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1、课 题Unit 9 What does he look like?(第2课时)一、教学三维目标1.知识与技能:通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握相关外貌描述的词汇和询问 人物外貌的句型,并适当补充一定的词汇,方便学生描述人物外貌。通过猜测游戏锻炼学生的语言运用能力和逻辑推理能力,并能激发学生的学习兴趣。学生学会客观描述人物外貌,不带有色眼镜,以貌取人。2.过程与方法:启发式教学,讨论法.口语交际法和演绎法3.情感态度与价值观:让学生学会尊重他人,不以貌取人。Never judge some one by their appearances 了解中西方文化的差异二、教学重点、难点教学重点(1)复习外貌

2、的描述(2)be 和have/has的区别(3)选择疑问句的回答教学难点准确描述人物外貌,并通过他人描述推测该人物。能用目标语书面表达自己所喜欢的朋友或明星的外貌。 培养学生写作的能力也被视为本课的重点和难点三、教学准备PPT,教学用书四、教学课时 第二课时五 教学过程Step 1 GreetingsT:Hello,everyone.I am so happy to see you .I am glad to be your new English teacher today.Do you think Im a beautiful teacher?Now please look at the

3、screen.Do you know who is she?What does she look like?Is she thin?Is she tall?Does she have long hair?StepII PresentationTask I look and sayT:OK,last lesson we mainly talked about what your friend looks like,right?I know all of you may like beautiful girl.I have a photo of beautiful girl .Do you wan

4、t to have a look at it?Who is she?What does she look like?Is she thin?Is she tall?Does she have long hair?I write their sentences like this:What does she look like?She is thin/of medium heightShe has long curly black hair./big eyes.(reading them together)T:Do you like handsome boy?yeah!Do you know h

5、im?What does he look like?I write their sentences like this:He is tall/thinHe has short curly hair.(reading them together)T:Boys and girls ,Can you tell me when we use be,when we use has/have.(am/is/are)+描述身高、体型或整体形象的形容词(have/has)+描述身体部位的词(长短曲直颜色+头发)/眼耳鼻口头T:Ok!Please turn to page 51 and do 3a.If you

6、 have finished .You hands up!lets see who is the first.understand?T:OK!you are so great!Lets do it like this.There are some sentences for you .Can you do it now?.他长得高/矮/ 中等身高He _ tall/ _/ _ _ height. 她长得很瘦/胖/中等身材。She _ thin/ _/ of _ _.她留着长的直发。 She _ long hair. T:Do you know Yao Ming?He is a basketba

7、ll player right?Who is your favorite basketball player?Do you want to know my favorite basketball player?Is he handsome?What does he look like? Any more?Please fill in the blanks and find out what he looks like. Understand?T:OK!Now we have finished the first task.Lets enjoy a piece of music .Do you

8、know the song?Who is the singer?What does she look like?Now please talk about her with your partner.T:Now there are some questions for you. HomeworkRemember the sentences in the grammar focus Describe your favorite actor or actress 3. Ss think and answer:4. Now write down your answers on the line.5.

9、 Work in groups. Talk about your favorite teacher/friend What does she/he look like?Think and write down your sentences. Is she short or tall? She is tall. Does she have long straight hair or long curly hair? She has long curly hair. Does she have big or small eyes? She has big eyes.T:OK,now do you

10、know how to use the alternative questions?含有or的选择疑问句不用yes或no 来回答。而是根据事实来回答。Lets read it together.Step3 ReadingT:I have a new friend called Clark.He is very handsome.Do you want to know him.What does he look like?Do 3b and then lets check your answers.I give you 2 minutesT:Can you tell me what Clark

11、looks like?T:Read it together.Step4 GameTo guess the people in the class.I say Shes very friendly.She is of medium height.She wears a pair of glasses.Can you guess who she is ?You can ask me like this Is she thin or heavy?Does she wear glasses?Does she have .or.hair?And then students do the same tas

12、k by themselves.Then I say “do you want to know my favorite star?I will give you some information about him ,then you guess who he is ,understand?”Step 5 writing . Show some photos of the famous singer or actor (actress) Ask Ss: Who is she or he?Who is your favorite singer/actor/actress? Ss think an

13、d answer this question. . Then ask them the question:What does your favorite actor or actress look like?Think and write down your sentences.and invite two students to read their answers.While others guess who he or she is .Step6 summaryT:Lets read the grammar focus .and then you tell me what we lear

14、ned this lesson.invite one student to do the task.Be( am is are )+表示(身高体型和形容词)Have/Has+(长短曲直)(头发 ) 含有or 的选择疑问句不用(Yes)或( No ),直接根据(事实来回答)Eg:Does Miss Wang have long or short hair? HomeworkRemember the sentences in the grammar focus Describe your favorite actor or actress Blackboard designWhat does she/he look like? i s of medium height of medium build thin tallshehe has long straight hair; short curly hair ; wears glassesWhat do they looke like?They are.They have. Is she or ?She is . .Does she have.or.?She has .


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