the table as she started her lecture, disappeared.We were _2_ to go back for class again

8、 when the headmaster called us _3_ and said, Ive got a little _4_ for you boys. Mrs. Smith has just lost her watch on the playground. This kind of thing has happened _5_, she says - it just _6_ off her wrist(手腕). So, look around for it, will you? _7_ if youre clever enough to find it. Lets _8_ it cl

9、ear the boy who does _9_ will get a useful reward(奖赏).At once we started looking for the watch. Everybody wished to be the _10_ one. Suddenly, Jim stopped and bent down as if to _11_ something. And _12_ he was in front of Mrs. Smith, all smiles, _13_ the watch to her.Mrs. Smith, however, didnt seem

10、at all _14_.In fact, she looked angry. She took the watch without _15_ a “Thank you”.Jim got _16_ a large piece of paper from the headmaster, who _17_ him to write a composition _18_ the dangers of smoking. What could _19_ Jim write about? He hadnt listened to the lecture and had nothing to say on t

11、he _20_.1. A. seen B. droppedC. fondD. laid2. A. aboutB. ableC. sorryD. sure3. A. forwardB. togetherC. straightD. out4. A. funB. trickC. jobD. prize5. A. beforeB. nowC. hereD. there6. A. goesB. throwsC. slipsD. falls7. A. SayB. SeeC. GuessD. Check8. A. getB. putC. makeD. keep9. A. thisB. suchC. that

12、D. so10. A. luckyB. quickC. earlyD. worthy11. A. put downB. give awayC. find outD. pick up12. A. the following momentB. the next momentC. for a momentD. just a moment13. A. handing outB. turning inC. giving upD. sending back14. A. pleasedB. hurtC. interestedD. worried15. A. justB. everC. evenD. almo

13、st16. A. her punishmentB. her prizeC. his jobD. his reward17. A. hadB. madeC. toldD. helped18. A. ofB. onC. inD. at 19. A. poorB. nervousC. quickD. good20. A. lectureB. pointC. matterD. subject完形填空2Jenlins was a jeweller, who had made a large diamond(钻石) ring worth 57,000 pounds for the Silkstone Je

14、wellery Shop. When it was ready, he made a copy of it which looked _1_ like the first one but was worth only 2,000 pounds. This he took to the shop, which _2_ it without a question.Jenkins gave the much more _3_ ring to his wife for her fortieth birthday. Then, the husband and wife _4_ to Paris for a weekend. As to the _5_ ring, the shop sold it for 60,000 pounds.


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