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1、你们两个为什么要打架呀?Why you two had a fight?我不知道,她今天一进来就打我,说要找我算账I dont know, she hit me as I came in,and said “Im gonna get even with you.” 那你要跟他算什么账呀?Whats the big deal? 三天前下午放学回家的时候他在我屁股上踢了一脚He kicked my ass on my way home three days ago,他说有本事三天后找他报仇And said” Dare you turn to me three days later?”所以我今天就打

2、他了So I beat him today.你这小丫头可真是记仇呢,小朋友之间要相互友爱Molly, you are such a reminder. You kids should get along with each other.他才没跟我友爱呢He didnt do that,他从认识我到今天总共踢过我 7 次屁股He ever kicked my ass 7 times,揪过我 5 次耳朵,还捏过我两个 8 次脸pulled my ears 5 times, and pinched my face 8 times.记得那么清楚啊How could you keep them so c

3、learly?这些小事就把它忘了吧,我们还要记些更有用的东西呢Forget the stuff, we are suppose to memory things more useful.老师,什么是忘啊?What is “Forget”, Miss?我开始发现自己和别人不一样是在 5 岁那年When I was 5, Ive been realized that I was differ from others, 准确地说是在 2001 年的 11 月 2 号Exactly, Its November 2nd,1990.现在新书写得怎么样了,和我说说大致的剧情吧Hows the new boo

4、k? Fill me some plots. 我是一个超忆症患者Im a patient with hyper memory.我能清晰地记得从自己记事开始的每一件事情I could clearly remember everything happened.细致到每一顿饭吃的是什么东西What food did I take,细致到每一件衣服穿的是什么颜色What color did I wear.停停停,你竟然把你自己写的东西给背下来了,你真是太有时间了Stop.I cant believe that you recited your writings, you are so time-fre

5、e.时间这东西,留着不用,也不能省下来以后再用,不是吗Time, not taken now, it still flows,isnt it?你的记忆力也好得惊人啊,就算是自己写的也不能一字不落吧You memory is so fascinating,but how can you keep every word in your head?你湖南小姨妈电话号码是多少?Whats your aunts phone number?13769553314去年去过他们家一次,具体地址是什么来着?We visited her last year,whats the address?岳麓区静安花园 C

6、栋 17 号Number 17,C site,Garden JingAn,Block Yuelu.茉莉啊,你记不记得外婆的缝衣针放在哪了,哎,找老半天都没找着Molly ,dont you know where are my needles?I couldnt find them.就在你衣柜里面下面倒数第二格抽屉里They exactly in the second drawer of your wardrobe.哎,真是人老了,记性越来越差了,还好有你在呀All right.Im older and older.So glad you are here.看这张看这张,你们还记得这是谁吗Loo

7、k, you guys remember him?不就是猴子嘛,初中最逗的那个“Monkey”,isnt he?The cutest man in our class.对呀,你记不记得那时候Bingo, dont you forget也就是在这样的时刻,我开始羡慕他们I envy them as time like this.羡慕他们眼神里流露出的那种东西The emotion in their eyes.我从来无法理解他们对于回忆的眷恋,I never understand the attachment to memories.明信片上的每一个字我都能默写下来I can dictate ev

8、ery single word in postcards.旧电影的每一个剧情每一句台词Every scene,every dialogue in old films我都能躺在床上闭上眼睛完整地放映一遍replayed in my head when I lie on bed.我感觉自己是一个没有回忆的人I feel like I am a person who has no memory.只因为我的脑海里满满都是所谓的“回忆”Just because my head is full of so-called “Memory”.背东西不是很浪费时间吗Isnt reciting texts was

9、ting time?我从小到大记忆力都超级差的Ive been poor in memory all my life.前一天晚上背的课文,第二天老师一抽背就忘了Texts recited last night, though lost today.那时候经常抄课本,就总琢磨着I always copied texts at that time,then I dreamed 要是真有那种记忆面包该多好啊What if I really have the “memory bread”?想要记住的东西,吃下去就马上记住了Breads taken, things remembered.而且永远都忘不了

10、And never be forgot.那要是有想要忘记的事情呢?What about things you wanna to forget?好像不用刻意去忘记吧It seems like no need to forget intentionally,isnt it?毕竟没有什么事情是永远忘不了的After all,nothings gonna be kept in mind eternal.人的记忆力是这个世界上最靠不住的一个东西了Humans memory is the most unreliable stuff over all.很多年后,我以全省第一名的成绩考入一所全国知名的大学Ye

11、ars passed,I got the permission of a well-known university.我开始变得郁郁寡欢,也不再愿意与人接触Ive been in blue mood all the day,and not willing to get along with others.在大学里我开始翘课,躲在宿舍里看一天的电影My college life is full of skipping classes,films或是在图书馆看一下午书 or a variety of books in library.甚至仅仅只是坐在湖边发呆,什么也不去想Even just sat

12、 beside the lake, kept nothing in my mind. 因为这些都是除了睡觉之外减少回忆的最有效的方式Because these are the most efficient methods to reduce memories,except sleeping.只要我不去创造回忆,那我就不会有回忆了吧As long as I am not creating memories, I wouldnt have memories maybe.直到有一天,我遇到了一个名叫季白的男孩Until one day ,I met a boy named White.那是 2006

13、 年 9 月 14 日It was September 14th,2006.你是不是那个什么事情都知道的人? You are the girl who knows everything,right?我并不是什么都知道,我只是什么都记得No,I just can remember everything.然后他就跟我聊了起来,上至天文,下至地理Then he talked with me, from astronomy to geography.我发现他其实懂得并不比我少I realized that he knows no less than me.而且我仅仅只是记得发生过什么而已Also I

14、only remembered thing happened.他却能对发生过的事情有着自己的看法Besides, he has his own opinion on events.你虽然什么都记得,可是记得本身又有什么用呢Although you remembered everything, but what are they meant to?你不能改变发生过的事情Things happened,you have no ability to change them.如果没有属于你自己的感情,那它们也没有意义啊If you dont try feel them, they mean nothi

15、ng to you.你叫什么名字? Whats your name?季白White.记忆总是空白的意思吗?Memories always white?如果你非要这么理解的话Like you said.不像我的脑子,满满当当的,但我宁可记忆偶尔能空白Not like my head,but Id rather be white sometimes.怎么说?Why?我觉得它很无情,总是把一切好的坏的都记录下来Its so emotionless,always record whatever good or bad丝毫没有经过我的同意,也没有给过我任何选择的权利Never get approval

16、from me,not give me right to choose,either.但你知道吗,遗忘也不是我们的选择呀You know that?Forget is never our choice.有时候在不经意间就把曾经刻骨铭心的东西就这样忘掉了,没有留下一点痕迹The important things in our heart went away secretly with no mark.毕竟你怎么会去惋惜某个你已经忘掉的东西呢。After all, how can you feel sorry for something youve forgot? 我可以知道你的电话号码吗?Can I have your phone number?可以啊,我发给你? All right, Ill text you.不用了,你说一遍就够了,我能记一辈子呢No,you say it once,and Ill keep it in my whole life.我没有告诉他这其实并不是



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