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1、PP 学习通-双试定位学习法- 名师精讲同步课堂 课程编码 77822我的学习我做主 -版权所有-未经授权不得使用【本讲教育信息】一、教学内容:语法专项(三)(一)数词数词的定义:表示“多少”和“第几“的词,叫数词。其用法相当于名词或者形容词。数词分为基数词和序数词两种。 基数词:表示数目的词是基数词,最基本的数词如下:1 one, 2 two, 3 three, 4 four, 5 five, 6 six, 7 seven, 8 eight, 9 nine, 10 ten, 11 eleven, 12 twelve, 13 thirteen, 14 fourteen, 15 fifteen,

2、 16 sixteen, 17 seventeen, 18 eighteen, 19 nineteen, 20 twenty, 30 thirty, 40 forty, 50 fifty, 60 sixty, 70 seventy, 80 eighty, 90 ninety,100 a hundred, 1,000 a thousand, 1,000,000 a million, 1,000,000,000 a billion. 基数词 1-12 是独立单词,需逐个记忆。基数词 13 - 19 是个位数词的词干后加-teen 构成。其中 thirteen, fifteen, eighteen,

3、 变化不规则。基数词 2090 是在十位数词后面加 -ty 构成。基数词 2199 是在十位数词后面加上个位数词合成,中间加上连字符“-” 。例如:21 twenty-one。基数词三位以上的数词,在百位和十位之间,一般要用连词“and” 。例如:342 three hundred and forty-two 表示“万”的词英语中没有,如 1 万可用 10 千来表示:ten thousand. 30 万可用 three hundred thousand 来表示。【典型例题】例题 1 There are _ days in a year.A. three hundreds and sixty f

4、ive B. three hundred and sixty- fiveC. three hundred and sixty five D. three hundred sixty five例题 2How long is the river? Its _ metres.A. about three hundreds and seventeen. B. about three hundred seventeen. C. about three hundred and seventeen. D. about three hundreds seventeen.基数词的用法:从句子成分上分析,基数词在

5、句中可用作主语,宾语,表语等。 Four of them went to the factory. 他们四个人去了工厂。 (主语)I want two. 我要两个。(宾语) My classmate is eighteen. 我的同学十八岁。 (表语) 1)编号的事物用基数词:Today we are going to study Lesson Six. 今天我们要学习第 6 课。He lives in Room 801. 他住在 801 房间。a 用 No. No(读 Number)后加数字,数字读基数词。如:No.1 Number One, No.3 bus Number Three bu

6、sPP 学习通-双试定位学习法- 名师精讲同步课堂 课程编码 77822我的学习我做主 -版权所有-未经授权不得使用b 用基数词 词序为:名词(词首字母大写) + 基数词(如用英语拼写,词首字母也要大写)如:Lesson One, Class Four, World War Two。此种方法较常见,特别是当数字较长时。如:Room 306, No.106 Middle School。注意:编号也可以用序数词 词序为:the + 序数词 +名词 如:the first lesson, the Second World War例题 3 Jim is in _ Middle School.A. No

7、.7 th B. 7 th C. 7 No. D. No.7 例题 4I think _ lesson is the most difficult in this book.A. five B. the fifth C. fifth D. the five2)表示“年,月,日”时可以用基数词。I was born in 1971. 我生于 1971 年。例题 5His sister was born_.A .in 1998, Octorber21 B. on 1998, Octorber21 C. in Octorber21,1998 D. on Octorber21,19983)表示“几点钟

8、,几点过几分”用基数词。 Its two oclock. 现在是二点钟。Its five fifteen. 现在 5 点 15 分。例题 6What time is it? Its (2:40).A. forty past two B. two past four C. twenty to three D. twenty to two例题 7He stays here for _.A. two and half hours B. two hours and half C. two hours and a half D. two -half hours4)用于加减乘除的数字用基数词。 One p

9、lus two is three. 一加二等于三。5)表示大几倍或者小几倍用基数词。 Five times six is thirty. 五乘以六得三十。6)表示百分数用基数词。 Thirty percent of them is water. 它们当中有 30%的水。7)表示分数时,分子数字用基数词,但分母要用序数词,如分子不是 1,序数词要用复数形式。One-third of the books are mine. 三分之一的书是我的。Two- fifths of the students are girls. 五分之二的学生是女生。例题 8(05 河北)This is a big cla

10、ss, and _ of the students are boys.A. two third B. second three C. two- thirds D. two three 8)表示有小数的词用基数词。 5.5 five point five 注意:1)用复数形式修饰名词使用 of+名词复数PP 学习通-双试定位学习法- 名师精讲同步课堂 课程编码 77822我的学习我做主 -版权所有-未经授权不得使用hundreds of 数以百计 thousands of 数以千计 tens of thousands of 数以万计 several millions of 好几百万 Hundre

11、ds of young people like music. 数以百计的年轻人喜欢音乐。但表示确切的百或千时不能用复数形式,如:five hundred ten thousand three million例题 9We have five _ students in our school.A. hundred of B. hundreds ofC. hundred D. hundreds例题 10There are _ people in the zoo on Childrens Day.A. one hundreds B. two hundreds of C. hundreds of D.

12、hundred2)表示时间距离时,使用含数词的名词所有格形式作定语five minutes walk 步行五分钟的路程Its half an hours walk from my home to the school. 从我家到学校是步行半小时的路程。例题 11Its about _.A. half hours walk B. half hour walk C. half hours walk D. half an hours walk3)由数词和其他名词构成的名词性短语作定语时,其中的名词用单数,名词性短语各部分用-连接。Its a five-minute walk from the cla

13、ssroom to the library. 从教室到图书馆需走 5 分钟。He is a sixteen-year-old boy.他是一个十六岁男孩。例题 12Henry is a _ schoolboyA. 12 years B. 12 years old C. 12-year-old D. 12-years-old例题 13The schoolboy is _.A. 12 years B. 12 years old C. 12-year-old D. 12 year old序数词:表示数目顺序的词用序数词。例如:first 第一, second 第二, third 第三, fourth

14、 第四, fifth 第五, sixth 第六, seventh 第七, eighth 第八, ninth 第九, tenth 第十, eleventh 第十一,twelfth 第十二, thirteenth 第十三, nineteenth 第十九 , twentieth 第二十, fortieth 第四十, fifty-first 第五十一, eighty-third 第八十三, ninety-fourth 第九十四 1)序数词 119 除第一,第二,第三,第五,第八,第九,第十二变化不规则外,其余均由在基数词后加上 -th。 2)十位整数的序数词的构成方法是将十位整数基数词的词尾 -y 变

15、成 i 再加 -eth。 3)几十几的序数词,只是把个位数变成序数词,十位数不变。PP 学习通-双试定位学习法- 名师精讲同步课堂 课程编码 77822我的学习我做主 -版权所有-未经授权不得使用同学们需要记住一些特殊拼写的序数词。如:第 1first 第 2second 第 3third 第 5fifth 第 9ninth 第 12twelfth 第 20twentieth序数词的用法:序数词主要用作定语,表语。前面要加定冠词 the。但序词前如果有物主代词或名词所有格一般不用 the。The fifth lesson is very easy to learn. 第五课很好学。You are the first one I believe. 你是我最相信的人。例题 14I think that the _century will bring us more hopes.A. twenty-one B. twentieth-first C. twenty-first D. twentieth-one 例题 15Tuesday is _ day of the week.A. two B. the second C. three D. the third例题 16 September is the _ month of the year.She is the _ wo


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