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1、本资料来自英语自考网 http:/英语自考网 以优质资料及高效的访问速度,为大家提供最新自考信息,祝愿大家早日毕业!非谓语在句中的用法一. 作主语:动名词表事情(抽象) ,不定式表动作(具体)Playing chess is my favourite.Its no use (good,) doing sth.To play chess is the only activity of the old man this afternoon.二. 作宾语: 四种情况:1)只能接不定式做宾语的动词:决心学会想希望,拒绝设法愿假装;提供答应选计划,同意请求帮一帮。Decide/determine, l

2、earn, want, expect/hope/wishRefuse, manage, care, pretendOffer, promise, choose, planAgree, ask/beg, help2) 经常接动名词做宾语:考虑建议盼原谅,承认推迟没想到,避免错过继续练,否认完成停欣赏,不禁介意准逃亡,想象禁止冒风险。本资料来自英语自考网 http:/英语自考网 以优质资料及高效的访问速度,为大家提供最新自考信息,祝愿大家早日毕业!Consider/suggest/advice, look forward to , excuse/pardenAdmit, delay, fancy

3、Avoid, miss, keep/keep on, pacticeDeny, finish, stop, enjoy/appreciateCant help, mind, allow/permit, escape,imagine, forbid, risk 在下列词组之后用动名词做宾语:be used to , look forward to , devote to, stick to , object to, get down to , pay attention to, cant stand , give up, feel like, insist on, put off, thank

4、you for, apologize for, be busy in, have difficulty /trouble in, have good and a wonderful/hard time.3)两者都能接, 意思差异不大:love, like (dislike), hate, start, begin, continue, forgive4) 两者都能接, 意思差异很大:forget, remember, regret, stop, try, mean, go on, cant help5) 习语:a) allow/ advice/ forbid/ permit + doingb)

5、 need/ require/ request/ want + doing (to be done)sb. to do sthc) be worth + doingd) be worthy + of being done (to be done)本资料来自英语自考网 http:/英语自考网 以优质资料及高效的访问速度,为大家提供最新自考信息,祝愿大家早日毕业!三 非谓语作补语:1 动词只接带 to 的不定式作补语:advice, allow, ask, beg, cause, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, intend, invite, lik

6、e, love, order, persuade, prefer, require, teach, tell, want, warn, wish, think, wait for, call on, depend on2 下列动词后作补语的不定式不带 to, 单变成被动语态时,要还原 to.他们是“吾看三室两厅一感觉”5 看:look at, see, watch, notice, observe3 使:let, have, make2 听:listen to, hear1 感觉: feel2. 另外, find, catch, keep, leave 常接现在与过去分词作补语。四, 作状语1

7、 不定式作状语表意有二: 1)目的 2)结果 1) 目的:He sat down to have a rest.To make the program better, he checked up reference books.They pulled down small houses in town in order to build the better ones.Fields are cleaned twice so as to plant.本资料来自英语自考网 http:/英语自考网 以优质资料及高效的访问速度,为大家提供最新自考信息,祝愿大家早日毕业!2) 结果:The teach

8、er intended to ask ten of the students to leave only to see two later.She searched the whole place only to find a bundle of keys.3)特殊情况:a 动词不定式的在介词: but ,other, than 之后时,如果其前是 do 的变形,不定使不带 to., 否则带 to.I could do nothing but /other than wait.He had nothing to do but/ other than wait.We have no choice

9、 but to wait.I cant choose but to wait2. 分词作状语:1) 分词作状语,其逻辑主语式句子的主语。2) 分词作状语,前置表示:时间,原因,条件;后置表示:让步,伴随,结果。3) 分词可以带加强词:when, while4) 固定非谓语搭配作状语:Generally speaking,Frankly speaking, Judging from his appearance, 本资料来自英语自考网 http:/英语自考网 以优质资料及高效的访问速度,为大家提供最新自考信息,祝愿大家早日毕业!To tell you the truth, Considerin

10、g , Weather permitting, 五 定语不定式做定语一般用主动,其修饰的中心词常为不定式的宾语:Have you got anything to send?I borrowed some books to read during the holidays.*不定式用被动的两种表意: 1)客观。 2)主语不参加不定式动作。The meeting to be held in the afternoon has been put off.The question to be discussed at the tomorrows meeting is a very important

11、one.We are expecting to attend the Olympic Games to be held in 2008.Sir, have you got any clothes to be washed?Im on business. Have you got anything to be brought?做定语的不定式,或不定式所修饰的名词代词式不定式动做的时间,地点,工具等,不定时候应有介词。The Browns have a comfortable house to live in.本资料来自英语自考网 http:/英语自考网 以优质资料及高效的访问速度,为大家提供最

12、新自考信息,祝愿大家早日毕业!Theres nothing to worry about.Please give me a knife to cut with.中心词是: time , place, way , method, means 等, 省介词。We have no money and place to live.Weve found a new way to solve the new problem.修饰叙述词、最高级或 no, all, any 等不定代词时,表将来:He was the best man to do this.Our monitor was always the first to come and the last to leave.I have no more to say.六 作表语:情绪动词:Im surprised at the news.The early news is surprising.本资料来自英语自考网 http:/英语自考网 以优质资料及高效的访问速度,为大家提供最新自考信息,祝愿大家早日毕业!


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