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1、做试题,没答案?上自考365,网校名师为你详细解答!全国2003年10月高等教育自学考试综合英语(一)试题课程代码:00794.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将最佳答案前选项字母写在答题纸上。(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)1. For our English homework we have to write a _ paper.A. three-thousand-word B. three-thousands-wordC. three-thousand-words D. three-thousands-words2. Jack _ En

2、glish in the university for 30 years by the end of next month.A. will teach B. had taughtC. will have taught D. has taught3. Youd better not disturb Jack, _? A. had you B. hadnt youC. should you D. didnt you4. I didnt hear _ because there was too much noise where I was sitting.A. what the teacher sa

3、id B. what did the teacher sayC. that the teacher said D. that did the teacher say5. I had scarcely left the house _ it began to rain.A. than B. whenC. that D. then6. The boy must have gone this way, _ there are his footprints here.A. for B. orC. yet D. then7. The doctor suggested that my brother _

4、sit up so late.A. not do B. notC. dont D. wont8. Jane has a very good collection of books, _ are written in foreign languages.A. many of those B. thoseC. many of which D. many9. We should keep ourselves _ of the fresh developments.A. informing B. informedC. to inform D. inform10. You would expect th

5、ere _ strong disagreement about this.A. having been B. beingC. has been D. to be11. Only by working very hard _ a good mark in the exam.A. you have gotten B. you may getC. can you get D. can get you12. After the accident, he seemed _ everything.A. to have forgotten B. forgettingC. to forget D. havin

6、g forgotten13. I _ to go on a holiday but wasnt able to get away.A. hoped B. have hopedC. hope D. had hoped14. Eighty-two people were reported _ in the plane crash.A. to have injured B. to have been injuredC. injured D. injuring15. _ proper preparation John thought it better to postpone the lecture

7、tour till next week.A. Having made B. To makeC. Not having made D. Not to have made16. The driver was asked to given a(an) _ of the accident.A. statement B. accountC. situation D. amount17. He was left in _ of the store when the manager was away.A. charge B. careC. responsibility D. management18. Ac

8、cidents are quite _ on this part of the highway.A. ordinary B. popularC. common D. regular19. When the boy was only four, his father decided to _ a musician of him.A. develop B. buildC. make D. do20. _ medical science, we can expect to live to a good old age.A. As for B. According toC. Instead of D.

9、 But for21. Suddenly the chair caught fire. The boys quickly _ the fire with water and an old coat.A. suppressed B. wiped outC. destroyed D. put out22. Our plan _ unexpected opposition from the retired workers.A. came to B. came byC. ran over D. ran into23. The small family business _ a company of i

10、nternational importance.A. grew into B. broke intoC. ran into D. made into24. Professor Wang is a person you can _ for advice.A. turn up B. turn intoC. turn to D. turn down25. Standing up to empty your basket gives you a chance not only to _ your back, but to look at the scenery.A. stretch B. raiseC. lift D. move26. A great deal of communicating is performed on a person-to-person _ by the simple means of speech.A. base B. foundationC. ground D. basis27. Take the money with you _ something unexpected happens.A. now that


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