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1、非谓语动词 -不定式一动词不定式:不定式具有 n 、adj、adv 的特征, 可作除谓语外任何句子成分。否定式:not to do .(1)主动 被动一般式: to do to be done进行式: to be doing /完成式: to have done to have been done完成进行式: to have been doing /例句: 1. He seems to know a lot. (to do 所表动作与谓语动词同时或之后发生)2. The boy pretended to be working hard. (谓语动词所表示的动作发生时,to be doing 所

2、表动作正在发生 ) 3. I happened to have seen the film.(to have done 所表动作发生在谓语动词或特定时间之前)4. They are quite happy to have been cooperating harmoniously with us till now.(to have been doing 所表动作在谓语动词所表动作之前一直在进行)(2)不定式的句法功能:1. 作主语:常用 it 作形式主语,真正的主语不定式置于句后,多表具体动作,尤指某一次动作。常用句式有:1) It+be+名词+to do2) It takes sb.+som

3、e time+to do3) It+be+形容词+for sb.+to do2. 作表语:具体指某次动作:Your task today is to wash the curtains .3. 作宾语:1) 多为固定搭配:给予、买得起试图、尝试管理、处理假装敢于计划希望 意图、打算同意拒绝期望承诺、答应需要教授帮助安排决定 失败提供准备选择2) make up ones mind to dowould like / love to dowould prefer to do .3) 形式宾语:如果不定式(宾语)后面有宾语补足语,则用 it 作形式宾语,真正的宾语(不定式)后置,放在宾语补足语后面

4、,常见词: + it +宾补 + to do .Marx found it important to study the situation in Russia.to do 前有时可与疑问词连用:He gave us some advice on how to learn English.4) 句型:过去常做不得不做应该做愿意做准备、愿意做be sure / glad / happy / afraid +to dobe sorry / anxious / eager +to do5) 省略 to 的句型:为什么不做?不能做只能做最好做宁愿做而不做4. 作补语:1) 在复合宾语中,动词不定式可充

5、当宾语补足语,如下动词常跟这种复合宾语:wantwishasktellorderbegpermithelpadvisepersuadeallowpreparecauseforcecall onwait forinviteencourageexpect forbidgetintendlikelovepreferremindrequireteachwarndepend on此外,介词有时也与这种复合宾语连用,如:With a lot of work to do, he didnt go to the cinema.2) 有些动词如 make, let, see, watch, hear, feel

6、, have 等与不带有 to 的不定式连用,但改为被动语态时,不定式要加 to (主动省略 to 被动还原 to):I saw him cross the road.He was seen to cross the road.五看: 三让: 二听: 一感觉:3) 作主语补足语的句型:said reported sb + be believed considered + to be doneknown found to have been donesupposed thoughtIt is said that he has gone abroad .= He is said to have g

7、one abroad .He was later discovered to have been a spy. 4) thinkconsiderbelievesupposefeel .+ to be 作宾语补足语或主语补足语find imagineproveappointjudge 例: People considered him to be a great leader .He imagines himself to be an able man .5. 作定语:1) 若不定式所修饰词是不定式的地点、工具,不定式后要有相应介词:He didnt have a house to live in

8、 . 若修饰的词为:time、way 、place,不定式后省略介词: He didnt have place to live .2) 若不定式作定语与所修饰词形成被动关系(动宾关系),可用 to do 也可用to be done :Have you got anything to send ? (执行者为句子主语)to be sent ? (执行者是其他人)3) 用不定式作定语的情况:1表将来:The car to be bought is for his sister .2修饰被序数词、最高级或 no ,all ,any 限定的中心词且为主动关系:He was the best man t

9、o do the job .3用来修饰抽象名词:能力机会主意事实借口承诺答案回复企图信仰方式理由时刻 时光某些名词的同根词常跟 to do ,因而也跟 to do ,如:计划提议决定拒绝失败警告焦虑渴望愿望准备就绪例:我没有去观光的机会我不相信他会来访的承诺他没有去那里的计划他没有计划去那里6.作状语:1) 目的状语:He worked day and night to get the money. 若强调目的性,也可加 in order to (可在句首)/ so as to (只在句中),此两结构在剧中时,不用都好隔开。Her mother plans to fly to Beijing

10、four times a year so as to visit her .in order to visit her .注意不定式放句首时,逻辑主语与句子主语要一致:To learn English well, a dictionary is needed. To learn English well, he needs a dictionary.2) 结果状语:常用在 so.as to , such . as to , . enough to , only to , too . to 表意外结果或事与愿违:Im not so stupid as to write it down .Im t

11、oo tired to stay up longer . too . to 中的词为 glad, pleased,happy ,ready,willing . 时并不表示太而不能 ,表示程度:Im too glad to have passed the exam .3) 原因状语:形容词或过去分词作表语时,后接 to do 做原因状语,用以说明产生这种情绪的原因或所表示的情况。常见词:快乐的幸运的高兴的 对不起、遗憾的焦虑的骄傲的失望的愤怒的惊讶的准备的聪明的愚蠢的You will never know how happy I was to see her yesterday .They we

12、re very sad to hear the news.4) 在“主系表(adj)+ to do”中,句子主语与不定式有被动关系,且 adj 表主语特征或性质,此时用 to do 表被动,常用 adj :简单的困难的 、重要的不可能的有趣的令人愉快的美好的舒服的安全的危险的This question is easy to answer .This book is difficult to understand . 5) 不定式的省略:保留 to 省略动词: If you dont want to do it, you dont need to.6) 不定式的并列:第二个不定式可省略 to。He wished to study medicine and become a doctor.


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