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1、非谓语动词与从旬的相互关系(一)不定式和分词作定语相当于定语从句不定式通常位于被修饰名词后。与该名词构成逻辑上的动宾关系。如果不定式与所修饰名词在意思上是被动且逻辑上的主语不出现时,要用不定式的被动式,与所修饰名词构成逻辑上的主谓关系。分词作定语时,单个分词置于名词之前,分词短语置于名词之后,与名词构成主谓关系或被动主谓关系。定语从句和不定式、分词作定语只是两种不同的表达方式,本质是相同的。例如:I have many letters to type(动宾关系)I have many letters which I should typeI have many letters to be ty

2、ped( 被动主谓关系)I havemanyletterswhich areto be typed by other The standing people shouted at the dean( 主谓关系)(二) 不定式和分词作状语相当于状语从句1不定式多作目的状语和结果状语故可以转化为相应的目的状语从句和结果状语从句。例如:Mother got up early to catch the early bus(目的状语)Mother got 叩 early 80 as to(iorder to)catch the early busMother got up early 80 that(i

3、n order that)she migllt catchthe early bus【注意】80 as to 和 80 that 不可放在句首。She is too young to join the army( 结果状语)She is 80 young tllat she cannot ioin the army 2分词作状语可以表示时间、原因、条件、方式和让步等,相当于相应状语的从句。如果分词的逻辑主语与主句主语一致,则用现在分词;如果分词的逻辑主语与主句是被动关系且主语一致时,则用过去分词。分词作状语时,如果其带有逻辑上的主语,称为分词的独立主格结构。分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语无语法联系

4、。例如:Seeing those pictureshe couldnt help thinking of the unforgettable days in New York (时间状语 )When he saw those pictureshe eouldnt help thinking of the unforgettable days in New Y0rk二、非谓语动词与从旬的相互转换(一) 不定式与从句之间的转换1不定式作主语可转换成主语从句。例如:When and where(for8)to hold the meeting is unknown yetWhen and where

5、 Wewill hold the meeting is unknoen yet2不定式作宾语或宾补可转换成宾语从句。例如:I dont know what to do with the matterI dont know what I should do with the matter3不定式作表语可转换成表语从句。例如:IVlywish is to become a pilot after graduation My wish is that I can become a pilot after graduation4不定式作定语可转换成定语从旬。例如:The meeting to be h

6、eld tomolTow is ofgreat importanceThe meeting thatwhich will be held is ofgreat importance5不定式作且的、结果、原因状语可转换成相应的状语从句。例如:They Started off early in order to(so as to)arrive in timeThey started of early in order that(so that)they could arrive in time(二)动名词与从句之间的转换1动名词作主语可转换成 that 引导的主语从句。例如:Toms knowin

7、g English helps him in learning FrenchThat Tom knowsEnglish help him inlearningFrench2动名词作宾语可转换成 that 引导的宾语从句。例如:Ilelnember having paid himforhisworkI rememberthatI have paid himfor hiswork3动名词作表语可转换成 that 引导的表语从句。例如:Our worry is your depending too much on himOur worry is that you depend too much on

8、 him(三) 1 分词与从句之间的转换1分词作定语可转换成 that,who,which 引导的定语从句。例如:The man talking to my teacher is my fatherThe man whothat is talking to my teacher is my father2分词作状语可转换成相应的状语从句。例如:Wllile waiting for the bus-I caught sight ofherwhlile I was waiting for the busI caught sight ofher3分词作宾补可转换成宾语从句。例如:I found hi

9、m waiting for a bus at the stationI found that he was waiting for a bus at the station4分词在句中作伴随或结果状语时。相当于一个并列句。也可和 tII 结构转换。例如:He died,leaving his daughter much money He died,and he)left his daughter much money三、分词的独立主格结构与从句的相互转换(一) 独立主格结构转换为从句1表示时间的独立主格结构可转换为时间状语从旬。例如:The shower being over,we conti

10、nued our joumeyWhen the shower was overwe continued our journey2表示理由的独立主格结构可转换为原因状语从句。例如:Au the tickets having been sold out,they went away disappointed As all the tickets had been sold out,they went away disanppo inted 3表示条件的独立主格结构可转换为条件状语从句。例如:All things considered,her paper is better than yours.I

11、f all things are consideredher paper is better than yours.4表示伴随状态的独立主格结构可转换为并列句或两个独立的句子。例如:He went to the front doorhis students following him(=He went to the front door,folowed by his students)He went to the front dooran d his students followed him(二)从句转换为分词的独立主格结构1从句变为分词的独立主格结构时,要去掉连词,保留自己的主语。然后把从

12、句的谓语变换为分词结构。试比较下面的句子。例如:Mother being ill in bedI Cant go to scho1As Mother is iu in bedI can t go to schoo1 2表示伴随状态的独立主格结构有时可在其前面加用 tll 或 without例如:Hewent away,and not awordwas spokenHe went awaywithout a word spoken3当分词的独立主格结构的含义表示“一般人” ,如 we,one。you 时。主语可以省略。例如:Judging from his facehe must be illIf we judge from his face,he must be ill


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